So is it even worth quarantining anymore?
6,378 Views | 24 Replies
10:33p, 5/11/22
Wife tested positive this evening (Abbott and iHealth tests). Came back from NYC Saturday night, soar throat started Sunday evening, cough last night, and nasal congestion this afternoon. She is staying in bedroom right now. No quarantining has occurred in the house up to this point. Myself and our 4YO tested negative but I figure we have clearly been exposed so is it even worth it for her to keep to herself?
Snow Monkey Ambassador
9:00a, 5/12/22
Capitol Ag
10:31a, 5/12/22
Nope. At this point, it's just another illness to most. Maybe avoid hanging out with elderly parents or grandparents, fine. But otherwise it's just business as usual.
11:06a, 5/12/22
Immunize yourself and your kid, the right away. And only effective way. This is a golden opportunity.
11:39a, 5/12/22
In your own home? Definitely no.
Bruce Almighty
8:31p, 5/12/22
I'm not even sure why most people continue to get tested.
Crazy Ag 97
7:08a, 5/13/22
I stayed away from my wife when she was sick only because I just generally hate being sick. Doesn't matter if it's a cold, the flu, COVID, whatever. We don't go crazy with isolation or anything like that, but we're not snuggling up to each other either. If he other gets sick, so be it, but not going to intentionally get sick either.
Capitol Ag
8:06a, 5/13/22
In reply to Bruce Almighty
Bruce Almighty said:

I'm not even sure why most people continue to get tested.
My wife did only b/c she was going to do something with her elderly parents. That way her parents could decide if they wanted to do anything with her or not. Even then, their risk would be minimal as they are vaxed and boosted. It's just that they have never had Covid. This was my wife's 3rd time and she barely showed any symptoms. Her boss had it and tested positive and they were at a trade show together. Only proved one thing to me given the evidence around the world and the experience we had: It's time we move on and treat this like a regular cold. Covid is no where near as dangerous as it used to be and the moment the rest of the world figures that out, the better for everyone.

Oh, and we did not limit contact at all from each other. She was gone on trade shows for 2 weeks and, well, we have needs!
5:14a, 5/15/22
I would. I'm fighting it now and it sucks. Why not take caution?
8:50a, 5/15/22
In reply to WoMD
WoMD said:

Immunize yourself and your kid, the right away. And only effective way. This is a golden opportunity.

Yep. Nothing better than having children and both parents being sick at the same time. Wouldn't trade that chance for anything.
Capitol Ag
10:55a, 5/15/22
In reply to BigOil
BigOil said:

I would. I'm fighting it now and it sucks. Why not take caution?

If you e never had Covid before, it might make some sense to try to avoid one another but the flip of the coin says that true quarantine within the same household is next to impossible. Also, if this is the 2nd or more time for the house hold to go through Covid, the odds are the illness will be severe will be significantly small and likely be mild to even unnoticeable outside of a few minor symptoms. This may not be the case for you obviously but would be for the vast majority of people going through their 2nd, 3rd etc bout with the virus.

Also, it's flat out a pain in the ass to quarantine in house. To many, it's worth the risk of getting I'll to have access to everyone in the household and all parts of the house. This holds true with the flu and Covid and a common cold.
3:27p, 5/16/22
In reply to 94chem
94chem said:

WoMD said:

Immunize yourself and your kid, the right away. And only effective way. This is a golden opportunity.

Yep. Nothing better than having children and both parents being sick at the same time. Wouldn't trade that chance for anything.
10:39p, 5/17/22
I'll be here all week.
5:28a, 5/18/22
My employer mandates that we have to quarantine 5 days if you test positive. But they quit providing a charge number and you have to take sick time or vacation.

Guess how many people now are willing to report a positive test? Only those who want to take off a week of vacation without notice.
11:35a, 5/18/22
I think everyone has to do what is best for their particular situation. I tested positive yesterday morning and am doing my best to quarantine from my husband. He's 70 years old and I'd rather not give this to him.

Yesterday I worked from home all day, took care of my horses, and only had a slightly scratchy throat. Thought it was going to be no big deal. Then yesterday evening the fever, body aches and headache were horrible. Feeling better today but am worried the worst is not over.
12:16p, 5/18/22
In reply to Inca
Love you! Keep yourself hydrated! For me, the sore throat and night sweats were the worst.

Like you, I tried to keep my husband from getting it. It didn't work.
2:42p, 5/18/22
In reply to 94chem
94chem said:

WoMD said:

Immunize yourself and your kid, the right away. And only effective way. This is a golden opportunity.

Yep. Nothing better than having children and both parents being sick at the same time. Wouldn't trade that chance for anything.

Good thing for the OP any kids will barely be "sick." But nice try being snarky.

Oh, and generally in this scenario the first person starts getting better as the others start getting sick, so rarely is it at the same time. Statistics with omicron also give good odds that one or both of the parents will be pretty functional, compared to delta. If this were delta, then it would be easier to argue your point. My ex and I were pretty useless getting it at the same time, I barely had the energy to feed the sheep, let alone take care of kids.

