******************PIZZA THREAD******************
61,755 Views | 325 Replies
10:12p, 6/19/21
Why don't we have a pizza thread yet??? I know a bunch of us here make pizza, and it would be cool to discuss different toppings, flours, dough formulas, etc with each other, along with sharing photos of pies we're proud of.

This is a safe place for calzone lovers as well.

The basic formula I use for dough is as follows (In baking percentages) (from Tom Lehmann's Pizza Dough recipe, https://www.pizzamaking.com/lehmann-nystyle.php)

High protein Flour 100% (King Arthur Bread Flour is the most accessible to me)
Water 60-64%
Salt 2% (I like to add an equal amount of sugar for color in my home oven)
Fat 2%
Yeast 0.17-0.5% IDY (I use PizzApp (iOS pizza dough calculator) to determine the amount I use depending on how long the cold rise is and it works fine)

All of the pizzas I make at this point are made in a GE at 550 degrees on a pizza stone. Pretty happy with the pizzas I can churn out given that constraint.

I'll start us off...

Mexican street corn pizza? Tomato and Mozz, with roasted sweet corn, roasted shi****o peppers from the garden, basil, topped with a little cotija cheese if desired. Turned out pretty good. I also broke my pizza cutter in the process. Time for an upgrade I guess.

Pepperoni (or macaroni according to my 4yo) for the kids.

7:14a, 6/20/21
The Pizza Bible is a must have for anyone making pizza at home that doesn't want to invest in a pizza oven.
GIF Reactor
12:04p, 6/20/21
In reply to fav13andac1)c
fav13andac1)c said:

This is a safe place for calzone lovers as well.

Made me think of Parks n Rec. Thanks for the laugh!

I've made Kenji's Detroit Pizza a few times, it's really good. We've just made pepperoni and cheese, but are planning on trying it using Italian sausage slices this week.
12:15p, 6/20/21
In reply to HTownAg98
I agree. I love the amount of styles he presents and his methodology. Definitely learned something from that book.

I also have spent quite a bit of time lurking on pizzamaking.com. Godsend for home pizza makers.
1:42p, 6/20/21
Made a few hundred pizzas in a Forno Bravo Primavera 70 oven mostly using Peter Reinhardt's neo-Neapolitan dough. It's pretty foolproof but a little to doughy for my taste.

I'm planning to start experimenting with one of the more true Neapolitan doughs, possibly from the Pizza Bible or one of the many on pizzamaking.com.

Would love any ideas/guidance dod good high heat doughs. I usually cook at 750-850 floor temps and 900-1000 dome.

2:52p, 6/21/21
Those in the pizza cutter market, this Pizza Cutter is 42% off.
3:03p, 6/21/21
In reply to gigemags87
Also, I don't have experience with high heat doughs other than reading, so take what I say with a grain of salt. More experienced folks may chime in.

However, from my brief search online, it looks like Peter Reinhart's hydration is 75%? Seems pretty high to me given the extremely high temps you can get. Most of the recipes I see hover at around 60%.

Looking a little further, I found this quote here.


According to The True Neopolitan Pizza Association's (AVPN) International Regulation, an authentic Neapolitan pizza should have a dough hydration between 55.5-62.5%.

Btw, your setup is awesome. Did you build that yourself?
6:46p, 6/21/21
In reply to fav13andac1)c
Thanks fav.

No didn't build it. It was delivered as a single oven and separate stand. ~1000 lbs
9:59p, 6/23/21

Hot sausage, pepperoni, and peppers, made today

Lunch and dinner, will probably be a late night snack later, and probably lunch tomorrow

10:02p, 6/23/21
In reply to fav13andac1)c
fav13andac1)c said:

This is a safe place for calzone lovers as well.
I feel so seen
10:39p, 6/23/21
Can I share my "Sicilian" style? It's using Kenji's recipe. I love the product but I also love the effort to end product ratio.


1:15a, 6/24/21
In reply to schmendeler

I like Kenji, but sometimes he does things that make me shake my head, like put sugar in tomato sauce.
8:15a, 6/24/21
In reply to Buzzy
Buzzy said:

fav13andac1)c said:

This is a safe place for calzone lovers as well.
I feel so seen
I gotchu
8:23a, 6/24/21
In reply to Buzzy
Buzzy said:

I like Kenji, but sometimes he does things that make me shake my head, like put sugar in tomato sauce.
meh, it's a teaspoon for a whole 28oz can of tomatoes. i imagine you can leave it out if you feel strongly about it.
12:07p, 6/24/21
In reply to schmendeler
schmendeler said:

Buzzy said:

I like Kenji, but sometimes he does things that make me shake my head, like put sugar in tomato sauce.
meh, it's a teaspoon for a whole 28oz can of tomatoes. i imagine you can leave it out if you feel strongly about it.
The idea that you're trying to sweeten a sauce recipe where a highlighted ingredient is red pepper flakes tells me someone needs to learn proportion. If it is a concern about the acidity of the tomatoes (primary excuse I hear for using sugar in a sauce), put a carrot in during the cooking process, and then remove when you're done.
2:55a, 6/26/21

Hot sausage, pepperoni, sliced pepper.

