Is this really an accurate poll?
2,352 Views | 34 Replies
5:56p, 5/14/24
5:57p, 5/14/24
I don't think I've ever met anyone with a neutral view on Trump and thinking "ehhh I have no firm opinions on this one and just going to withhold judgment until a jury ruled on the case"
5:58p, 5/14/24
I'd say yes as they're a valid poller, but I'd want to see a trend from others as well.
5:59p, 5/14/24
YouGov is a self selecting online poll.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
Funky Winkerbean
6:03p, 5/14/24
The System
6:05p, 5/14/24
I can't imagine any poll being very accurate these days. Who actually participates? Would you participate?
6:06p, 5/14/24
In reply to DenverAg91
So you think people believe that sham of a trial, and will just ignore appeals?
rocky the dog
6:10p, 5/14/24
Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
- Alfred E. Neuman
6:10p, 5/14/24
One person's non-disclosure agreement is another person's hush money bribe.
6:19p, 5/14/24
In reply to rocky the dog
rocky the dog said:

True story time. Had friends back in the early 90s. Their dog was a black lab named "Trump." I would dog sit him when they were out of town. "Trump" liked cooking shows so they would leave the TV on that channel for the dog. But when we were all there, 'Trump" always layed at his owner's feet. Pollsters or telemarketers called, he'd put the receiver (anyone still remember those?) next to the dog who would lick it until he lost interest. (Well, maybe some bacon was involved.)

Friend would pick it back up and say, "He doesn't want to talk to you."
6:19p, 5/14/24
The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.
6:23p, 5/14/24
In reply to Pumpkinhead
Pumpkinhead said:

The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.
No we will have the Democrats to blame.
agz win
6:24p, 5/14/24
Don't believe any polls although you can't spell convicted without a D and O and N.
6:26p, 5/14/24
In reply to Pumpkinhead
Pumpkinhead said:

The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.
No, the idiots who voted in the dementia patient that anyone with a brain in 2020 could see had issues…are to blame.

Sick and tired of the Republicans having to be a nearly perfect while foolish moderates make excuse after excuse for Clinton, Obama, and Biden.
6:26p, 5/14/24
In reply to Pumpkinhead
Pumpkinhead said:

The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.

Agreed, they should have gone with Vivek.
Less virtue signaling, more vice signaling.

Birds aren’t real.

RFK/brain worm 2024
6:31p, 5/14/24
The only poll worth even considering is the RCP Average because it at least normalizes all the other polls to some degree.

So, today's RCP Average on the General Election has Trump +1. Looking at any other poll by itself is practically useless.
6:35p, 5/14/24
It's yahoo, leftist dreamers!
No Spin Ag
6:42p, 5/14/24
In reply to DenverAg91
DenverAg91 said:

Is the person you like doing better than the other guy? If so, then yes. If not, then no.

You're welcome.
An L of an Ag
6:43p, 5/14/24
**** no. Next question.
6:45p, 5/14/24
In reply to WolfCall
WolfCall said:

Pumpkinhead said:

The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.
No we will have the Democrats to blame.

So if A&M hires a bad football coach and we then lose to Texas, you blame…Texas for winning the game?

Isn't the GOP voter base responsible in the primaries for choosing their candidate for the national election?

If you trot out the one guy Biden is 1-0 against and that has the least appeal to the middle voters, and then lose again…you blame solely democratic voters and not the GOP voters who went with Trump as their horse to enter in the race?

Biden is such an unappealing candidate himself thst I could still see Trump winning, but damn the GOP went with the one guy IMO that gives Biden his best chance.
6:49p, 5/14/24
In reply to agz win
agz win said:

Don't believe any polls although you can't spell convicted without a D and O and N.