Oh yeah, and did I mention that the kids will not be "sick?"
3:04p, 5/18/22
For those wondering, wife tried to quarantine herself starting Wednesday night and Thursday after the positive test, but by Friday had pretty much given up. Just to keep her anxiety in check she wanted to mask up when she was around us but by Sunday she was done with that as well.

So to recap, came home from NYC on Saturday, sore throat and drainage started Sunday night and continued through Thursday night. Took a test on Wednesday due to Thursday lunch meeting and popped positive. Completely normal living arrangements up to Wednesday night and minimal quarantine Wednesday night through midday Friday with masking Friday and Saturday. By Sunday we had all just decided to go back to normal. Me and the 4YO were never positive with both of us taking tests this past Monday due to work and school requirements.
3:12p, 5/18/22
In reply to AggieFactor
AggieFactor said:

For those wondering, wife tried to quarantine herself starting Wednesday night and Thursday after the positive test, but by Friday had pretty much given up. Just to keep her anxiety in check she wanted to mask up when she was around us but by Sunday she was done with that as well.

So to recap, came home from NYC on Saturday, sore throat and drainage started Sunday night and continued through Thursday night. Took a test on Wednesday due to Thursday lunch meeting and popped positive. Completely normal living arrangements up to Wednesday night and minimal quarantine Wednesday night through midday Friday with masking Friday and Saturday. By Sunday we had all just decided to go back to normal. Me and the 4YO were never positive with both of us taking tests this past Monday due to work and school requirements.

Exactly. Well done with accepting reality. Sometimes people need to go through it to actually understand how not a big deal COVID has become with omicron, especially with certain age and health demographics.

It's time to live our lives again. At least those living on the coasts. The rest of us have moved on a long time ago. The only reason I remember COVID is a thing every few days is that this board is the first thing I see when I look at TexAgs.
8:38a, 5/24/22
Quick update. Started feeling pretty much normal by Sunday afternoon. Decided to work from home one more day but am back in the office today.

Luckily isolation at home worked and my husband never had symptoms and has tested negative twice. So, for my situation, it was definitely worth quarantining.
12:52p, 5/26/22
In reply to WoMD
WoMD said:

94chem said:

WoMD said:

Immunize yourself and your kid, the right away. And only effective way. This is a golden opportunity.

Yep. Nothing better than having children and both parents being sick at the same time. Wouldn't trade that chance for anything.

Good thing for the OP any kids will barely be "sick." But nice try being snarky.

Oh, and generally in this scenario the first person starts getting better as the others start getting sick, so rarely is it at the same time. Statistics with omicron also give good odds that one or both of the parents will be pretty functional, compared to delta. If this were delta, then it would be easier to argue your point. My ex and I were pretty useless getting it at the same time, I barely had the energy to feed the sheep, let alone take care of kids.

Oh yeah, and did I mention that the kids will not be "sick?"
I said nothing about kids being sick. Read the word order of "both" and "parents" one more time. Now I'm being snarky.
9:33a, 6/7/22
[Check your email. Wrong forum for that kind of rhetoric. - Staff]
8:29a, 6/8/22
We finally had covid in our house. We have been traveling, going out, etc. Wife's office had a break out of covid about two weeks ago, she started feeling sick on a Saturday, got tested on Sunday and was positive. I took my son and I and got tested the same day, both of us negative, but he tested positive for the flu. Son was better the next day as the medicine they gave him knocked his flu out quick. I was fine until Tuesday night, tested at home on Wednesday and was positive. I was sick Wed and Thurs and fine by Friday. Wife tested negative this past Sunday...son and I went for another test yesterday...Tuesday and he tested negative still and I tested positive. We have been "quarantining" while we were sick.

Reason we are trying so hard to not get him sick and for me to get over it is that we have my wife's elderly parents flying in from out of the country to visit this Friday. They were supposed to come last week, but we changed the flights.

Covid sucked, but to me it was like the flu, actually, less than. I was sick only two days, but they did suck, fever, chills, aches, nasal congestion, cough. I took Robitussin Severe flu and cold medicine. I think I am going to test again on Thursday just to make the wife feel safer about her parents. Her Dad has some underlying health issues that would be better if he did not get sick.
I was in the room here one day... watchin' the Mexican channel on TV. I don't know nothin' about Pele. I'm watchin' what this guy can do with a ball and his feet. Next thing I know, he jumps in the air and flips into a somersault and kicks the ball in - upside down and backwards... the dang (sc) goalie never knew what the hell hit him. Pele gets excited and he rips off his jersey and starts running around the stadium waving it around his head. Everybody's screaming in Spanish. I'
Furlock Bones
3:26p, 6/10/22
i got covid. a week or 2 later my wife and daughter tested positive. a day and half after them, my son ran a mild fever and had a runny nose. assuming he got covid as well. i didn't quarantine but i don't work in an office. kids preschool is on a break. so, nothing to worry about there. i did tell me my mom not come over because we are all headed to florida tomorrow and didn't want her catching it at the last minute.
8:08p, 6/10/22
Making sure "no" is the answer. It's literally just a cold now. I don't have that Clara Barton symbol, but we all know.
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