Tried out a new dough recipe, very happy with the results.
8:12a, 6/26/21
My first attempt at a Chicago style pizza from a month ago. The dough was a little thick on top, but the texture and flavor profile is spot on.
The Dirty Sock
9:59a, 6/26/21
11:17a, 6/26/21
In reply to The Dirty Sock
Underrated post right here
7:59p, 6/26/21
In reply to HTownAg98
HTownAg98 said:

My first attempt at a Chicago style pizza from a month ago. The dough was a little thick on top, but the texture and flavor profile is spot on.

Did you use a spring form pan to make the dough, and then parbake it?

Is that shredded parm on top?

How long did you bake it for?
11:50p, 6/27/21
Sausage and peppers again.

Aggressive cornicione on this one.
10:21a, 6/29/21
In reply to Buzzy
Buzzy said:

Sausage and peppers again.

Aggressive cornicione on this one.
Curious as to what style you call this? And what is the texture of the dough?
10:30a, 6/29/21
In reply to fav13andac1)c
bagel pizza?
10:42a, 6/29/21
In reply to Buzzy
Buzzy said:

HTownAg98 said:

My first attempt at a Chicago style pizza from a month ago. The dough was a little thick on top, but the texture and flavor profile is spot on.

Did you use a spring form pan to make the dough, and then parbake it?

Is that shredded parm on top?

How long did you bake it for?

I did use a springform pan, as it was the closest thing I had to something with tall sides. No par baking. Shredded parm on top, and I think it baked for about 35 minutes. Whatever the recipe called for, it didn't go as long.
4:57p, 6/29/21
In reply to fav13andac1)c
fav13andac1)c said:

Buzzy said:

Sausage and peppers again.

Aggressive cornicione on this one.
Curious as to what style you call this? And what is the texture of the dough?
From preparation, closest style is probably New York style, although this obviously isn't a thin crust pizza. I once bought a pan for a NY-style pizza, it was too big for my oven.

I'm a big believer you should be able to taste the toppings, the sauce, and the crust of the pizza, but the crust should be of such quality that if you baked it bare in your oven, it should taste good by itself. The thick cornicione I get comes from hand-stretching the dough and leaving an edge that almost overlaps the pan.

Texture is often thicc, but airy. Sometimes if it is a more even stretch, I'll get more bubbles in the middle. Some people hate it, but I like bubbles in my crust, the more air, the better.
5:33p, 6/29/21
In reply to fav13andac1)c

I just went out and bought a bigger pan after measuring my oven, thanks for the roundabout reminder that I needed to do that.
3:17p, 6/30/21
In reply to Buzzy
Happy to help! Nothing against using a pizza pan, but why use that over say a pizza stone or steel?
3:32p, 6/30/21
In reply to fav13andac1)c
fav13andac1)c said:

Happy to help! Nothing against using a pizza pan, but why use that over say a pizza stone or steel?
It's more of a comfort thing that ends up being an energy preservation thing. I can't justify running my oven for an hour just to heat up a steel, and it gets too damn hot during the Summer to justify doing that anyway.

As far as a pizza stone goes, I used one once on a BGE, and while I liked the results, I can't justify starting a fire just to make one pizza, which is normally all I'm making at one time. The rise and texture on that one attempt was phenomenal, though. I need to get one of those laser thermometers to accurately measure stone temp, using dome temp isn't accurate. One of these days I'll use a stone on a regular charcoal grill and see how that goes.

I enjoy the challenge of making something terrific using a conventional oven and a pizza pan, though.
9:41p, 6/30/21
Ever thought about putting the steel on the burners for a while to heat it up?
1:59p, 7/1/21
In reply to HTownAg98
HTownAg98 said:

My first attempt at a Chicago style pizza from a month ago. The dough was a little thick on top, but the texture and flavor profile is spot on.

Probably just the angle of the picture but that looks just like a regular pan pizza to me.
2:00p, 7/1/21
In reply to gigemags87
gigemags87 said:

I'd have to make a lot of pies to justify buying that beast

You cook Andy thing else in there?
True Anomaly
2:08p, 7/1/21
In reply to HTownAg98
HTownAg98 said:

My first attempt at a Chicago style pizza from a month ago. The dough was a little thick on top, but the texture and flavor profile is spot on.

Very nice. And I also have a Boardsmith cutting board- they're incredible
7:21a, 7/2/21
In reply to MichaelJ
I usually make 8 pizzas at a time for family/friends and do it several times a summer. Maybe a few hundred so far.

I've also made some bread, deserts.
7:57a, 7/2/21
Somehow i didn't take a pic once this one was cooked, but I've been really happy with using a gas grill and 3/8" steel plate. Because the heat is from the bottom, I have the outside burners on high, next on medium, and middle ones on low.

Doesn't heat up the house, and gets the steel hotter faster then the oven.

12:01a, 7/5/21
In reply to Max06

What shape do you call that?
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