not sure where else to post - creepy
31,476 Views | 163 Replies
9:15p, 4/13/24
This is not outdoors related, but hopefully staff will let me put it here. I've known the outdoors board to help figure some things out.

Yesterday someone drove down our street (we live in a one off street with about 12 houses.. not a neighborhood) and placed pictures at my house and some neighbors houses. They left symbols and weird images, including one neighbors entire floor plan of their house.

Does anyone know what these images or symbols mean? Trying to price things together and going through security footage at my house as well as the neighbors.

Thanks for the help

9:18p, 4/13/24

9:34p, 4/13/24
Similar symbols to astrology but not exact
$240 Worth of Pudding
9:34p, 4/13/24
The first image is the astrology sign for libra. Except the line connecting the two "levels" is extraneous.

Hope y'all have called the cops. What city?
$240 Worth of Pudding
9:43p, 4/13/24
In reply to FTAC2011
FTAC2011 said:

Similar symbols to astrology but not exact

I could see the blue and red thing representing the cancer sign too.

The three forks and the rubber ducky have me stumped though.
9:47p, 4/13/24
In reply to $240 Worth of Pudding
$240 Worth of Pudding said:

I could see the blue and red thing representing the cancer sign too.

9:50p, 4/13/24
Not good
$240 Worth of Pudding
9:52p, 4/13/24
In reply to C@LAg
C@LAg said:

$240 Worth of Pudding said:

I could see the blue and red thing representing the cancer sign too.


Cancer. Look in the same column as the others. Looks nothing like Pisces.
9:53p, 4/13/24
I would think kids messing w the neighbors ..
9:55p, 4/13/24
In reply to $240 Worth of Pudding
$240 Worth of Pudding said:

C@LAg said:

$240 Worth of Pudding said:

I could see the blue and red thing representing the cancer sign too.


Cancer. Look in the same column as the others. Looks nothing like Pisces.
Pisces is often depicted as a yin yang set of two fishes. You are assuming all the pics are tied the same way, when it is obvious ghost duck and trident/pitchfork thing is not.

9:58p, 4/13/24
In reply to FTAC2011
FTAC2011 said:

astrology symbol for nepture is a pitchfork
10:01p, 4/13/24
In reply to FTAC2011
FTAC2011 said:

Virgo 72

The 72 Virgins promised to Muslims.
10:05p, 4/13/24
In reply to fullback44
fullback44 said:

I would think kids messing w the neighbors ..

It 100% is not. It's an adult.

I think they broke into my garage and took the rubber duck and left it as a sign that they have been on my property. I have 4 kids that have a bunch of these ducks.

10:10p, 4/13/24
In reply to FTAC2011
Set up a game came closer to the road and get better pics and see if they come back.

Immediately turn that into the cops and tell them what had happened.

Could be considered harassment or criminal mischief if that's a thing
10:16p, 4/13/24
It looks like there are two matches here with broken ends. Some searching brings me to believe some type of witchcraft symbol
10:17p, 4/13/24
In reply to FTAC2011
Can anyone tell what kind of vehicle this is?
10:25p, 4/13/24
Take some vacation,

Sit outside

Beat them with a baseball bat if they come back


I am almost retired, soon I will volunteer to do these things for people. I try to spread a little ray of sunshine where ever I go

10:29p, 4/13/24
Wow. Hmm
10:44p, 4/13/24
I believe I know who it is.

Would anyone be willing to dm me that knows how to track someone down? Search address etc.
10:50p, 4/13/24
I can fingerprint them for you if you're near B/CS. But, it could screw up any investigation. Might want to put them in protective sleeves for now.

Definitely up your camera presence.

Post the car pics on the automotive board.

Id spend some time near the entrance to your street in hopes of spotting the car even if it doesn't turn down your street.

Might be worth paying a PI to help you keep an eye on things and figure it out.

Sorry you have to deal with whoever this freak is.
10:58p, 4/13/24
This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen on the OB, and that is saying something.

