Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
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5:48p, 6/14/21
In reply to Cassius
Cassius said:

ea1060 said:

RAB91 said:

That was hard to watch. Old man is losing it.

I didn't think it was that bad after the initial screw up. But he's been given the questions up front and that's what makes it bad.
Wow, I wish I could have had you as a Prof at A&M, the curve you graded on must have been amazing.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
6:24p, 6/14/21
Biden is just a pre-programmed meat puppet. Anything remotely off script and it gets ugly.

Sooner or later, somebody will get the questions and answer sheet out of order. Biden will read his cheat sheet and give a decent answer, unfortunately it will be to the upcoming question.

You are also starting to see subtle fight back from press. Follow up questions, slight modifications of questions, etc. That's throwing Biden off. I could see somebody calling an audible just to see if Biden is aware of questions or just reading his script.
8:04a, 6/15/21
8:10a, 6/15/21
When you are simply following what others tell you to say and believe, it's easy to get confused trying to sound like an expert on it.
8:41a, 6/15/21
In reply to RAB91
That is so frustrating to watch. Can you imagine what that other leaders are thinking?

Corn Pop
8:46a, 6/15/21
I can see every world leader, terrorist organization, and cartel member licking their chops every time they hear "I'm going to get in trouble" come out of peepaws mouth.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
8:50a, 6/15/21
Yeah, I want one person to come forward with a reasonable explanation why the POTUS* has to repeatedly say "I'm going to get in trouble" in referencing something that is not explicitly on his notecards or written on his hand or whispered into his ear piece or massaged on his prostate with someone's else's hand up his ass.
8:51a, 6/15/21
In reply to Corn Pop
Corn Pop said:

I can see every world leader, terrorist organization, and cartel member licking their chops every time they hear "I'm going to get in trouble" come out of peepaws mouth.

He says that all the time, what is he talking about?
Sea Speed
9:07a, 6/15/21
Thqts probably the 5th or 6th time I have heard him say he is going to get in trouble. Enough that it probably means he really does get yelled at or berated for doing things against his handlers wishes. Its abaolutely terrifying, quite honestly.
9:12a, 6/15/21
I mean...

What the ****!!!

Every day this guy is a joke. We are told this braindead moron got 81 million votes. 81 MILLION!!! How did he get a single vote?

The powerful puppeteers wanted absolutely no doubt that they had a pawn to manipulate and direct, and this guy fit the bill perfectly. That anyone voted for him is a mystery to me.

I just hope they buy him the maximum strength Depends, because there's no chance this idiot doesn't **** himself every day.
3:41p, 6/15/21
grabbing from another thread in my effort to chronicle his slide

Tony Franklins Other Shoe
4:07p, 6/15/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

grabbing from another thread in my effort to chronicle his slide

I wish we had a media that would do more on those cards he's always pulling out. This is a great video capture.

Who am I kidding, it's a pipe dream.
Old Army Ghost
12:18a, 6/16/21
In reply to Cassius
Cassius said:

ea1060 said:

RAB91 said:

That was hard to watch. Old man is losing it.

I didn't think it was that bad after the initial screw up. But he's been given the questions up front and that's what makes it bad.
it wasnt bad if he was running for miss america

mis south corolina was more coherent than biden

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uhmmm, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and uh, I believe that our, I, education like such as, uh, South Africa, and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uhhh, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, should help South Africa, it should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us."
Stat Monitor Repairman
12:39a, 6/18/21

Pepaw sure is clownin' em though.
6:42a, 6/18/21
He literally got lost at the G8 and had to have Jill run up and grab him.
8:02a, 6/18/21
In reply to snowdog90
snowdog90 said:

I mean...

What the ****!!!

Every day this guy is a joke. We are told this braindead moron got 81 million votes. 81 MILLION!!! How did he get a single vote?

The powerful puppeteers wanted absolutely no doubt that they had a pawn to manipulate and direct, and this guy fit the bill perfectly. That anyone voted for him is a mystery to me.

I just hope they buy him the maximum strength Depends, because there's no chance this idiot doesn't **** himself every day.
I guess I still don't have a problem believing this moron got so many votes. I'm not saying there was no fraud but in general it's just a team sport and the Dems are gonna get half the country to vote for them regardless.

People are dumb. I mean really dumb. I'm not calling them dumb simply because I disagree with them on some issues, I mean they can't find the U.S. on a globe and they think the Civil War happened in the 1960s and they've never heard of WWII level dumb. To them capitalism is just a fancy word for white people stealing money.

I'm actually shocked Republicans still get as many votes as they do now. This country is lost.

Ag In Ok
9:38a, 6/18/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Pepaw sure is clownin' em though.

He is a geriatric Michael Scott.

11:25a, 6/18/21
In reply to Joes
Joes said:

snowdog90 said:

I mean...

What the ****!!!

Every day this guy is a joke. We are told this braindead moron got 81 million votes. 81 MILLION!!! How did he get a single vote?

