"The adults are back in charge"
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9:09a, 5/1/24
This is what happens when those "adults" let their kids get away with anything. Liberalism is a mental disorder, and the hardworking, law abiding people of this country are paying the price on college campuses, in blue cities, and in border states.
9:17a, 5/1/24
Leftists have always been child-like in behavior. They take rash risks and insist on living in a world of self indulgent fantasy detached from hash realities. They are reckless and irresponsible, though they are also creative and open to new ideas.

The idea that they were ever the adults in the room was yet another self delusion that they ran with, much like the college freshman that insists they know all there is to know that matters already.
Hungry Ojos
9:29a, 5/1/24
In reply to MouthBQ98
Why do you think this is? Is it because liberals generally reject absolute truth? And instead believe that their own subjective beliefs and opinions are actually "truth"? And when their ridiculous "truths" get challenged, they vigorously fight back as if their existence is being threatened?

How is that feasible? How can a world exist with a billion different "truths"?
9:32a, 5/1/24
In reply to Hungry Ojos

Why do you think this is?
Because they do not put someone/thing above them. Self is always #1

Me Me Me I I I
9:32a, 5/1/24
Don't worry Momala Harris will fix everything.
9:34a, 5/1/24
We're at the "weak men create hard times" phase
9:44a, 5/1/24
In reply to Hungry Ojos
It's temperamental and values based. There are some legitimate studies and academic research and analysis into this. The left attracts certain types of personalities and the right attracts others. These are distributions of various aspects that are weighted differently in individuals so there is a lot of overlap but the tendencies are clear and statically significant.

The issue is that people don't know and understand themselves, and often don't want to or care to. It is easier to make presumptions that people do, or should think like you do. When they don't, they can seem incomprehensible or worse. A big issue is as I have repeatedly pointed out that the value systems for people attracted to the left are different than those attracted to the right in weighting. The right has a fairly balanced and wider set of values to consider and weigh, whereas the left (at least those that aren't actual psychopathic personalities) is very strongly compelled by perceptions of caring and fairness and generally regard other values as far less important. The right finds the left unbalanced and misguided, while the left finds the right uncaring and malicious. The conservatives can empathize with the left using their broader by more balanced value system but the left doesn't recognize some of the values that the right takes into consideration aa legitimate, and therefore presumes they are vices.

It really is fairly deeply biologically behavioral and that's why the conflict is persistent.
Hubert J. Farnsworth
9:55a, 5/1/24
I remember the moderates on this board claiming "the adults are back in charge". They were so smug and proud of their vote.
9:58a, 5/1/24
Liberalism is the childishness. It is the desire for the world to work a different way than it actually does. It is a denial of reality. By definition, there is no adult in the room if they are all liberals.
1:35p, 5/1/24
In reply to MouthBQ98
MouthBQ98 said:

Leftists ....though they are also creative and open to new ideas.

Leftists are not at all open to new ideas. Traditional libs, sometimes. But Leftists only seek to ingest info that reinforces their own warped emotional view of the world. They also attack others with ideas that don't fit theirs.
1:45p, 5/1/24
I find the left malicious. No other word can describe the chaos and destruction their policies create.
1:51p, 5/1/24
In reply to BlueTaze
They can be very open, but that includes as a subject the idea of rejection of established and tested ideas, and the institutions based on those ideas. They absolutely throw the baby out with the bath water in their thinking.

There is a divergence here on the left, however thst we should really better distinguish: there are liberals that are open minded and question authority and still generally subscribe to enlightenment rational thinking and science, and there is the radical or hard left, the ideological Marxists and Maoist's and various derivatives that are more ideologically religious is nature and believe in a new man and a revolutionary state and that humans can be molded beyond the limits of our evolutionary limitations by authoritarian conditioning to be willing selfless subjects to the state. This second group lives in a world of self delusions and naive or even manipulative deception coupled at a spiteful resentment that both their personal and collective efforts constantly fail to bring about real progress towards this perfect state. They rage at reality. You can't reach these types, and yes, it is these types that are absolutely closed minded and intolerant. If you aren't one of them you are a subversive enemy of their cause, and they will harm you if given the power.
Stat Monitor Repairman
11:31a, 5/18/24

During this time of uncertainty take comfort in knowing that we got the biggest ****birds alive at the helm.

Exchange sounds like a bunch of kids fighting at prom planning committee.

Surprised nobody yelled out 'show your tits!'
Maroon Dawn
11:36a, 5/18/24

This administration is like being tied to a chair while a toddler walks around with a loaded shotgun
Funky Winkerbean
11:48a, 5/18/24
In reply to MouthBQ98

though they are also creative and open to new ideas.

As long as it's not an idea they disagree with. They are also incapable of conceptual thought and negotiating.
11:58a, 5/18/24
Arguing with a liberal

12:16p, 5/18/24
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

During this time of uncertainty take comfort in knowing that we got the biggest ****birds alive at the helm.

Exchange sounds like a bunch of kids fighting at prom planning committee.

Surprised nobody yelled out 'show your tits!'

Is there any one of us on this board that could have a meeting at their office and imagine it being run like this? I've been in meetings with some of the biggest O&G operators in the world all the way down to your "mom and pop's". You'd be thrown out of both for this.

Our government is a disgrace.
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