Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
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9:59a, 4/21/22
F'n idiot.
oh no
10:07a, 4/21/22
Bad enough was his long history of racism, corruption, and hair smelling over the course of his half a century in the swamp, but now his mind isn't even there anymore. How can his handlers, his wife, his cabinet, and the dishonest fake news media keep ignoring it and keep up this facade?
10:38a, 4/21/22
10:41a, 4/21/22
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

Bad enough was his long history of racism, corruption, and hair smelling over the course of his half a century in the swamp, but now his mind isn't even there anymore. How can his handlers, his wife, his cabinet, and the dishonest fake news media keep ignoring it and keep up this facade?

Don't forget the Eater Bunny staffer
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
10:43a, 4/21/22
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

Every day

He just went full Kamala. Don't ever go full Kamala. Both of them fell out of the dumbass tree and hit every single limb on the way down.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
2:08p, 4/21/22
3:16p, 4/21/22
NOTHING I have ever seen shows me more clearly what a fraud is our government.

IF Biden was really our president - everyone - the press, the democrats and the republicans would be implementing removal from office.

Imagine if you were going into surgery and Biden walked in to introduce himself as your surgeon - you'd throw up your hands and demand a new surgeon. Other than the lack of real options in the line of power - why isn't this being done???
pagerman @ work
3:23p, 4/21/22
In reply to sleepybeagle
sleepybeagle said:

NOTHING I have ever seen shows me more clearly what a fraud is our government.

IF Biden was really our president - everyone - the press, the democrats and the republicans would be implementing removal from office.

Imagine if you were going into surgery and Biden walked in to introduce himself as your surgeon - you'd throw up your hands and demand a new surgeon. Other than the lack of real options in the line of power - why isn't this being done???
It will pick up steam in the coming months, likely peaking in mid to late November (after the Dems get their asses handed to them in the mid-terms). He will be removed or resign from office for "health reasons" sometime after January 21.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
1:35p, 4/22/22
There was a glitch in his software earlier today.

Marcus Brutus
1:37p, 4/22/22
In reply to RAB91
That's the stutter Joe has had all his life /lying godless libs
. . .
2:16p, 4/22/22
oh no
2:51p, 4/22/22
3:10p, 4/22/22
He's rotting from the inside out.
3:13p, 4/22/22
In reply to Marcus Brutus
Marcus Brutus said:

That's the stutter Joe has had all his life /lying godless libs
Nah, he was identifying as an illegal ghost machine gun
3:18p, 4/22/22
. . .
3:42p, 4/22/22

3:46p, 4/22/22
and they laugh...
3:47p, 4/22/22
It's only a matter of time before he publicly refers to Jill as Putin. I say publicly because I wouldn't be surprised if it's already happened privately.
4:03p, 4/22/22
This is indefensible. Who has the chutzpah to step up and say this is okay?

And Trump was "unfit to serve." My word.
5:41p, 4/22/22
In reply to Coog97
Coog97 said:

and they laugh...
they won't be laughing after the GOP curbstomps the leftists in November

and when they look at polls showing Biden running in 24.
9:54a, 4/23/22
81M ballots

9:53a, 4/25/22
Nice recap of some of the idiots who questioned Trump's mental state while MSM currently looks the other way from Biden's dementia, which has gotten worse.


Biden's decline is obvious to everyone but the press
By Karol Markowicz April 24, 2022 6:02pm

Something is wrong with President Joe Biden, and everyone knows it....

.....On Friday, Biden tried to comment on Florida's new Parental Rights in Education law and came out with this word salad: "There's nothing conservative about deciding you're going to throw Disney out of its present posture because Mickey Mouse? In fact, do you think we should be not be able to say, you know, 'gay'? I mean, what's going on here?",,,,

....It's also hard to forget that during the Donald Trump years, the president's acumen was full-on debated and often.

Brian Stelter, of CNN's most-misnamed show, "Reliable Sources," had actor Robert De Niro on to discuss Trump's mental capacity. The network also favored medical opinions from Trump's enemies like Anthony Scaramucci.

When Trump joked about buying Greenland from Denmark, MSNBC furrowed its collective brows and featured Dr. Lance Dodes, former assistant psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School, to talk about the president's mental decline. Dodes contributed to a book about the subject without, of course, ever having examined Trump.

But now we're supposed to disregard what we see with our own eyes. Many of us have had our own confused grandpa, starting one story and finishing another or rambling from one topic to the next nonsensically.....


1:01p, 4/25/22
Macron snubbed Biden.

1:05p, 4/25/22
In reply to aggiehawg
aggiehawg said:

Macron snubbed Biden.

Wonder if Macron would have accepted a call from Jill Biden???
. . .
1:28p, 4/25/22

. . .
4:23p, 4/27/22
19…5, 6, 7, 8 you know, the thing, the year! Come on man!

4:25p, 4/27/22
In reply to . . .
. . . said:

19…5, 6, 7, 8 you know, the thing, the year! Come on man!

Our Navy? Is he talking about Teddy Roosevelt?
4:26p, 4/27/22
To be fair, I think means 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s….

4:28p, 4/27/22
In reply to bmks270
bmks270 said:

To be fair, I think means 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s….

Or 1905-1908? When Roosevelt sent the Great White Fleet all over the world?
4:29p, 4/27/22
In reply to bmks270
bmks270 said:

To be fair, I think means 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s….

to be fair he is a bumbling old man who is losing his mental capacities
oh no
10:34a, 4/28/22

12:54p, 4/28/22
In reply to oh no
And compare your video to this old one. No reasonable person can argue there hasn't been a significant decline.

oh no
1:04p, 4/28/22
yeah, old sleepy Joe's brain is barely even in there anymore.

...and what an insult for his handlers to write for JOE BIDEN of all people to talk on camera about "ill-begotten gains".
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
1:39p, 4/28/22
In reply to . . .
. . . said:

19…5, 6, 7, 8 you know, the thing, the year! Come on man!

My mom is 85. Her last wellness visit was the typical Alzheimers test where they show them an actual clock and the nurse asks what time it is. Mom said "which way do you want it? 3:30 or half past 3?" If you asked Joe the same thing, he would say "I like pie".

The second clip below is probably the worst yet in him fumbling over the teleprompter and that's saying something.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
1:49p, 4/28/22
Make it stop.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FJB TRUMP 2024.
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