The powerful puppeteers wanted absolutely no doubt that they had a pawn to manipulate and direct, and this guy fit the bill perfectly. That anyone voted for him is a mystery to me.

I just hope they buy him the maximum strength Depends, because there's no chance this idiot doesn't **** himself every day.
I guess I still don't have a problem believing this moron got so many votes. I'm not saying there was no fraud but in general it's just a team sport and the Dems are gonna get half the country to vote for them regardless.

People are dumb. I mean really dumb. I'm not calling them dumb simply because I disagree with them on some issues, I mean they can't find the U.S. on a globe and they think the Civil War happened in the 1960s and they've never heard of WWII level dumb. To them capitalism is just a fancy word for white people stealing money.

I'm actually shocked Republicans still get as many votes as they do now. This country is lost.

Good post. Agree.
Stat Monitor Repairman
9:17p, 6/18/21
Checking in to see what ol Pepaw gone and done today.

What you got for me?
f burg ag
9:23p, 6/18/21
In reply to Cassius
Cassius said:

Corn Pop said:

I can see every world leader, terrorist organization, and cartel member licking their chops every time they hear "I'm going to get in trouble" come out of peepaws mouth.

He says that all the time, what is he talking about?
My dad has Alzheimers. Every time he gets confused and/or loses his train of thought he either says "whatever" or "I shouldn't say anything else"......
Stat Monitor Repairman
10:50p, 6/18/21
Pepaw as commander in chief makes about as much sense as slamming a a few beers and getting behind the wheel of a tour bus with 330 million people on board.

The dude knows he's impaired.

People around him know he is impaired.

We all know he's impaired.

But we are doing it anyway.

**** blows my mind.
10:53p, 6/18/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Pepaw as commander in chief makes about as much sense as slamming a a few beers and getting behind the wheel of a tour bus with 330 million people on board.

The dude knows he's impaired.

People around him know he is impaired.

We all know he's impaired.

But we are doing it anyway.

**** blows my mind.

Take a hit from the gaslight pipe, most are doing that.
12:15a, 6/19/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Read some HuffPo comments on an article where Trump's former doctor was recommending Biden get a health evaluation. Those people were unanimous in that Biden daily proves his mental fitness, whereas it was obvious to them that Trump was clearly mentally unfit.
8:41a, 6/19/21
Just imagine the number of gaffes we'd have if he was a real president and took legitimate (tough) questions from real (not fake news MSM) reporters.
8:45a, 6/19/21
Always nice to get the full/uncensored news about America politics....

from Australia.

8:53a, 6/19/21
In reply to zephyr88
zephyr88 said:

Always nice to get the full/uncensored news about America politics....

from Australia.

Wow. I hadn't put it together, but Biden's long pause is obviously him listening to the answer that someone is feeding him through the earpiece.

That's our President!!
8:55a, 6/19/21
In reply to snowdog90
Absolutely wearing an earpiece... but no one in MSM Talking about it.
8:58a, 6/19/21
In reply to zephyr88
zephyr88 said:

Absolutely wearing an earpiece... but no one in MSM Talking about it.

Yes I've always suspected it, but this video is the best example of proof of the earpiece in use.
9:05a, 6/19/21
In reply to zephyr88
zephyr88 said:

Just imagine the number of gaffes we'd have if he was a real president and took legitimate (tough) questions from real (not fake news MSM) reporters.
He'd be in a lot of trouble...
9:55a, 6/19/21
Before he became senile, I don't think he ever spoke out against his own state's history of slavery;


The Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the U.S., as it only applied to states in rebellion. "Juneteenth" similarly did not end slavery in the U.S.: four slave states that never joined the Confederacy (DE, KY, MD, MO) still allowed slavery post-June 19, 1865.
10:54a, 6/19/21
In reply to nortex97
nortex97 said:

Before he became senile, I don't think he ever spoke out against his own state's history of slavery;


The Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the U.S., as it only applied to states in rebellion. "Juneteenth" similarly did not end slavery in the U.S.: four slave states that never joined the Confederacy (DE, KY, MD, MO) still allowed slavery post-June 19, 1865.

Example of the complete hypocrisy of the Democratic Party leadership.
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
12:09p, 6/19/21
In reply to richardag
richardag said:

nortex97 said:

Before he became senile, I don't think he ever spoke out against his own state's history of slavery;


The Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the U.S., as it only applied to states in rebellion. "Juneteenth" similarly did not end slavery in the U.S.: four slave states that never joined the Confederacy (DE, KY, MD, MO) still allowed slavery post-June 19, 1865.

Example of the complete hypocrisy of the Democratic Party leadership.
The following discusses this
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
2:00p, 6/24/21

5:18p, 6/24/21
In reply to RAB91
"bizarrely" barely begins to describe this President's behavior.
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
6:22p, 6/24/21

Tuskegee Airmen experiments?

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