So, whos doing it?
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6:12p, 2/11/10
Instead of balloons, use a Nerf football cut in half.

/Learned that trick from an old Halloween costume...
6:27p, 2/11/10
good idea, thats much better than balloons. For one it will actually stay in place, and two, you don't have to worry about one or both popping.
6:37p, 2/11/10
you don't have to worry about one or both popping.

... which, by the way, would be hilarious.
6:39p, 2/11/10
whoever pulls this off should earn an for their efforts
6:47p, 2/11/10
Ill dress up like her.
6:49p, 2/11/10
We could have people who want to do it arrange their costumes and post pictures. We can then do a poll to pick the person who should sit in the best spot.
7:10p, 2/11/10
I'll do it, but I'm 5'11" and 130. I guess that will keep my breasts way out of proportion.
The Wizard of Oz
7:15p, 2/11/10
I'll do it, but I'm 5'11" and 130. I guess that will keep my breasts way out of proportion.

Eat something.
7:17p, 2/11/10
To whoever ends up doing this, your name will be etched in Aggie lore next to Listeater, Fish Pond Manager, and Marcus Buckley's The Hit.
7:26p, 2/11/10
We need to get on the hunt for the tickets more than getting some college kid to do this.

Who works at 12th mand and can find the names of the people that have this ticket?

We need this stat. It is going to take a day or two to get him on our side.
The Wizard of Oz
7:37p, 2/11/10
The visiting team's families usually get to sit behind the bench.
The Wizard of Oz
7:38p, 2/11/10
We're going to settle on the South Side Student Section, first row next to the KU bench.

Then during timeouts he-she will amble behind the bench and stare aimlessly
8:17p, 2/11/10
dam, i wish i was in college this year, i would totally do this and i sound like i would be perfect to do it, im 6'4 and 240, but alot of it is muscle because of football lol, but whoever does this will go down as a legend hahaha
solari's new tag?
8:33p, 2/11/10
5'11" and 130.

duh he's not actually 5'11, any guy that is actually 5'11(or even 5'10) will give himself that inch and call him self 6 foot

and good thing too to be 130 at that height you'd be the biggest little b**** ever

[This message has been edited by mhc06 (edited 2/11/2010 8:35p).]
The Wizard of Oz
8:38p, 2/11/10
duh he's not actually 5'11, any guy that is actually 5'11(or even 5'10) will give himself that inch and call him self 6 foot

Aggies don't lie cheat or steal. Rounding is just a form of lying damnit
8:42p, 2/11/10
I'm 5'11 and I don't round.
COL Potter
8:46p, 2/11/10
8:52p, 2/11/10
I'm friends with kadejonah and he will definitely do it if we get him the supplies. I'll talk to him about it tmw.
9:00p, 2/11/10
Sounds like there are already plenty of volunteers but get me a seat in the front of the student section and I'll do it.
9:18p, 2/11/10
My parents' seats are right behind the visting team. They are going to be in their seats, but there are usually a few empty seats over there about 5 rows up on the side with only 4 or 5 seats. Those people usually don't show up (at least they haven't for any of the games I have been to.)
9:25p, 2/11/10
if there were hundreds dressed up like that, it would be talked about on espn
9:33p, 2/11/10
Ok CStat06 is clearly our point man for getting our man (?) to the right spot.
Ol Jock 99
10:25p, 2/11/10
I fully support this idea.
10:42p, 2/11/10
if there were hundreds dressed up like that, it would be talked about on espn

But at the same time seeing all that burnt orange at a game where Texas isn't even playing, that just doesn't seem right.
10:43p, 2/11/10
Let's buy the seats, I'm sure we can come up with some good cash. Count me in for helping to buy some of those seats.
Dale Earnhardts Stache
10:54p, 2/11/10
Nerf football = genius idea. Sounds like I need to get a nerf football. What about cutoff jorts instead of jeans?
11:04p, 2/11/10
don't go overboard here. You're not just supposed to look like a crazy crossdresser. You're supposed to be dressed just like she was.

I think the key to this is if the KU fans on the front row get it. If they do, then they won't mind you coming over to stand by them during timeouts, because they will think it's equally hilarious.
11:29p, 2/11/10
Dale Earnhardts Stache
12:16a, 2/12/10
Haha. Good point, bob. Just throwing ideas around.

Do they need to be tight girl jeans? If so, I'm gonna have to go shopping.

[This message has been edited by tylerc2009 (edited 2/12/2010 12:20a).]
The Wizard of Oz
12:26a, 2/12/10
Plato's Closet. Be easy on my wallet.
12:40a, 2/12/10
duh he's not actually 5'11, any guy that is actually 5'11(or even 5'10) will give himself that inch and call him self 6 foot
I've known guys who are 5'9" claim to be 6 feet tall.

This guy is probably 5'4".
12:48a, 2/12/10
I fully support this idea. Make it happen!
The Wizard of Oz
12:48a, 2/12/10
Probably not even tall. Like he's probably two dimensional.
admiral the anav
3:12a, 2/12/10
i'm 5'9 230 and hairy. i will do this....i also have a beard. I feel like this is my calling. if i get tickets i will do it no prob...and i will make it sexy.............very secksy!
Charlie Moran
7:11a, 2/12/10
Try to duplicate her hair with the wig and buy a similar T shirt if not the same one for the best effect.
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