Players in the B10 want Shared Revenue
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11:28a, 7/23/22
In reply to 20ag07
I volunteer for blood pressure medication studies.
Reno Hightower
11:30a, 7/23/22
In reply to rootube
rootube said:

Just a reminder that Kirby Smart just signed a $112M contract and nobody seemed to think this was the beginning of the end for college football.

Because it's only the end of college football if Jimbo Fischer signs $112M contract.
11:35a, 7/23/22
Lots of reasons. I am sure they differ for everybody. A few for me.

college football has always presented the best regular season of any sport. College or pro. Living and dying every week is major driver for me that draws me each week. With expansion this goes away. Same teams get in every year because they can lose multiple games and it doesn't matter. It will allow a few different teams to get in and those teams will cycle in and out each year. Cheapens season. Like basketball, wake me up when playoff starts, the rest doesn't mean nearly as much.

Regional rivalries. Once you have super conferences a lot of these go away, only a few remain. For example, Kansas v. Missouri. Nobody outside of Kansas and Missouri folks care about this game but those that care do so a lot. Some of these types of games will remain but many will not.

Amateur athletics with student athletes matters to me. Otherwise, you just have what amounts to team associated in name only with a school.
11:36a, 7/23/22
NCAA should just say no. "If you don't want to play the way that it is now, then go play in the NFL or the Canadian league. If you're not good enough to do that yet then you can play college football, get a free education and any NIL deal that might be afforded to you.

11:57a, 7/23/22
In reply to merch

Amateur athletics with student athletes matters to me. Otherwise, you just have what amounts to team associated in name only with a school.
And what has changed in this today, vs the past 30 years?
12:00p, 7/23/22
In reply to Showstopper
Showstopper said:

68RebelE said:

Beware what you agree with. I love college sports & ignore the professional leagues. Paying everyone that participates is ridicules. I marched in behind the band for 4 years & now you want to "pay the band" .... and the Corp.... and, and?
If it threatens college sports , grow a pair & just say No!
That's what I'll do!

Calm down. If it spreads to the SEC, the SEC distributions are primarily from TV, and TV barely shows the band, so we can continue not paying your irrelevant BQ and CT asses.
Want to try a home game without the FTAB? The athletic department knows what they contribute. Dr. Rhea has often stated the athletic department has never turned down a request. With people of your attitude in charge, college football would become minor league pro ball with half full stadiums on pay-per-view.

Do you really believe the all the people in CS for the weekend came for the football? Really?
12:28p, 7/23/22
In reply to mortal

Do you really believe the all the people in CS for the weekend came for the football? Really?
If the band never showed up again, Kyle Field would still be full every weekend when we are playing teams that matter.
12:42p, 7/23/22
In reply to 20ag07
20ag07 said:


Do you really believe the all the people in CS for the weekend came for the football? Really?
If the band never showed up again, Kyle Field would still be full every weekend when we are playing teams that matter.

Exactly. Any deals being made will be for players only. Cheerleaders and band member wouldn't have any slice of the pie. There simply not needed if it ultimately came down to it. But I suspect a scholarship for band members and whatever dancing opportunities that come with cheerleading would suffice.
12:57p, 7/23/22
I was wrong about NIL. I thought it would take 10 years for this **** show to reach peak absurdity. After reading this thread, it's here now.
1:09p, 7/23/22
In reply to 20ag07
Arguably nothing yet…though as noted above, I believe that change is coming.
2:10p, 7/23/22
kind of the bottomline...the more "rights" the players get...the worse it is for the fans
2:18p, 7/23/22
In reply to Sq 12 Ag
My comment was based on one of my buddies being TA for a class that had a few players and he said attendance wasn't great and I'll leave it at that. Then again, a girl I was friends with took that Ag class on floral arrangements and they showed up for it, although maybe they had to show up in order to do the arrangements? She said it was pretty funny listening to these huge guys explain why they picked the flower combinations. FWIW.
2:51p, 7/23/22
This does not surprise me at all. My brother and I discussed this when NIL hit and with all of the new huge TV contracts being discussed, this could be the next step. NIL was the gateway drug to bigger and better things.
3:58p, 7/23/22
In reply to Sq 12 Ag
Sq 12 Ag said:

I don't know about now, but when I worked in the athletic department in the 90's, we had class checkers. Coach Slocum would get the list of players that had skipped class on a daily basis.

No wonder his teams sucked and ALWAYS lost if they played a team with a pulse(usually meant playing ND in the Cotton Bowl) to finally play a ranked team since the SWC was so terrible. He ACTUALLY said "when you beat Texas, it's been a successful year". Literally the most pathetic thing a coach could ever say. Jackie had killer instinct and wanted to dominate teams/make them wish they could call the game and go home. Slocum, on the other hand, sucked the life out of A&M football. We won against terrible competition in spite of Slocum not because of him.

