Buying physical gold/silver
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12:02p, 3/8/22
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FAT SEXY said:

As has been noted in this thread and elsewhere, many nations were already loading Gold. With the current geopolitical climate that we are in it wouldn't surprise me to see them uptick their purchasing.
Worldwide debt at all time highs, the likelihood that governments reprice gold and bring on the debt jubilee is growing. If that doesn't happen and we enter the asset deflation/ consumer cost inflation stagflationary event I think is going to happen how do we use our holdings down the road?

Will we be able to borrow against the PM to purchase rental property at discount? Seems like that could be Godsend, buy cashflow cheap.
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11:34p, 3/8/22
11:39p, 3/8/22
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This is where I am. I am using this as a store of value for my kids, hoping that I taught them well and they'll be successful on their own merits and if SHTF my crazy old ass gave them a parachute.
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11:45p, 3/8/22
11:51a, 3/9/22
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FAT SEXY said:

maddiedou said:

I have lots of buffalo nickels
In my opinion these have the coolest design out of all American Coinage.

This is why I agree with Red Pear Realty's comment on the top of page 15 about buying the American Gold Buffalo if you were to buy just one Gold coin. It's just such a classic/timeless design.
I buy for multiple family members and each gets their own coin. Buy I save the silver rounds that resemble the Buffalo nickel for myself :-)

6:59p, 3/9/22
Arrived today from the Texas mint
TAMU ‘98 Ole Miss ‘21
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8:11p, 3/9/22
8:20p, 3/9/22
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FAT SEXY said:

It's not showing up for me
It's showing up just fine if it's a black box.
6:49a, 3/10/22
Late to the party, but I'm in on physical silver
3:22p, 3/10/22
I sold all my gold ETF's this morning. I bought them in Summer 2021 when it seemed equities were overvalued. I'm still interested in acquiring gold coins, but I'll need to wait until the world calms down a bit.

Ended up with a ~12% gain while the rest of the portfolio is down, and reinvested proceeds into VTI.
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4:14p, 3/10/22
5:25p, 3/10/22
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no crystal ball here
3:56a, 3/12/22
Can't find a monster box to save a life. 2022 sovereign coins are out awaiting delivery again at many houses.

I think that when SHTF there won't be much physical available for the masses that wake up.

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8:43a, 3/12/22
10:18a, 3/12/22
I think silver is holding at $30 by the end of the month. There have been a TON of contracts taking delivery this month, and we're not even halfway done yet. The current geopolitical climate is causing a metals explosion
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11:13a, 3/12/22
2:07p, 3/12/22
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I placed another order since my last post and am very tempted to order more.

I'm doing my part
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2:22p, 3/12/22
2:27p, 3/12/22
Mostly 1 kg bars. I'm not looking at silver as a way to exchange for goods if SHTF, rather hedging against inflation.
3:31p, 3/12/22
In reply to Silvy
silverado_lover said:

Mostly 1 kg bars. I'm not looking at silver as a way to exchange for goods if SHTF, rather hedging against inflation.

Can someone break down the hedge against inflation argument in simple terms? Every time I think my brain has wrapped around it I end up confusing myself.
3:47p, 3/12/22
In reply to CC09LawAg
CC09LawAg said:

silverado_lover said:

Mostly 1 kg bars. I'm not looking at silver as a way to exchange for goods if SHTF, rather hedging against inflation.

Can someone break down the hedge against inflation argument in simple terms? Every time I think my brain has wrapped around it I end up confusing myself.
Easy! Imagine the dollar as a ruler; it is a way of measuring value for any good or service.
The more you value something, the more dollars you'll give for it.

Now, try thinking about this "what if" scenario … what if prices aren't really rising? What if the unit of measurement (dollars) is literally shrinking, so it takes more of them to measure up?

Imagine measuring your driveway with a 12 inch ruler. Next year you measure it with a ruler that is only 8 inches long, but everyone still calls that a "foot"?

Three years later, it's a six inch ruler that equals a "foot." How long is your driveway, actually? 25 feet? 50? Depends on the ruler, doesn't it?

Your driveway = any good or service you want to buy and your ruler = the US Dollar.
That's inflation.

Since 1915, the US Dollar has "shrunk" 97% … you have 3 percent of the purchasing power your great, great grandad enjoyed. All by design of the Federal Reserve.

When you buy gold or silver, they go up in price along with inflation, instead of shrinking like the dollar. That's the hedge.

3:52p, 3/12/22
In reply to jagvocate
And the thought being that, even if gold and silver are valued in US dollars, if enough inflation occurs the value of the PMs will go up dramatically and/or be used as a store of value for whatever currency may eventually replace the dollar in that scenario?
3:53p, 3/12/22
In reply to jagvocate
And thanks - your edits were helpful as well.
3:53p, 3/12/22
In reply to CC09LawAg
CC09LawAg said:

And the thought being that, even if gold and silver are valued in US dollars, if enough inflation occurs the value of the PMs will go up dramatically and/or be used as a store of value for whatever currency may eventually replace the dollar in that scenario?
Exactly. I got interrupted before editing above. But gold and silver aren't really making one "rich" when they go up in value. They are just locking in your purchasing power by going up in price as inflation shrinks dollars.

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10:43p, 3/12/22
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10:57p, 3/12/22
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5:15p, 3/14/22
7:01p, 3/14/22
In reply to [removed post]
Interesting. Hope this improves the value of the 2021 coins.
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7:23p, 3/14/22
9:15p, 3/14/22
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Nothing is so permanent as something the government says is temporary

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9:36p, 3/14/22
11:21a, 3/15/22
Was listening to Quoth the Raven podcast yesterday and he had a PM investment dealer on who said he sold 70k silver eagles in one day, wiped him out. Dude also said he had mints sending him gold and silver for free not too many years ago. He thinks the PM markert is "breaking", soon.

Interesting podcast.
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11:20p, 3/15/22
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12:46p, 3/16/22
7:30a, 3/18/22
Picked up some 9Fine Mint 10oz poured silver bars last night, I'll post a photo when it gets in.

By the way, I was very surprised to see sells bullion ... the spreads are uneconomical compared to major dealers, but still -- the proverbial "little guy" theoretically has a chance to hedge inflation.

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