Dr. Gates Breaks Cover
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11:28p, 12/7/06
How does this man not have an Ag Tag. Forget the spirit tag, I think Dr. Gates deserves much more than that.

Thank you Dr. Gates and good luck in D.C.!
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Nickel Bag of Funk
11:29p, 12/7/06
Thanks Dr. Gates for your service to the Aggie community. You and the rest of the administration are in my prayers.
11:31p, 12/7/06
I've read 12 pages and I STILL don't know which is his favorite FranStache!!!!!!!
11:31p, 12/7/06
I will be interested to see how much the percentage of Cadets taking contracts increases this year.

In 2006, Thanksgiving and Christmas were scheduled for consecutive days.
11:31p, 12/7/06
Dr. Gates,

You will be missed. I am eager to see what your leadership and conviction will do to lead our country through a delicate and tense time. You are a Spirited Aggie, which is really the best compliment I know. You have forged a legacy for our University comparable to those left by our greatest Presidents, you now join their ranks. Your compassion, acumen, care, and heart have again lit the fire of this University. I will look back on the times I've shared with you with fondness for everything I've learned from your words, and, more importantly, your example.

Gig 'em, and God Bless you,
Andy Luten '05
11:34p, 12/7/06
Here's to a great man!! and a 6:48 news conference...

PS y'all realize we're now going to be following politics extremely closely to see if Gates throws in something that is "Maroonly" tainted,
11:34p, 12/7/06
Dr. Gates,

Thank you so much for your service to Texas A&M. We have been proud to have you as our President and will remain proud to have you serving out nation as Secretary of Defense.
11:35p, 12/7/06
The real question is: what will his screen name be as he posts on the B&P Board from Washington?
11:36p, 12/7/06
"Bush Observer", in honor of Mckenzie.
11:38p, 12/7/06
if this is real: Dr. Gates, thanks.
if this is fake: someone is real smart like, and not very nice
Turk Turkleton
11:38p, 12/7/06
Bob (is it okay if I call you Bob?), Thank you for spreading more Aggie Spirit than any Aggie by degree I have ever met.

Please come back when you're done. You always have a place here, sir. I don't care who the president is at that time, he's out, you're in, final. Go Gig'Em big fella.
gig them
11:40p, 12/7/06
Absolutely Amazing
11:41p, 12/7/06
Gig 'em Dr. Gates!
11:42p, 12/7/06
Dr. Gates,

I was driving to work the other day in my truck and was listening to your congressional hearings the entire time on Fox News. I couldn't help but smile and think to myself of all the things you have accomplished in Aggieland and what you are going to accomplish as Secretary of Defense.

When you answered the way you did about the 12 Aggies you knew so intimately, I couldn't help but tear up - you gave hope to a nation that needed it in a very serious way. I know you will accomplish great things in Washington D.C. and please do consider coming back to Aggieland when you are finished with your duties. Thank you for all that you have given us. Gig'Em and God Bless.

Shawn S. '04
11:44p, 12/7/06
In my four years at A&M you left little doubt in my mind of the positive direction of our University. I can now say the same about the future of our military actions. Thank you so much for your service to A&M and our country!
11:45p, 12/7/06
Thanks for being an inspiration in my life and the thousands of aggie students here. If you transform the pentagon and iraq a third as well as you have helped a&m, we should be in very good shape. Thanks and Gig em!
11:48p, 12/7/06
Guess this means the farewell celebration tomorrow won't be much of a surprise at all. Everybody try to make it out tomorrow night!
agz win
11:48p, 12/7/06
For those that missed Gates' testimony....be sure to read the part in BOLD.

The man gets it.



U.S. SENATOR EDWARD M. KENNEDY (D-MA): Thank you very much.

And, Dr. Gates, I join those in thanking you for your public service, your willingness to come back in and deal with this challenge that we're facing now on national security, defense, and primarily the issue of Iraq. And I'm grateful for the time that we had talking in our office.

And you're going to, obviously, get a good deal of difference guidance and advice here this morning.

But just to really pick up on a sentiment that Senator McCain caught, we have lost 60 soldiers in my state of Massachusetts. I've talked with just about every one of them. And they're really interested in hearing from you about whether you're going to be an independent figure that's really going to fight for the best in terms of our security as we find our security today.

We know, since you have been nominated now -- 59 Americans have been killed just in the 27 days since you've been nominated.

In the 27 days just prior to that, 92 Americans were killed. And in the 27 days prior to that, 81 Americans were killed.

We don't know in the 27 days prior to the first of the year, when we're going to have these, evidently, decisions and judgments and a new policy, how many more Americans are killed.

And the people, the families, in my state want to know whether you're going to be that figure that Senator Warner talked about, that fearless champion of the service men and women that is going to be consistent with our national security.

These families know they were undermanned when they went into Iraq and they were underarmored when they went into Iraq. And they know that the military has served in Iraq longer than they have in World War II -- longer than World War II. They've done everything that they've been asked to do, and they've done it brilliantly, with extraordinary courage and valor.

