Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
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9:56a, 2/27/21
It is just amazingly despicable how the media and the Democrats just truly ignore this.

I also wish Republicans would be speaking outwardly about it.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FJB TRUMP 2024.
10:01a, 2/27/21
Getting? This dude cant even finish scripted, teleprompter speeches. Just waiting for warlord kamala to take over. And why does his dumb ass wife get to say anuthing? Did she get elected?
7:10p, 3/3/21

May be real, or might not, but is completely believable.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
oh no
10:43p, 3/3/21
In reply to Rapier108
it's real. 81 million votes are not.
Brush Country Ag
10:45p, 3/3/21
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

it's real. 81 million votes are not.
10:45p, 3/3/21
Maybe? Rapier!
10:57p, 3/3/21
In reply to TRADUCTOR

Maybe? Rapier!
I'm always suspicious of random videos that appear on social media no matter what the subject is.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
4:29p, 3/8/21

4:32p, 3/8/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:


I wonder if Biden has read the title of "Secretary" and tried to hit on him...
6:46a, 3/11/21
Taken from another thread to have a running record in one thread....

7:29a, 3/11/21

Compare this from just 7 months ago. He speaks much more slowly now, and his voice isn't as strong.

Lights on. Nobody is home now.
8:22a, 3/11/21
In reply to Ol_Ag_02
Ol_Ag_02 said:

Compare this from just 7 months ago. He speaks much more slowly now, and his voice isn't as strong.

Lights on. Nobody is home now.
You're right.... but even that clip you attached was pretty bad. It is scary that he's gotten worse.
Line Ate Member
8:31a, 3/11/21
Wow. It is sad that SkyNews has a better take on the president's well-being and mental health than the leader in news CNN/MSNBC/Fox.

Why the media is not pressing this issue 100% daily is pretty damn telling.
9:01a, 3/11/21
In reply to RAB91
Agree. He had the sharpness of a butter knife last year. Now he's working with a baked potato.
12:50p, 3/11/21
The quicker that Heels makes it to the Oval Office, the quicker a Republican gets re-elected.
12:52p, 3/11/21
In reply to zephyr88
zephyr88 said:

The quicker that Heels makes it to the Oval Office, the quicker a Republican gets re-elected.
never going to happen again.

the cheat is in.
oh no
1:12p, 3/11/21
In reply to zephyr88
zephyr88 said:

The quicker that Heels makes it to the Oval Office, the quicker a Republican gets re-elected.
Do you think with HR-1 making the mass mail-in easy fraud law, the amnesty for probably well over 20 million illegal new D voters, the efforts to end filibuster and move forward with court packing, making DC and PR states, and ending the Electoral College, along with full support of the CCP, the elitist globalist great reset marxists from silicon valley to wall street, and main stream media moguls to help cover-up, censor, silence, and push propaganda, that a politician with an "Americans First" policy agenda or even a "protect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution" motive can ever get elected ever again?
2:24p, 3/11/21
Just remember, 81 million votes for an old white racist thats riddled with dementia. Factor in a VP pick that couldnt even get 1% of her own candidacy.
2:45p, 3/11/21
I like this new nickname.

President houseplant.

2:41p, 3/18/21
2:43p, 3/18/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

Well, he's technically not wrong.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
3:45p, 3/24/21
The blank stares are a little disconcerting.

3:49p, 3/24/21
In reply to RAB91
1. He is not the President.

2. It is chilling to see him this bad.

ETA: #1 was directed at the video, not you.
3:55p, 3/24/21
He looks totally befuddled and confused.

That is absolutely the look of someone with dementia.

4:15p, 3/24/21
In reply to SA68AG
He may not have a year left as unfortunate as that is to say (and I don't mean "in office").

It should be clear to everyone now that the Democrats did, in fact, stage a successful coup this election. The fact that this man is this depleted shows they have both knowingly and willingly planted people into power.

Needless to say, given Kamala's inability to stop laughing at everything, much less stage as a legitimate President -- the future doesn't look good in America. We have no leadership and are now vulnerable.
4:17p, 3/24/21
Guess I better order this book to prepare for our new leadership in a few years:

4:31p, 3/24/21
Anyone else notice that as soon as he asked "Who am I turning it over to?" it was suddenly time for the press to leave?
4:33p, 3/24/21
In reply to hgc159
hgc159 said:

Anyone else notice that as soon as he asked "Who am I turning it over to?" it was suddenly time for the press to leave?

Pitiful ...
pagerman @ work
4:49p, 3/24/21
The part that gets me is him looking around the room all glassy eyed, which is not typical of someone that knows what is going on around him.

Someone on the ball would typically be busying himself with preparing for what is going to happen once the room is cleared, organizing notes, taking a drink of water, holding a side conversation with an aide or whomever, not sitting there waiting for life to happen to him.

And that to me is the point: he is not leading this show, it is happening to and around him.

And it is pretty obvious.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
oh no
5:11p, 3/24/21
why isn't a guy like Bernie Sanders super pissed about how the elitist authoritarian left string pullers F'd him so they could use this decrepit old jell-o brain instead?
5:15p, 3/24/21
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

why isn't a guy like Bernie Sanders super pissed about how the elitist authoritarian left string pullers F'd him so they could use this decrepit old jell-o brain instead?
Because he got another pay-off? It was a lakehouse the last time. Maybe he got an upgrade to his DC digs?
5:16p, 3/24/21
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

why isn't a guy like Bernie Sanders super pissed about how the elitist authoritarian left string pullers F'd him so they could use this decrepit old jell-o brain instead?
Bernie Sanders is the biggest phony in all of US politics, and that is saying something. He doesn't believe in anything other than pay offs for himself. If he had anything resembling a back bone, he'd be twice nominated DNC candidate for Prez.
5:48p, 3/24/21
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

why isn't a guy like Bernie Sanders super pissed about how the elitist authoritarian left string pullers F'd him so they could use this decrepit old jell-o brain instead?
He got a new house out of each campaign
7:16p, 3/24/21
In reply to hgc159
hgc159 said:

Anyone else notice that as soon as he asked "Who am I turning it over to?" it was suddenly time for the press to leave?

In no way should the following statements be interpreted as support of this assclown.

But his opening remark was "now it's time to get down to business" inferring that they were about to start a meeting. Immediately after he makes the statement & asks who he's turning it over to, his aides let's everyone know the photo op is done & time to go.

Delegating a meeting to someone else to run is commonly done. Removing reporters from meetings is also commonly done (even by Trump's admin).

Think some context is missing here.

To reaffirm: I despise that man and his sidekick, but an honest assessment of the conversation, his actions and/or mental faculties are not available from this clip.
7:24p, 3/24/21
He seriously has dramatically declined. I do not wish ill on anybody but gosh he looks terrible. Shame on the people who forced him to run
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