Dr. Gates Breaks Cover
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5:37p, 12/8/06
Dr. Gates. Wow!
5:45p, 12/8/06
Thanks Dr. Gates...good luck in DC.
5:57p, 12/8/06
We appreciate your service Dr. Gates and you'll do what's best for America and her military.
6:00p, 12/8/06
Good luck in DC Dr. Gates. Gig'em and God Bless.
aggie doc
6:04p, 12/8/06
Thanks Dr. Gates. You will be missed in Aggieland. God Bless you and your family.
6:05p, 12/8/06
Thank you for your service to A&M and most importantly, our country.

Gig 'em
6:10p, 12/8/06
That's pretty funny...good luck and you are always welcome back.
6:18p, 12/8/06
Dr. Gates....If you need any help with your new job...You can always give Seagal a call. Thanks for handing me my diploma.

6:19p, 12/8/06
Thanks and Gig'em!
Aggieland Proud
6:22p, 12/8/06
Thanks, Dr. Gates. You will be missed.
6:25p, 12/8/06
Wow out of no where, makes you think twice about being an internet tough guy doesnt it!
6:28p, 12/8/06
Dr. Gates,

Someday I hope to be half the man that you are. Your sincere compassion for our university and our country is unsurpassed. Thank you sir and good luck in the future!
New Hampshire Ag
6:29p, 12/8/06
Dr. Gates, Thanks for everything you have done. You will be missed, and I admire you for answering your call to duty. Gig 'Em.
6:35p, 12/8/06
6:36p, 12/8/06
Please consider coming back when your work is done!

Gig 'em!
aggieband 83
6:40p, 12/8/06
Good Luck and may God bless.
6:52p, 12/8/06
That was a great sendoff, thank you Dr. Gates
we'll always remember your time here!!
6:55p, 12/8/06
I'm jumping in very late on this one, but I felt the need to add my $0.02.

Dr. Gates, I am honored by the fact that your signature is on one of my diplomas from the greatest university in the world. You have truly embraced the Aggie Spirit, and we are so grateful for the contributions that you have made to the school we all hold so dear.

As you help guide our country in these troubled times, please know that you will be in my prayers.

Gig 'em and God Bless you, your family, and all who serve this country.
6:55p, 12/8/06
Haven't been through this whole thread yet, but I noticd in this thread: http://www.texags.com/main/forum.reply.asp?topic_id=703788&page=4&forum_id=5

Dr. Gates has a post. Later in the same thread, WatchOle says this:

posted 10:51p, 09/27/06

Ranger - Thanks for the info and the good word. Dr. Gates has been wonderful for our university and he should know that he does not stand alone.

My guess is that Staff has known since at least Spetember.

Also, in many of his posts, Gates has said "as long as Gates is Pres. at A&M..." How long has he known about the Secretary position do y'all think? Hopefully I'm not jeopardizing national security here...
6:57p, 12/8/06
7:00p, 12/8/06
Thanks and Gig 'em!
7:09p, 12/8/06
Thanks for the good words tonight Dr. Gates! You have the support of many folks, along with many thousands of students. We wish you the best of luck in DC! Gig'em!
7:10p, 12/8/06
We're all deeply honored and priviledged, Sir. Unfortunately for the next president of A&M you have set the bar pretty darn high! Fortunately, God blessed us through you and will again through someone else ( hopefully sooner than later ).

Va con Dios!, Dr. Gates.

7:12p, 12/8/06
I have so say that I'm so thankful and proud that my two diplomas from A&M bear your mark. Thank you for your tremindous support and the relationship you've had with the student body.
7:16p, 12/8/06
I've held off on posting, b/c first of all, I wasn't sure this was real. And, I figured my posts would just get lost the hundreds of others, but I thought...what the heck.

I knew this University was destined for great things when you were named president. When current Ags and former Ags start comparing you to Rudder, you know you've made a HUGE impact. When I first heard about your nomination, I was thrilled, proud, and sad all at the same time. Listening to the way you've talked about A&M these past weeks just reaffirmed everything I already thought of you. And now, knowing that you've even taken the time to throw in your 2 cents on Texags from time to time, I hold you in even higher esteem. Aside from the great things you've done in making this great university competitive with the best in the nation, you've shown all of us that you care about Aggies as people. And you don't just view this presidency as another job.

Thanks so much for all you've done! I was proud to have a former CIA Director sign my diploma, and now I can say the Secretary of Defense signed it! WHOOP!!! We'll all miss you, and your replacement has BIG shoes to fill.

Good luck, and give 'em hell!!!

Jen '02

And like someone else said...be sure to post a pic of the Aggie helmet in your new office.
Authentic Horn
7:29p, 12/8/06
I just want to be a part of this thread. I know you'll do a great job!
Hook 'em and Gig 'em!

Represent this state proudly!
7:29p, 12/8/06
7:42p, 12/8/06
I bet neomoon feels like and idiot!
Great stuff
8:03p, 12/8/06
Thanks and Gig'em
Brad 03
8:27p, 12/8/06
Thank you Dr. Gates! If anyone ever questions your fan base, you can tell them that I paid $20,000 for your signature!

Good luck in Washington. Gig 'Em and wear maroon often...

"The just proportion that we gave them out. Let us sway on and face them in the field!" Mowbray, 2 King Henry IV - Shakespeare
8:33p, 12/8/06
I want to believe but you are going to have to come up with something with a lot more meat than what you stated above to convince me the current Sec. of Defense posted to this board.
I am currently LMAO at the suggestion.

The posts quoted could have come from anyone.

Guess it is that black helicopter spy thing that allows you to make us believe it is HIM.

Send a black helicopter over my house in Houston tomorrow at 2 pm, Saturday the 8th, and I will forever be beholden to your prognostications. How much easier can I make it for you? I will be on the couch listening for the coptor tomorrow.
8:46p, 12/8/06
Dr Gates

Thank you for your service to our University.

You will be missed.
Maroon Skittles
8:55p, 12/8/06
Dr. Gates,

You are an inspiration. Thanks for a job well done.

9:01p, 12/8/06
Thank you, Dr. Gates.

May God bless you and your family.
9:25p, 12/8/06
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