He was 3-8 in bowl games. Having said that, I must absolutely give him credit for the Holiday Bowl beat down. I was stoked he was our coach in the early years. Over time, he wore me down. I know he is winningest of all time but it's hollow and means little considering our history since 1939.
4:00p, 7/23/22
In reply to Jimbo4win
And most Aggies said the same thing "beat texas, don't care".
4:05p, 7/23/22
Also, I LOVE where college football is and where it's heading. I think it's awesome. When I watch replays of games from the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc, there is no comparison. Todays teams would throttle those teams. The game is better now than it's ever been. Athletes now are better. The quality of attending games is better and the quality of watching games from home is incredible. I love that players are able to get paid and love that we are one of the haves and always will be. I hope our entire offensive and defensive line are all driving Aston Martins and kicking a** on Saturdays. I also love that players will find out early the expectations that come with being paid. Capitalism is a beautiful thing. I love capitalism in all things especially college football. The present is amazing and the future will be even better. And to those who long for the day of amateurism blah blah..PLEASE PLEASE stop watching and coming to games…Will make the rest of our lives even better!!
4:07p, 7/23/22
In reply to TXAGBQ76
TXAGBQ76 said:

And most Aggies said the same thing "beat texas, don't care".

Yep, that attitude hopefully doesn't exist anymore but I know it still does, especially "old army". I feel
Like Jimbo sets the tone-"we are playing to win national titles". End of story..
6:34p, 7/23/22
In reply to Reno Hightower
Reno Hightower said:

rootube said:

Just a reminder that Kirby Smart just signed a $112M contract and nobody seemed to think this was the beginning of the end for college football.

Because it's only the end of college football if Jimbo Fischer signs $112M contract.

If he wins a natty they may give him $212M
6:45p, 7/23/22
In reply to rootube

If he wins a natty they may give him $212M
Another natty for them, you meant.

But yep.
7:17p, 7/23/22
In reply to Jimbo4win
It seems like "ole Army" are the ones who have not wanted to play tu anymore for the last ten years
7:28p, 7/23/22
In reply to W

kind of the bottomline...the more "rights" the players get...the worse it is for the fans
The fans are about to not have to sit through home games against Sam, App State and UMass. Which is 25% better for TV fans, 40+% for us season ticket holders.

Why is it worse for you as a fan, getting a better 12 week product, if the players get a couple of those dollars?
Jugstore Cowboy
7:45p, 7/23/22
In reply to Loyalty
Loyalty said:

NCAA should just say no. "If you don't want to play the way that it is now, then go play in the NFL or the Canadian league. If you're not good enough to do that yet then you can play college football, get a free education and any NIL deal that might be afforded to you.
Considering what coaches, AD's, various administrators, production staffs, and fundraisers are making off the backs of college football today...

Who really cares?
8:34p, 7/23/22
Stevie Wonder could see this coming, I wonder what the agents will whisper in their ears next.
10:59p, 7/23/22
In reply to TheTruthsLastHope
TheTruthsLastHope said:

20ag07 said:


Do you really believe the all the people in CS for the weekend came for the football? Really?
If the band never showed up again, Kyle Field would still be full every weekend when we are playing teams that matter.

Exactly. Any deals being made will be for players only. Cheerleaders and band member wouldn't have any slice of the pie. There simply not needed if it ultimately came down to it. But I suspect a scholarship for band members and whatever dancing opportunities that come with cheerleading would suffice.
Here comes Title X, requiring all participants in the game day "show," in all sports, to be compensated according to an algorithm of spaceship guidance complexity.
11:22p, 7/23/22
In reply to mortal
mortal said:

Showstopper said:

68RebelE said:

Beware what you agree with. I love college sports & ignore the professional leagues. Paying everyone that participates is ridicules. I marched in behind the band for 4 years & now you want to "pay the band" .... and the Corp.... and, and?
If it threatens college sports , grow a pair & just say No!
That's what I'll do!

Calm down. If it spreads to the SEC, the SEC distributions are primarily from TV, and TV barely shows the band, so we can continue not paying your irrelevant BQ and CT asses.
Want to try a home game without the FTAB? The athletic department knows what they contribute. Dr. Rhea has often stated the athletic department has never turned down a request. With people of your attitude in charge, college football would become minor league pro ball with half full stadiums on pay-per-view.

