Astros/Rangers Discussion - NO MODS ALLOWED
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5:11p, 4/23/24
In reply to DallasAg 94
Comparisons of their first 6 seasons just using their slash lines.

Odor had him in homeruns for sure but that's about it. Thats never been the main part of Altuve's game (unless it's the postseason)

DallasAg 94
5:13p, 4/23/24
In reply to Farmer1906
DallasAg 94
5:17p, 4/23/24
In reply to tjack16
5:30p, 4/23/24
In reply to DallasAg 94
DallasAg 94 said:

Farmer1906 said:

It's been 8 years and you're still not over this. One is about to be a HOFer. One is about to be forgotten.
One has already been forgotten.

The other is outperforming players on PEDs on his way to the HoF.

He sure is. All timer.
10:18a, 4/24/24

Neither home state team is doing much so far. At this point, the discussion may shift to who sucks less.
I love Texas Aggie sports, but I love Texas A&M more.
DallasAg 94
10:48a, 4/24/24
In reply to Marvin
10:50a, 4/24/24
Are you arguing a shorter offseason doesn't impact players?
DallasAg 94
11:17a, 4/24/24
In reply to Farmer1906
DallasAg 94
12:50p, 4/24/24
Astros really dodged one with Snell.

I was rooting for you guys to sign him. Giants on the hook for $32M in '24 and $30M in '25.
12:57p, 4/24/24
In reply to DallasAg 94
DallasAg 94 said:

Astros really dodged one with Snell.

I was rooting for you guys to sign him. Giants on the hook for $32M in '24 and $30M in '25.

I wanted Montgomery more because he was cheaper and didn't come with loss of a draft pick
West Roxbury
1:01p, 4/24/24
In reply to tjack16
tjack16 said:

DallasAg 94 said:

Astros really dodged one with Snell.

I was rooting for you guys to sign him. Giants on the hook for $32M in '24 and $30M in '25.

I wanted Montgomery more because he was cheaper and didn't come with loss of a draft pick

DallasAg 94
1:20p, 4/24/24
In reply to tjack16
1:46p, 4/24/24
In reply to DallasAg 94
I'm hoping the Astros go for Fried or Burnes next year on the free agent market. They'll have a lot of money coming off the books, especially if Pressly doesn't use his option
DallasAg 94
2:09p, 4/24/24
In reply to tjack16
South Platte
4:22p, 4/24/24
In reply to Farmer1906
Farmer1906 said:

Are you arguing a shorter offseason doesn't impact players?
Does it really impact players? All of a sudden this year the extra 97 games over 6 years are hurting the Astros? The Braves and Yankees went countless years without whatever exhausted dropoff Dana Brown is alluding to.

This Houston team is good. Really good. Right now they are playing really bad. It's just a baseball funk along with untimely injuries. Dana Brown is a tool. It's 3rd week of April. He should just say that he trusts the players and the staff that the organization put together and that the wins will come.
4:26p, 4/24/24
In reply to South Platte
Yes, its been regularly brought up by players, managers, GMs, etc. That's why there has always been a major focus on rest days during the season.
4:39p, 4/24/24
In reply to South Platte
It was brought up last year a lot too about the extra games played.
4:59p, 4/24/24
In reply to South Platte
South Platte said:

Farmer1906 said:

Are you arguing a shorter offseason doesn't impact players?
Does it really impact players? All of a sudden this year the extra 97 games over 6 years are hurting the Astros? The Braves and Yankees went countless years without whatever exhausted dropoff Dana Brown is alluding to.

This Houston team is good. Really good. Right now they are playing really bad. It's just a baseball funk along with untimely injuries. Dana Brown is a tool. It's 3rd week of April. He should just say that he trusts the players and the staff that the organization put together and that the wins will come.