And what the families want is to make sure that we're going to have a policy that is worthy of their valor and their bravery. And they're looking at you. And that's what they want, for you to make that recommendation, and that you'll be fearless in your battle, you'll be a stand-up person and demonstrate the kind of courage which is going to be so necessary to do.

Could you just let them know that you're that person ready to do it for our national security and for them?

GATES: Senator Kennedy, 12 graduates of Texas A&M have been killed in Iraq. I would run in the morning with some of those kids, I'd have lunch with them, they'd share with me their aspirations and their hopes. And I'd hand them their degrees, I'd attend their commissioning, and then I would get word of their death.

So this all comes down to being very personal for all of us.

The statistics, 2,889 killed in Iraq as of yesterday morning: That's a big number, but every single one of them represents not only an individual tragedy for the soldier who has been killed, but for their entire family and their friends. And I see this.

Somebody asked me about the pressures of this hearing and I said the pressures of the hearing are nothing compared to the pressures I got from a woman who came over to me at the hotel while I was having dinner the other night, seated by myself, and she asked if I was Mr. Gates. And I said yes. She congratulated me on my nomination and she said, "I have two sons in Iraq. For God's sake, bring them home safe. And we'll be praying for you."

Now, that's real pressure.

Senator, I am not giving up the presidency of Texas A&M, the job that I've probably enjoyed more than any that I have ever had, making considerable personal financial sacrifice, and, frankly, going through this process, to come back to Washington to be a bump on a log and not to say exactly what I think, and to speak candidly and, frankly, boldly to people at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue about what I believe and what I think needs to be done.

I intend to listen closely to people. I intend to draw my own conclusions. And I'll make my recommendations.

But I can assure you that I don't owe anybody anything. And I'm coming back here to do the best I can for the men and women in uniform and for the country, in terms of these difficult problems that we face.

KENNEDY: Let me just, in the short time remaining, thank you for your answer.

But you'll hear, perhaps, from others, but I want to give you just one more chance to respond to the statements about what good would your new eyes do when we have had the commander, who, as has been mentioned, has said this in the last one month: "We've got a strategy for victory that will work. I truly believe the only way we won't win is if we leave before the job is done"?

As the chairman and Senator Levin pointed out, the quotes, "There's one thing I'm not going to do. I'm not going to pull the troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete."

"We're going to stay in Iraq to get the job done so long as the government wants us there."

"This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it all." Now, in short, should we believe you or the president on the critical issue whether the administration is really willing to make a change in its policy?

GATES: Senator, I'm willing to commit that, if I'm confirmed, I will be independent, that I will consider all of the options.

But, as I indicated in my opening statement, there is still only one president of the United States, and he will make the final decision.

KENNEDY: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Thank you very much.

Aero Aggie 44
11:49p, 12/7/06
I'm so proud that this past May, I got to shake the hand of the man that is one of the greats that this country has ever seen. Nothing but the best Dr. Gates!
11:49p, 12/7/06
Thank you Dr. Gates! God bless you!
11:53p, 12/7/06
Dr. Gates -
You have made me proud to call this place home.
Gig Em.
11:54p, 12/7/06
11:54p, 12/7/06
I feel for the person that has to follow Gates as our next President. Big shoes to fill!
11:55p, 12/7/06
Godspeed Ranger65! My prayers are with you and your efforts.
11:55p, 12/7/06




12:02a, 12/8/06
12:03a, 12/8/06
Thanks for everything Dr. Gates.
12:04a, 12/8/06
What a badass.
12:04a, 12/8/06
I am fortunate to be one of those lucky '06 kids that got to spend our entire college careers with you at A&M's helm. There are few individuals that I respect and admire more, and I would like to express my deep gratitude to you, Dr. Gates, for being such a great leader, for caring about the students, for not being afraid to make tough decisions (especially when they were unpopular), and for always being real with us. It is my sincere hope that you can be the same kind of positive influence in DC that you have been in Aggieland.

You will be deeply missed, but those of us in DC look forward to having you nearby! Best of luck. Gig’em and God bless!
12:05a, 12/8/06
Wow .. at least someone on TexAgs really did know stuff ;D

Please please leave someone that will keep the Tech game away from Dallas Dr. Gates.

Thank you for all you have done to make my degrees from Texas A&M even more respectable.

Its too bad that you wont be able to grant me my 2nd degree next December. But at least I have pictures of the first.

This is absolutely the biggest news ever on TexAgs.
12:06a, 12/8/06
Thank you Dr. Gates!
Lobster Twins
12:09a, 12/8/06
gig'em sir and De Oppresso Liber
TRG ghost
12:13a, 12/8/06
12:14a, 12/8/06
God Bless you Dr. Gates. Good luck and give'em hell!
12:15a, 12/8/06
If true, thank you for representing and serving our University with such distinction. You're welcome back to the post any time, in my book. Best of luck in Washington. You'll need it.
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