Do you really believe the all the people in CS for the weekend came for the football? Really?
Do you really think people show up to watch the FTAB? Really?
Ronnie '88
12:03a, 7/24/22
Can everyone who is saying college football is ruined and won't exist because players can make money and transfer, give a date when you predict this will happen? I want to mark my calendar to come back and remind everyone that you were wrong.
7:14a, 7/24/22
In reply to 12thMan9
12thMan9 said:

mortal said:

Showstopper said:

68RebelE said:

Beware what you agree with. I love college sports & ignore the professional leagues. Paying everyone that participates is ridicules. I marched in behind the band for 4 years & now you want to "pay the band" .... and the Corp.... and, and?
If it threatens college sports , grow a pair & just say No!
That's what I'll do!

Calm down. If it spreads to the SEC, the SEC distributions are primarily from TV, and TV barely shows the band, so we can continue not paying your irrelevant BQ and CT asses.
Want to try a home game without the FTAB? The athletic department knows what they contribute. Dr. Rhea has often stated the athletic department has never turned down a request. With people of your attitude in charge, college football would become minor league pro ball with half full stadiums on pay-per-view.

Do you really believe the all the people in CS for the weekend came for the football? Really?
Do you really think people show up to watch the FTAB? Really?

I'd say everyone would head straight to concessions if the FTAB wasn't a draw. Are they gonna sell out Kyle, no, but they're a big part of the game. I'm not sure why you'd argue different?
7:25a, 7/24/22
Fightin' Texas Aggie Band is great [the first time you watch it] but it needs twirlers.
7:53a, 7/24/22
In reply to Jimbo4win
Jimbo4win said:

TXAGBQ76 said:

And most Aggies said the same thing "beat texas, don't care".

Yep, that attitude hopefully doesn't exist anymore but I know it still does, especially "old army". I feel
Like Jimbo sets the tone-"we are playing to win national titles". End of story..

Nobody ever takes this attitude in context. Old Ags lived through college football as a largely regional thing. You had a bowl tie in to your conference that the winner played in every year. Nobody else got squat even if they had a good year.

Yes, beating your rival was always a huge deal and it was often just the icing on the cake to go to the bowl.
8:24a, 7/24/22
In reply to merch
merch said:

Totally agree. My prediction from a year ago is that within a decade college ball is basically dead. I see minor league NFL. At first that may not seem bad to folks but with that I see half empty college stadiums as the sport becomes largely irrelevant (just like every other minor league sport nobody watches).

College football will initially have some kids getting free education and some choosing just to play football. Freshmen or senior won't matter because being a student won't. If you are not good enough to go to NFL but good enough ATM pays you 100,000, you may be on the Aggie team for a decade. Teams will simply be affiliated with the college but not really part of it.

The box has been opened, the sport will destroy itself in time.

If the stadiums become half empty and all line you are predicting g then coaches won't be getting paid a crap ton of money as the well will dry up and something will have to change to get it back or players making money at it will end

No fans means no money and end of sport or more major changes to save it

I predict it will end up somewhere in the middle of pure amateurism and professional lite
8:39a, 7/24/22
I guess this means schools will be able to trade players with other schools to offload their salary and improve their rosters.
Sq 17
9:25a, 7/24/22
In reply to rootube
rootube said:

Can everyone who is saying college football is ruined and won't exist because players can make money and transfer, give a date when you predict this will happen? I want to mark my calendar to come back and remind everyone that you were wrong.

Professional boxing still exists ( I think ) but it will never be as important as it was in the 70's

College football has peaked and has started declining each fan will determine when he has had enough and will stop caring about it.

New fans will not be sufficient to replace those leaving. 9 figure renovations of stadiums will be rare

And major college football will more closely resemble the current bowl system a made for TV product that fills space on the networks but really very few people care Enough about To attend in person & pay high ticket prices to watch

And not major college football will look like double A baseball
9:33a, 7/24/22
In reply to Sq 17

New fans will not be sufficient to replace those leaving. 9 figure renovations of stadiums will be rare

And major college football will more closely resemble the current bowl system a made for TV product that fills space on the networks but really very few people care Enough about To attend in person & pay high ticket prices to watch
Yeah, anybody cared about those Sam, App State, and UMass games.
Sq 17
9:37a, 7/24/22
In reply to 20ag07
The decline has already begun and yes nobody cares about out of conference games against inferior opponents but IMO those games are a symptom of the problem not the cause of the problem
9:44a, 7/24/22
In reply to Sq 17

The decline has already begun and yes nobody cares about out of conference games against inferior opponents but IMO those games are a symptom of the problem not the cause of the problem
"Decline"based on what metric?

Seems like everybody involved is paying more than ever for all of it.
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