It seems that each thing is personal to the property owner. Have you checked to see if the properties where the symbols were left have anyone with birthdays matching those signs? If the rubber duck thing was left at your house, and that is a thing for your kids, I wouldn't be messing around with this. I would be straight to the police, because that is a threat. Like someone is trying to tell yall they know all about you or something.

I would also be investing in hella cameras all over the street, and have one in the pipe and one me at all times.

Have you considered blowing up the picture of them and their car and putting it up at the entrance to the neighborhood? Responding in kind. I'm kidding… sort of.
11:07p, 4/13/24
In reply to FTAC2011
FTAC2011 said:

fullback44 said:

I would think kids messing w the neighbors ..

It 100% is not. It's an adult.

I think they broke into my garage and took the rubber duck and left it as a sign that they have been on my property. I have 4 kids that have a bunch of these ducks.

That looks like it could be a Toyota Sienna. Look at the chrome trim above the windows, and the angle of the back window. Compare it to some stock photos of a 2021+ Sienna. Hard to tell, but maybe. Doesn't perfectly match- it might be a larger hatchback of some sort. That back side window is distinctive, though.
11:18p, 4/13/24
In reply to CS78
I know their name and some background information.
11:21p, 4/13/24
This is Nextdoor material. Seriously, ask about that car. This is where social media can help. Some old lady or a Karen has seen it somewhere.

And…this is wierd AF. and I'm all tingly reading about it. This is next level chemical imbalance behavior. Even if it's just to get a rise out of people, this is a level of troll that's too wierd.
11:24p, 4/13/24
11:32p, 4/13/24
In reply to FTAC2011
FTAC2011 said:

I know their name and some background information.

Would love to hear what they are up to if y'all can figure it out .. weird stuff if these are adults doing this
11:49p, 4/13/24
In reply to FTAC2011
Is it Robert or Julio ?
12:11a, 4/14/24
Carcosa…the Yellow King
Gig 'em! '90
12:13a, 4/14/24
We did file a police report but they said they can't do anything until there's a threat to ourselves or our property and someone leaving weird signs and pictures isn't a threat according to them. If I caught them in my garage it would be.

If y'all want the details, apparently it is a person that use to live on this street about 30 years ago. He is now schizophrenic - obviously. The adopted father does not know where he is right now.

Obviously I'm very unsettled as I have a family to protect so won't be happy until it's resolved.
1:05a, 4/14/24
In reply to FTAC2011
I dunno, I feel like if I took a picture of a police officers house and put a malicious looking symbol on it and taped it to their car they might feel a little threatened.
1:10a, 4/14/24
He's probably already paranoid so confronting him could just make things worse.

Times like this is when SSS should be totally justifiable.

2:00a, 4/14/24
If you know who they are and are willing to spend a little money, you can serve them with what's called a Rule 202 (I think it is; don't have a book handy) pre-suit deposition notice. Essentially, it is allowed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure to take pre-litigation discovery of things that might end up in litigation. I did this once with a pre-probate matter when someone claimed that they had my client's mom's will and were the rightful heir (they weren't). I deposed her and got her to admit a whole bunch of stuff under oath that allowed me to probate the actual will properly without spending a lot more time on the back end of the probate matter.

Her and her "attorney" never saw that coming and had no idea how to respond. The deposition that they weren't expecting was enlightening and painful, for her, anyway.

You're probably going to have to pony up a grand at least, maybe $2500.
5:35a, 4/14/24
In reply to FTAC2011
That's scary, sorry that's happening to y'all! Since the police don't want to get involved yet, you can try to "work from home" as much as you can to catch them in the act next time and then call the police again if you see them trespassing on your property.
7:17a, 4/14/24
In reply to FTAC2011
"To protect and serve" just words without any meaning behind them.
7:26a, 4/14/24
Maybe get some game cameras which send an instant photo to your cell to install on your property. I put them in random places like on top of the garage freezer aimed at the walk thru door and on top of the gun safe aimed at the closed bedroom door at our hunting cabin. Get a photo of the person entering every time the door is opened. Another is aimed at my gate accessing the property.
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