A Blessing to all of the men whom served in Vietnam.
1,526 Views | 8 Replies
5:08a, 1/8/24
6:21p, 1/12/24
Thank you for your review of your Dad's experience in Vietnam. Thank you for thinking of others that experienced their version of their year in Vietnam. Thank your Dad for his sacrifices and for those who waited for him at home. I personally appreciate you writing this piece. The years pass, interest in past wars wains and people forget that it ever happened. To have his son, you, write down what you know of what he experienced , that you show interest in it, is important. To you, to him and to your family. It's a legacy that should be treasured and valued.

I spent 1966-67 in Vietnam. I was all over Vietnam,with the First Cavalry Division (Airmobile). I was and am proud of my service to my country. No matter how many years go by, Vietnam is always there for those of us who were there. I often wonder if I am through with Vietnam. I don't think I will ever be.

It was the most profound experience in my life, and I will never forget my buddies that were there with me.

Thank you for your post. Thanks for remembering.
6:11a, 1/14/24
Es un placer. Men like you are loved.
10:31a, 1/14/24
In reply to TheGreatEscape
TheGreatEscape said:

Es un placer. Men like you are loved.

I'm in that book.
11:39a, 1/14/24
In reply to OldArmyCT
OldArmyCT said:

TheGreatEscape said:

Es un placer. Men like you are loved.

I'm in that book.

My pops wasn't an Aggie yet until the GI bill.
I wish you both would have had the pleasure of meeting each other. He did not have very much connection to vets he served and trained with. They were KIA.
His Captain Pendleton (I think) called me on my cell. Have no idea how he got my contact. The Captain said my dad reminded him of the personality of Dandy Don Meredith.
4:57a, 1/15/24
You should scour this site below and see if you can find out more.

6:38p, 1/15/24
I just made use of the book page picture on one of my early song creations recorded on an old android phone.


Can you guess one of my influences? Soldiers heard this band in Vietnam..
7:49a, 1/16/24
In reply to TheGreatEscape

7:11p, 2/6/24
I was invited to a couple 101st Vietnam Reunions. They had a high casualty rate. It was quite moving. At the banquet there was a lot of laughing and crying. The air was thick with electricity.
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