Post a pic of your dog
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3:24p, 4/5/17

3:34p, 4/5/17
In reply to GunRangeGal
GunRangeGal said:



Those are puppy eyes!!!!!!!!
1:17p, 4/6/17
Just got back from the groomers


1:35p, 4/6/17
In reply to GunRangeGal
GunRangeGal said:



Mister in the back of the second pic like "Who TF are you paying attention to over there?"
11:49p, 7/26/17
Ok. I finally got a new dog, and I want to post a pic of him. Can't figure out how to post from imgur??? Help.
8:32a, 7/27/17
In reply to LupinusTexensis
LupinusTexensis said:

Ok. I finally got a new dog, and I want to post a pic of him. Can't figure out how to post from imgur??? Help.
Upload pic.
Right click on pic and select "Copy image address".
Paste link in post and you're good to go.
8:41a, 7/27/17
imgur sucks balls now from mobile. Try
8:51a, 7/27/17
[img]<a href=[/img]

Thank you! Imgur from mobile does suck. This little snuggle monster is now mine.
9:02a, 7/27/17
In reply to LupinusTexensis
Get some rest, Pam. You look tired.
9:03a, 7/27/17
Fail #1
marble rye
9:05a, 7/27/17
9:20a, 7/27/17
In reply to EFE
EagleFordEarl said:

Get some rest, Pam. You look tired.

I don't get it.
9:25a, 7/27/17
Fail #2
9:25a, 7/27/17
In reply to GinaLinetti
Dark circles under her eyes. Jason Bourne says it to the older chick that's trying to catch him in the Bourne Supremacy when he's on the roof top. Wasn't meant to be completely dickish, just playful banter.
9:26a, 7/27/17

If you don't want your IG linked, then don't post it.

Since you just want the pic to be posted, follow the instructions I posted above for imgur.
9:27a, 7/27/17
Did not mean to put the whole Instagram up... sry. Can't figure out posting pictures. That's my sweet girl Maggie after a good day hunting. Eagleford is actually the person to recommend the breeder we got her from.
9:29a, 7/27/17
In reply to EFE
Thank you for ruining sweet Pam's day Earl.
9:33a, 7/27/17
[img]<a href=[/img]
" />
9:40a, 7/27/17
In reply to EFE
I didn't think you were. I figured something went over my head.
9:41a, 7/27/17
In reply to airboatag
My Dad's first gip from Rachel was named Maggie. That's a neat coincidence, does your Maggie go back to the Rowan line?
10:01a, 7/27/17

She is from the Rowan line. Tallisker is her old man. Her registered name is Magnolia.
10:02a, 7/27/17
10:09a, 7/27/17
In reply to EFE
Forgot to hit "reply" to EaglefordEarl
10:18a, 7/27/17
In reply to airboatag
Sounds/looks like you got a good one. (Not that I expected any less from Rachel's dogs) I want a Springer again real bad, or at least a dog with an off switch. I love how block headed and low slung Rachel's dogs are as well, most of the Springer's I see down here are the lankier longhair show bred.
10:24a, 7/27/17
In reply to EFE
Rachel told me she isn't training any more so all of Maggie's training has been DIY. Probably will never realize her full potential but she is pretty solid still. Training comes easy. Strong told me he will only train his now so options are limited if you want to send your dog off for some work.
10:41a, 7/27/17
In reply to airboatag
I Play With Guns
10:56a, 7/27/17
I managed to kill all our pet fish recently so no more pets for me. Not even rocks.
Know Your Enemy
11:13a, 7/27/17
In reply to airboatag
airboatag said:

She is from the Rowan line. Tallisker is her old man. Her registered name is Magnolia.

Translation: I paid waaaaaay too much for my dog.
11:20a, 7/27/17
In reply to Know Your Enemy
Junkhead said:

airboatag said:

She is from the Rowan line. Tallisker is her old man. Her registered name is Magnolia.

Translation: I paid waaaaaay too much for my dog.

It's worth it for him since he takes his dog hunting in the fields instead of to a dog park to frolic with other dogs.
2:03p, 7/27/17
In reply to Know Your Enemy
Junkhead said:

airboatag said:

She is from the Rowan line. Tallisker is her old man. Her registered name is Magnolia.

Translation: I paid waaaaaay too much for my dog.
I wanted a dog from a proven line of dogs and breeder to train into a gundog and be good with the kids. Spending that kind of money, in my opinion, takes some of the risk out of the equation. Plus Springers are great all-purpose hunting dogs. If you want a real laugh, her full registered name is Waterybutts Magnolia.
2:42p, 7/27/17
In reply to I Play With Guns
I Play With Guns said:

I managed to kill all our pet fish recently so no more pets for me. Not even rocks.
How are the twins?
2:45p, 7/27/17
In reply to Know Your Enemy
Junkhead said:

airboatag said:

She is from the Rowan line. Tallisker is her old man. Her registered name is Magnolia.

Translation: I paid waaaaaay too much for my dog.
no such thing.

I paid 1700 for one of mine. now I wouldnt sell for a million bucks.

no other investment like that in the world!
3:02p, 7/27/17
We got a shelter dog. Delbert. Named after my brother Delbert. I think we paid $150 to get him (shots, donation etc).

When he turned one he had some neurological problems and had surgery. Its actually my daughters dog and there was no way we were putting him down. Total vet bills for this and other visits was around $5,500.

Also, he is very aggressive and we've had a hard time training him and he bit one neighbor girl twice (two different times) and her brother once. She likely deserved it and her brother shouldn't have ridden up on a bike and startled him. Needless to say we were able to avoid any lawsuits. I told the neighbors we would put him down but they being animal lovers as well, begged us not to so he survived execution.

Last year we went on a two week vacation and left him with a dog trainer. That was around $2,000. Pretty much a waste of time because no one in my family would take the time to keep up what he learned in training.

So I've got Delbert with a total cost to date of around $8,500 (includes additional vet bills, grooming etc). He stays in the office with me a lot. Likes the chew up anything left near him, whether it be client files, pencils or anything really. He doesn't really care what something costs, he just chews it. I'm willing to let him to for $50 to a home. Doesn't have to be good. He would make a great junk yard dog. He absolutely hates Mexicans. The browns that come cut my yard call him Trump. Oh, if you want to get rid of cats, he's a great cat killer. Also kills squirrels, possums and I'm sure he would be happy to kill smaller dogs if needed.

Let me know.

8:36p, 7/27/17
Got him from a shelter recently, only about 10 weeks now

9:11p, 7/27/17
In reply to FightinTexasAg15
Delbert was cute too. Then he turned into a killer. They say there are no bad dogs only bad owners. Thats complete bullchit.
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