You can also spell viced as in corrupt or vicious.
7:18p, 5/14/24
In reply to DenverAg91
8:26p, 5/14/24
one safe place
8:32p, 5/14/24
Those polls on hillary all the way up to the day of the election were right, until they weren't.
Funky Winkerbean
8:33p, 5/14/24
In reply to Pumpkinhead
Terrible analogy. Attendance would be a better metric for comparison.
8:35p, 5/14/24
Nationwide polls are irrelevant. Oversample a few large blue states and you can make it say anything you want.

Fifty statewide polls of likely voters would be a much better indicator.

9:30p, 5/14/24
In reply to Pumpkinhead
Pumpkinhead said:

The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.

Gig'Em and God Bless,

9:34p, 5/14/24
In reply to DenverAg91
There have been other polls that have had similar results.
Sq 17
7:24a, 5/15/24
In reply to Rockdoc
Rockdoc said:

So you think people believe that sham of a trial, and will just ignore appeals?

"people" might be forced to reconcile that they support a candidate that was having at least 2 affairs while Melania was home with his infant/toddler

The Lewinsky affair cost the Ds just enough support for Bush to win a very close election

Voters love plausible deniability when the denial is no longer plausible Politicians and parties lose support.
8:09a, 5/15/24
I just find it difficult to believe any Trump voter would switch their vote based on the result of this joke of a trial.
8:13a, 5/15/24
In reply to AggieUSMC
There's a difference between MAGA/Trump and Republican that will generally support the nominee. Do you think the Establishment/Haley block is going to vote for him if convicted?
8:16a, 5/15/24
In reply to Sq 17
Sq 17 said:

Rockdoc said:

So you think people believe that sham of a trial, and will just ignore appeals?

"people" might be forced to reconcile that they support a candidate that was having at least 2 affairs while Melania was home with his infant/toddler

The Lewinsky affair cost the Ds just enough support for Bush to win a very close election

Voters love plausible deniability when the denial is no longer plausible Politicians and parties lose support.
The difference is the other candidate (at least before the D convention) is a child molester with dementia. So kind of swimming in unchartered territory here.
"If you are reading this, I have passed on from this world — not as big a deal for you as it was for me."
T. Boone Pickens
8:24a, 5/15/24
In reply to WolfCall
WolfCall said:

Pumpkinhead said:

The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.
No we will have the Democrats to blame.
...and never Trumpers, just like last time.
8:46a, 5/15/24
In reply to Pumpkinhead
Pumpkinhead said:

WolfCall said:

Pumpkinhead said:

The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.
No we will have the Democrats to blame.

So if A&M hires a bad football coach and we then lose to Texas, you blame…Texas for winning the game?

Isn't the GOP voter base responsible in the primaries for choosing their candidate for the national election?

If you trot out the one guy Biden is 1-0 against and that has the least appeal to the middle voters, and then lose again…you blame solely democratic voters and not the GOP voters who went with Trump as their horse to enter in the race?

Biden is such an unappealing candidate himself thst I could still see Trump winning, but damn the GOP went with the one guy IMO that gives Biden his best chance.

While it is true that Republicans could have selected a better candidate in the primary, it is ultimately the fault of Democrat voters that actively pull the lever for Biden or any other POS Democrat for that matter. The GOP's responsibility is only to override the very poor decision making of millions of American liberals. Liberals don't get a pass since they are ultimately responsible for electing Biden. They don't get a pass because he's their guy, they are directly responsible for all of the idiotic and destructive policy positions and failures of the Biden administration. They've been easily manipulated by left wing propaganda and reject anything with counter narratives without applying a single ounce of critical thought. Their idiocy and willful manipulation by their wholey evil leadership is the greatest threat this country has ever encountered.
9:34a, 5/15/24
In reply to WHOOP!'91
WHOOP!'91 said:

WolfCall said:

Pumpkinhead said:

The Republican Voters decided to go with the one candidate (Trump) that an elderly dementia Biden had the best chance to beat. If Biden's wins (again) vs Trump then the Republicans will have only themselves to blame.
No we will have the Democrats to blame.
...and never Trumpers, just like last time.

If Trump loses, the only reason will be Dem cheating, just like last time.
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