I think last year it hurt more but only because we played in the World Series and then had like 8 guys in the world baseball classic. Which in turn got Altuve hurt with a broken hand and led to Garcia needing TJ

But once you pass the first few weeks of the season, that excuse goes away because now it's the grind for every team
7:11a, 4/25/24
In reply to CrawlingNo5
CrawlingNo5 said:

We all knew they would fall apart without dusty baker. Uneducated fans ran him out of town.
7:32a, 4/25/24
In reply to CrawlingNo5
CrawlingNo5 said:

We all knew they would fall apart without dusty baker. Uneducated fans ran him out of town.

Yeah… the manager is not the reason we suck right now

Our starters can't get out of the 4th inning, our backend of the pen sucks right now and we leave double digits on base every game
South Platte
7:59a, 4/25/24
Curse of the Bambino, Curse of the Billy Goat . . . we may have the beginnings of the Curse of the Duster.
9:32a, 4/25/24
In reply to South Platte
South Platte said:

Curse of the Bambino, Curse of the Billy Goat . . . we may have the beginnings of the Curse of the Duster.

Couldn't help but read that as "curse of the Dumpster"
11:58a, 4/25/24
Houston has given up almost the most runs in baseball. And, they aren't hitting that well either. And, the front office may not all be on the same page.

But the biggest problem that I see is the refusal of Alvarez to learn how to play 1B. I said it last year, and I'll repeat it. He needed to be down in winter ball learning 1B. He is a HoF bat, but having to hide him in LF or DH messes up everything. He can't play the field in road games, except maybe Fenway. He forces the rest of the outfield to compensate for him. Tucker is good, but you've got to put a glove-first guy in CF. And when you DH him, you've got a scrub playing LF because nobody good will sit the bench waiting for PT.

You move Yordan to 1B, see if Abreu can figure something out as a DH against lefties, let Bregman walk, get a defensive 3B, and go after a plus defensive outfielder with a little pop.

It's so obvious that Alvarez needs to play 1B, and it's ridiculous that he's acting like big Papi. He's 26 for crying out loud. He needs to be more like Adolis, and take pride in developing a complete game.
That, sir, was the greatest post in the history of TexAgs. I salute you. -- Dough
12:06p, 4/25/24
In reply to South Platte
South Platte said:

Curse of the Bambino, Curse of the Billy Goat . . . we may have the beginnings of the Curse of the Duster.
The malicious and caprious baseball gods punishing us Astros fans for not appreciating the the good aspect of Dusty's managing style and the poor way we expressed our exasperation to his extreme stubbornness in not properly utilizing all the modern tools of the Game.
The Porkchop Express
12:17p, 4/25/24
In reply to 94chem
94chem said:

He needs to be more like Adolis,
WARNING: I have a deep-seated desire for others to love the Star Wars franchise as much as I do, in exactly the way I do, and get snippy and sensitive and passive-aggressive when they don't.
South Platte
12:39p, 4/25/24
In reply to The Porkchop Express
The Porkchop Express said:

94chem said:

He needs to be more like Adolis,

1:31p, 4/25/24
In reply to The Porkchop Express
Look, I'm not his HR rep, his SO, his friend, or anything else. What I do know is that if you want to know how to play the game the right way, Adolis is a great example. His head isn't too big to run the bases well, get after it in the outfield, stay in top physical shape, and become an outstanding thrower. I think all those years in Japan or wherever gave him an appreciation for what he has.
That, sir, was the greatest post in the history of TexAgs. I salute you. -- Dough
South Platte
1:57p, 4/25/24
In reply to 94chem
94chem said:

Look, I'm not his HR rep, his SO, his friend, or anything else. What I do know is that if you want to know how to play the game the right way, Adolis is a great example. His head isn't too big to run the bases well, get after it in the outfield, stay in top physical shape, and become an outstanding thrower. I think all those years in Japan or wherever gave him an appreciation for what he has.
I think he's making a joke on the overall size of his noggin . . . diameter and circumference
Fuzzy Dunlop
2:10p, 4/25/24
In reply to South Platte
South Platte said:

94chem said:

Look, I'm not his HR rep, his SO, his friend, or anything else. What I do know is that if you want to know how to play the game the right way, Adolis is a great example. His head isn't too big to run the bases well, get after it in the outfield, stay in top physical shape, and become an outstanding thrower. I think all those years in Japan or wherever gave him an appreciation for what he has.
I think he's making a joke on the overall size of his noggin . . . diameter and circumference

It's his 'roid shtick. Not just his but a lot of Astros fans. We've come to expect it.
Double Talkin' Jive...
2:12p, 4/25/24
In reply to Fuzzy Dunlop
Fuzzy Dunlop said:

South Platte said:

94chem said:

Look, I'm not his HR rep, his SO, his friend, or anything else. What I do know is that if you want to know how to play the game the right way, Adolis is a great example. His head isn't too big to run the bases well, get after it in the outfield, stay in top physical shape, and become an outstanding thrower. I think all those years in Japan or wherever gave him an appreciation for what he has.
I think he's making a joke on the overall size of his noggin . . . diameter and circumference

It's his 'roid shtick. Not just his but a lot of Astros fans. We've come to expect it.

Not a lot of us. A small vocal minority who assume anybody that is buff and works out is on the juice
2:13p, 4/25/24
In reply to tjack16
tjack16 said:

Fuzzy Dunlop said:

South Platte said:

94chem said:

Look, I'm not his HR rep, his SO, his friend, or anything else. What I do know is that if you want to know how to play the game the right way, Adolis is a great example. His head isn't too big to run the bases well, get after it in the outfield, stay in top physical shape, and become an outstanding thrower. I think all those years in Japan or wherever gave him an appreciation for what he has.
I think he's making a joke on the overall size of his noggin . . . diameter and circumference

It's his 'roid shtick. Not just his but a lot of Astros fans. We've come to expect it.

Not a lot of us. A small vocal minority who assume anybody that is buff and works out is on the juice
Just because he's a late bloomer, who bulked up, and has a giant head doesn't mean he's on HGH.
6:43p, 4/25/24
Anyway...back to my point...if only Houston had a nearby HoF 1B to help Yordan learn the position...
That, sir, was the greatest post in the history of TexAgs. I salute you. -- Dough
South Platte
8:18a, 5/1/24
Well, well, well. Looks like a belly full of Tecate got the Astros back on track. Even Hader dug deep and risked serious injury by pitching 2 whole innings. Game on . . .
10:06a, 5/1/24
In reply to South Platte
South Platte said:

Well, well, well. Looks like a belly full of Tecate got the Astros back on track. Even Hader dug deep and risked serious injury by pitching 2 whole innings. Game on . . .

You can have a pulse and still be on life support. But, you can't go on a winning streak or prolonged heater without stacking a few Ws. It's a start... maybe.
I love Texas Aggie sports, but I love Texas A&M more.
Silent For Too Long
11:00a, 5/1/24
In reply to Farmer1906
Farmer1906 said:

tjack16 said:

Fuzzy Dunlop said:

South Platte said:

94chem said:

Look, I'm not his HR rep, his SO, his friend, or anything else. What I do know is that if you want to know how to play the game the right way, Adolis is a great example. His head isn't too big to run the bases well, get after it in the outfield, stay in top physical shape, and become an outstanding thrower. I think all those years in Japan or wherever gave him an appreciation for what he has.
I think he's making a joke on the overall size of his noggin . . . diameter and circumference

It's his 'roid shtick. Not just his but a lot of Astros fans. We've come to expect it.

Not a lot of us. A small vocal minority who assume anybody that is buff and works out is on the juice
Just because he's a late bloomer, who bulked up, and has a giant head doesn't mean he's on HGH.

Honestly, it's his roid rage moments that I find most suggestive. I remember on '04 a bat broke and flew towards Rocket. He picked it up and came storming off the mound and threw it towards the batter like like the guy did it on purpose. I knew then without a doubt the guy was juicing.

The look in Garcia's eyes everytime he gets upset is extremely telling.
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