Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
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10:34a, 7/4/21
"There's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky. "
- Pink Floyd
Stat Monitor Repairman
2:32p, 7/4/21

Pepaw does have a crazed look in his eyes.

They got him amped up on some kind of dope.

If I see people with eyes like that, I go the other direction.
2:56p, 7/4/21
Leader of the free world, folks. We're in good hands.
2:57p, 7/4/21
Those eyes look like the people possessed by Loki in the Avengers movies. freaky
Seven and three are ten, not only now, but forever. There has never been a time when seven and three were not ten, nor will there ever be a time when they are not ten. Therefore, I have said that the truth of number is incorruptible and common to all who think. — St. Augustine
Maroon Dawn
3:00p, 7/4/21
"Watch Peepaw eat ice cream!"

Seriously, it's the only story the lapdog media allows at this point
3:02p, 7/4/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Pepaw does have a crazed look in his eyes.

They got him amped up on some kind of dope.

If I see people with eyes like that, I go the other direction.

The positive is brain freeze is not an option
3:56p, 7/4/21
Someone with more internetting skills than me should make a compilation video of Pres Houseplant eating ice cream and the press fawning over him. This is the 3rd episode in the past 2 months that I can think of.
4:28p, 7/4/21
In reply to aggiehawg
aggiehawg said:

I love how in this video as soon as Joe starts with "by the way I don't want to get in trouble but I got a commitment from the chairman of the board at GM.."

The camera immediately pans away and you see a guy sh^tting himself in the process because of what Joe is saying.
5:04p, 7/4/21
In reply to YouBet
YouBet said:

aggiehawg said:

I love how in this video as soon as Joe starts with "by the way I don't want to get in trouble but I got a commitment from the chairman of the board at GM.."

The camera immediately pans away and you see a guy sh^tting himself in the process because of what Joe is saying.

I thought it panned away because that was the point were he started molesting the two women.
5:05p, 7/4/21
I don't think Joe has ever been a good guy.

But I believe there is a deep, hot place in hell reserved for those hooring out a sick man for political gain.
5:48p, 7/4/21
Also note his slow shuffling in that video. No way in hell he makes it to a second term.
Stat Monitor Repairman
3:23p, 7/5/21

This old man has lost his gd mind.

I've been around people in their late 90s that were 100x sharper and more coherent than this dude.

What an absolute donkey show.
3:27p, 7/5/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
That speech was nothing but gaslighting.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
4:21p, 7/5/21
If Trump coughed twice, the whole media would claim TB and want him removed ASAP.

Gramps and cough up phlegm as much as he wants.
Maroon Dawn
4:46p, 7/5/21
5:07p, 7/5/21
Dementia? Or just Joe lying through his teeth again?


But now, he told another whopper when he had the World Series winners, the Los Angeles Dodgers, to the White House on Friday. During the visit, he told the Dodgers that he hit a 368 ft. home run off the right-centerfield wall during a Congressional baseball game. He even claimed his "kids remember that."
Only that never happened.


CBS' Bo Erickson, one of the few reporters who actually asks questions and reports like a real reporter should, took note, calling it "Peak Biden."

Stat Monitor Repairman
5:29p, 7/5/21
Almost as outrageous as when Trump said he pulled over in his limo to stop somebody from getting mugged.
Stat Monitor Repairman
1:49a, 7/7/21

He finishes awkwardly and shuffles off like that dude in Napoleon Dynamite.
1:58a, 7/7/21
7:21a, 7/7/21
21 pages of dementia. There is no argument, that buffoon was not elected.
3:14p, 7/8/21
The hits keep on coming..... and this one is bad.

3:18p, 7/8/21
In reply to RAB91
Holy Shnikes that's bad.
oh no
3:18p, 7/8/21
In reply to RAB91
how dare you ridicule a corrupt old racist pedo as being senile! the poor man has a speech impediment.
3:26p, 7/8/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

The hits keep on coming..... and this one is bad.

Such a badass in taking out Bin Laden, except he Opposed the operation.[url=][/url]
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
3:29p, 7/8/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

The hits keep on coming..... and this one is bad.

He Who Shall Be Unnamed
3:34p, 7/8/21
In reply to richardag
richardag said:

RAB91 said:

The hits keep on coming..... and this one is bad.

Such a badass in taking out Bin Laden, except he Opposed the operation.[url=][/url]

The first ones are just Joe stuttering. Not uncommon. Not really all that worrisome (in and of themselves, of course). In the last one, he was truly stumped by what he was supposed to say. He seemed so proud of himself, though, when he "remembered" the first reason for taking out Osama Bin Laden. Like a child showing off something he learned at school that day.
3:39p, 7/8/21
In reply to YouBet
Lol that guy came in view basically giving a gesture to take the camera away quickly....
3:42p, 7/8/21
In reply to Tony Franklins Other Shoe
That cough is something he does to give himself a break and catch up w/ the prompter....not an actual cough.
3:49p, 7/8/21
In reply to planoaggie123
planoaggie123 said:

Lol that guy came in view basically giving a gesture to take the camera away quickly....

4:11p, 7/8/21
“A republic, if you can keep it”

AggieKatie2 said:
ETX is honestly starting to scare me a bit as someone who may be trigger happy.
Stat Monitor Repairman
8:44p, 7/8/21

Someone please explain what is happening in this 39 second video.

What is he doing here? What is he trying to say?
Sea Speed
8:46p, 7/8/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
He looks down and to the right like he is listening to someone on his right side.
8:10a, 7/9/21
In reply to Sea Speed
Looking down and to the right is supposed to mean someone trying to remember a auditory memory, in his case he probably has an earpiece in and is trying to remember what someone said 5 seconds ago into his ear
Sea Speed
8:12a, 7/9/21
In reply to P.U.T.U
I have hearing issues and I tilt my head down and to the right when I am trying to focus on listening to what someone is saying/hear them better. I almost point my ear at them but in his case he would just be focusing on what he is listening to.
8:12a, 7/9/21
In reply to P.U.T.U
P.U.T.U said:

Looking down and to the right is supposed to mean someone trying to remember a auditory memory, in his case he probably has an earpiece in and is trying to remember what someone said 5 seconds ago into his ear

I'm sure he's always wearing an earpiece. He loses it, and they speak a few words into his ear.
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