Since see click fix won't upload from mobile, I'm posting here.
2,547 Views | 13 Replies
7:36p, 9/14/17
CoC, please get the site fixed as for the past year I've been unable to load an issue orbpics on the mobile site.

Anyway, the Domain at Northgate is blocking the sidewalk and ADA ramp with their dumpster. It just stays out all day/night every day.

The Traditions at Northgate is just as bad, but at least if the fence for the new construction is far enough away people can get by... but the domain is constantly on the ADA ramp and I have pictures. They may have poorly designed their building, but this needs to stop. I shouldn't have to enter the street when passing their building on first street.

Also (again) the seeclickfix mobile site is crap that doesn't allow posting, it just hangs up.

I would post pics, but I can't get imgur to work right now.

7:44p, 9/14/17
Let's try this:

8:36p, 9/14/17
That is where they normally have their trash pickup ?
That is really a wicked bad location for trash pickup of an entire dumpster.
8:39p, 9/14/17
You should be able to at least upload photos in the comments after posting your issue. It works on iPhone at least.
9:30p, 9/14/17
In reply to AggiePhil
Thanks for the info. I may try that.
9:32p, 9/14/17
In reply to BlazeHarper
It's there all day too.
It's like they didn't plan for trash pick up when they built it and just assuemed that no o e would say anything about the dumpster blocking the sidewalk.
6:08a, 9/15/17
In reply to Scruffy

Just kidding.
6:17a, 9/15/17
9:53a, 9/15/17
Hi, Scruffy:

Our Code Enforcement office asked me to share this message:

SeeClickFix is an outsourced website that is not controlled by the City; however, as referenced in another post in this thread, the concern was successfully posted here on that site. The issue is now with the city's ADA coordinator and a code officer.

Even beyond SeeClickFix, you can always contact Code Enforcement directly at 979.764.6363 or at They'll be glad to help.

Take care,

10:38a, 9/15/17
In reply to CSTX-Socol
Thank you. Y'all do good work.
maroon barchetta
8:54a, 3/11/24
Anybody ever look around on SeeClickFix and see what's in the hopper and what comments are made?

It's an interesting site. Lots of neighbors ratting each other out.
9:00a, 3/11/24
In reply to maroon barchetta
maroon barchetta said:

Anybody ever look around on SeeClickFix and see what's in the hopper and what comments are made?

It's an interesting site. Lots of neighbors ratting each other out.

It's best used for when the city isn't taking care of their business. They'll then pass the buck 5 times before addressing the problem. Trash accumulation, grass and weeds, etc
maroon barchetta
2:14p, 4/17/24
Looking at this site is sometimes interesting. The open requests can be surprising. Someone really doesn't like a home owned by a realtor that used to be a city councilman in a nearby city.

It's still mostly people ratting each other out for tall grass.
3:07p, 4/17/24
Feels like city is using this as the "Walk" button at intersections or the close door button on an elevator.... something to press to feel like you are making something happen, but the button not really connected to anything that will cause a change.
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