Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
489,516 Views | 3350 Replies
Stat Monitor Repairman
8:32a, 8/12/22
9:16p, 8/16/22
9:19p, 8/16/22
This sh*tshow is held together by duct tape, bailing wire, and bubble gum. How in the world are they going to keep it "going" for 2 more years?!? They F'ed!
9:28p, 8/16/22
Looks like my 14 month old kid trying to hand me one of her snacks.
10:17p, 8/16/22
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

Good lord that looks terrible. Dude doesn't know where he's at.
11:35p, 8/16/22
In reply to Get Off My Lawn
Get Off My Lawn said:

1872walker said:

Honestly - who keeps putting him + children + cameras in the same room together?! It's insane to pour fuel on the Pedo Pete angle.

"MAP"s will be the next minority group that is being persecuted. Biden with kids is just making pedophilia look like normal behavior.
2:27p, 8/24/22
2:29p, 8/24/22
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

Bidens ASL interpreter is the must underpaid person in America.
3:39p, 8/24/22

If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
3:40p, 8/24/22
In reply to justcallmeharry
Wait. That's the white supremecist hand symbol from the hacker known as 4chan!
12:22p, 8/25/22
sorry - wrong thread
If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
4:27p, 8/26/22
4:44p, 8/26/22
how does a pedophile vegetable become more incoherent?

no punch line not a joke even though dirty diaper is a joke.
Stat Monitor Repairman
8:26p, 8/26/22

Pepaw BIG MAD!

Credible Source
9:08p, 8/26/22
Oh man, yeah all those people with diabetic children that can't get a job at literally any corporation in the world to get insurance
9:15p, 8/26/22
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Big Pharma only lost this year when Biden's own vaccine mandates got swatted into the stands. Utter buffoon.
10:27p, 8/26/22
Wish they would zoom out of that video to see how many dozens of people were there.
9:17p, 8/28/22
Line Ate Member
12:25a, 8/29/22
In reply to justcallmeharry
justcallmeharry said:

poor guy also forgot about that racist hand signal.
Stat Monitor Repairman
12:38a, 8/29/22
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Wasn't even two weeks ago that the paw was ridin' high.

Now the paw look like he strugglin.

How many people got to be under duress to keep this up?
Stat Monitor Repairman
12:04a, 9/2/22
8:57p, 9/8/22
Peepaw needed a note card to know what to write in the condolence book.

"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
9:02p, 9/8/22
In reply to Rapier108
Rapier108 said:

Peepaw needed a note card to know what to write in the condolence book.

non-working twitter link snipped
BRB. Imagining actual tweet.
12:43p, 9/14/22
5:03p, 9/21/22
12:57p, 9/23/22
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
1:20p, 9/23/22
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

He's actually getting good at recovering when he knows he can't read simple English. What a time we live in.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
oh no
1:36p, 9/23/22
I wouldn't want to suggest that Biden or his speech writers might lie about something, but does anyone have a list of the bridges he's talking about? I'd like to see some before and after pictures of these bridge projects. Also, any fact checking on any republican in congress that has made any comment about any bridge project?
2:35p, 9/26/22

This is the only event on his schedule for today.
Stat Monitor Repairman
2:57p, 9/26/22
We in real trouble.

I can't stress that enough.
oh no
3:00p, 9/26/22
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Nah man. I'm sure if there was any truth to the notion that our commander & chief and the leader of the free world was senile, the news media would point it out or ask some questions about it. Right? Journalists help the people by asking tough questions to those in power and trying to keep them transparent and honest, right? Right?
12:59p, 9/27/22
Potatus Head just delivered remarks outside the White House regarding Health care and the Hurricane.


He remarked almost immediately, "As I look around the room..."

He is outside.
If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
10:15a, 9/28/22
10:18a, 9/28/22
I can't wait for this thread to go to page 45, that picture at the top of this page is just creepy.
10:29a, 9/28/22
In reply to Tramp96
Tramp96 said:

This is just sad at this point....
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