braindead peepaw said he was arrested for being on porch with black family
4,935 Views | 53 Replies
4:49p, 4/26/24

he was top of his law school class
his uncle was eaten by cannibals
he faced off with corn pop and his gang
these fish stories are the best
4:50p, 4/26/24
Imagine voting for that idiot and then trying to justify it. LOL
rocky the dog
4:51p, 4/26/24
Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
- Alfred E. Neuman
4:51p, 4/26/24
In reply to bobbranco
bobbranco said:

Imagine voting for that idiot and then trying to justify it. LOL

And some of them aren't even getting paid to post.
5:01p, 4/26/24
Imagine being a Democrat voter:

That's your guy and Iran is backing your causes for anti-America. What a choice the left has to make.
El Gallo Blanco
5:10p, 4/26/24
Yeah sure thing

5:10p, 4/26/24
i heard joe helped abraham Lincoln write the emancipation proclamation. he is an amazing dude.
5:20p, 4/26/24
In reply to El Gallo Blanco
El Gallo Blanco said:

Yeah sure thing

Has multi culturalism improved America? I think it could have. If everyone was in it together, and had respect for everyone, it could have been a good thing. Right now it isn't.

Hopefully we turn a corner. I've lost hope we will.
5:22p, 4/26/24
Meh, mean tweets
5:25p, 4/26/24
In reply to damiond
damiond said:

he was top of his law school class
his uncle was eaten by cannibals
he faced off with corn pop and his gang
these fish stories are the best
Don't forget,

Kamala was still in diapers around then, but her reply, when asked by her mother what she wanted for Christmas?


(I just threw up in my mouth a little as I typed that)
5:30p, 4/26/24
In reply to CrackerJackAg
CrackerJackAg said:

El Gallo Blanco said:

Yeah sure thing

Has multi culturalism improved America? I think it could have. If everyone was in it together, and had respect for everyone, it could have been a good thing. Right now it isn't.

Hopefully we turn a corner. I've lost hope we will.
The Hubs and I lived through busing. He was in Arkansas and I was in Houston at the time. Those were not pleasant experiences at the time. But the goal was achieved as prejudice and rascism died down in the US...until Obama single-handedly revived and fostered it.
Maroon Dawn
5:36p, 4/26/24
Peepaw remembering how he was born a poor black child and the days when he was sitting on the porch with his family, singing and dancing down in Mississippi
5:41p, 4/26/24
Arrested with Nelson Mandela...

Drove an 18 wheeler...
Funky Winkerbean
5:45p, 4/26/24
In reply to Maroon Dawn
Maroon Dawn said:

Peepaw remembering how he was born a poor black child and the days when he was sitting on the porch with his family, singing and dancing down in Mississippi
5:52p, 4/26/24
Anytime that sack of **** starts a line with..."true story now", "i'm not joking" or "i'm gonna tell ya the truth"....he is 100% making up a story.
5:52p, 4/26/24
In reply to damiond
damiond said:

he was top of his law school class
his uncle was eaten by cannibals
he faced off with corn pop and his gang
these fish stories are the best
America the Beautiful
1776 - 2020
5:53p, 4/26/24
At least was only arrested....he could have very easily been devoured by cannibals.
Hubert J. Farnsworth
6:06p, 4/26/24
In reply to El Gallo Blanco
El Gallo Blanco said:

Yeah sure thing

Trump gets called a racist, regularly, based on nothing, while Biden gets a pass for racist comments that he has actually made. The race wars are a BS scam. The people constantly screaming about racism all vote for the actual racists, the democrats.
6:08p, 4/26/24
Joe appears to be on a crash course to hell. Lies, lies, and killing babies. Repent, Joe, repent.
6:20p, 4/26/24
Heck he might have been... For trespassing!
6:34p, 4/26/24
In reply to damiond
The Joke.
Starring Steve Martin as Joe from Scranton.

6:56p, 4/26/24

7:28p, 4/26/24
At least he wasn't being chased by cannibals like his uncle.
"Well, if you can’t have a great season, at least ruin somebody else’s." - Olin Buchanan
Belton Ag
7:46p, 4/26/24
In reply to Detmersdislocatedshoulder
Detmersdislocatedshoulder said:

i heard joe helped abraham Lincoln write the emancipation proclamation. he is an amazing dude.
Beau died in the Civil War fighting for the union.
8:09p, 4/26/24
If the RNC was not utterly broke, it should be running a commercial with that and his other black lies every day.

8:25p, 4/26/24
In reply to El Gallo Blanco
El Gallo Blanco said:

Yeah sure thing

He left out that he had a rope and was looking for a tree when he was on their porch, like his fellow democrats have done before
8:26p, 4/26/24
Biden is a ****ing dumbass lol
8:29p, 4/26/24
In reply to rocky the dog
rocky the dog said:

Love your work Rocky, but dunno about this one. Have a hard time laughing about FJB claiming to be Angus...
No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See full Medical Disclaimer.
one safe place
8:31p, 4/26/24
In reply to Aggie95
Aggie95 said:

At least was only arrested....he could have very easily been devoured by cannibals.
There is strong proof that he was devoured by a cannibal. Then the cannibal took a dump and named it Joe.
8:51p, 4/26/24
In reply to Maroon Dawn
Maroon Dawn said:

Peepaw remembering how he was born a poor black child and the days when he was sitting on the porch with his family, singing and dancing down in Mississippi
. ____________________________________Sorry, Joe, that was Steve Martin playing Naven Johnson in the hilarious movie The Jerk in 1979. The funniest movie I've ever seen...that's why I remember.
10:57p, 4/26/24
Pinocchio's problem is that, when we tell a lie, we often have to tell further lies to cover up the original lie. These additional lies can easily become increasingly complex, and morally more reprehensible. In this way, a small lie can, if you are challenged further, stray into far bigger and more serious lies

Unlike Pinocchio, #FJB is pot committed to sweep all reprehensible morals.
Ellis Wyatt
11:11p, 4/26/24
Biden was a segregationist. If he was on a porch with black people during the civil rights era, he had just lit a cross and was getting away from the flames.
11:23p, 4/26/24
If Joe debates, it will become a fact checking comedy skit.
11:23p, 4/26/24
In reply to TRADUCTOR
PinocchiJoe never told the truth, so his nose was partially lopped off to make a PP for Mike.

The End.
11:28p, 4/26/24
That is his dementia talking
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