*** Official Trump Hush Money Trial Thread ***
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11:43p, 5/3/24
Trump doesn't have a prayer, he will be convicted on Hick's testimony, weak as it was.

I think he gets 4-8 years.

This is a tainted jury, they don't want Trump as President. This is a bias judge, registered democrat who contributed to Biden.

This is NYC, the jury don't convict him they better move along with all their relatives but they don't need that incentive, they hate Trump.

The Democrats are so empowered when it comes to Trump because there never has been push back from the right.

Reality Check
12:31a, 5/4/24
In reply to PA24
PA24 said:

Trump doesn't have a prayer, he will be convicted on Hick's testimony, weak as it was.

I think he gets 4-8 years.
You're on crack, Nobody goes to prison for a paperwork crime -- especially not a former president.
How do I get a Longhorn tag?
12:35a, 5/4/24
In reply to Reality Check
A lot of people go to prison for paperwork crimes. These are felonies and there's a few dozen counts.

Class E felonies in NY carry up to 4 years.
12:40a, 5/4/24
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Still amazed that no federal case was able to get traction but ...
The Federal Election case and Classified Documents case say hello.
12:45a, 5/4/24
In reply to PA24
What exact part of Hicks testimony are you referring to, like be specific on what she said that makes you feel this way.
2:16a, 5/4/24
I agree. I am fairly certain I read all of it and I am not sure how you draw that conclusion?

Oh... and HH is still smoking hot!!!
7:07a, 5/4/24
CNN article this morning: Hope Hicks testimony devastating for the defense

Fox News article this morning: Hope Hicks testimony devastating for the prosecution

Both articles agree testimony further showed Cohen paid money to Daniel's and that Trump knew about payment but Fox News article is 'so what? Did it to not embarrass family which is not a crime' while CNN article is 'Got Him!'

No fan of Trump as a person. His elite narcissism has always turned me off and I would be shocked if he hadn't cheated on every wife he's ever had.

But this trial is a ridiculous political show trial that also turns me off. A Circus clown show.

I suppose since it is in New York the jury will more likely than not convict. Whether this trial and whatever it's result changes a small 'swing' vote that actually affects the election who knows. Trump can still run for President regardless. And who knows who wins because both Biden and Trump are pretty pathetic menu choices. I will be curious whether the number of people who vote in this one is significantly less than 2020 because of the poor menu.
7:16a, 5/4/24
In reply to Reality Check
Reality Check said:

PA24 said:

Trump doesn't have a prayer, he will be convicted on Hick's testimony, weak as it was.

I think he gets 4-8 years.
You're on crack, Nobody goes to prison for a paperwork crime -- especially not a former president.
I didn't believe it either but after reading the comments on Fox News from the NYC readers, I came back to reality.

7:26a, 5/4/24
In reply to Pumpkinhead
Pumpkinhead said:

CNN article this morning: Hope Hicks testimony devastating for the defense

Fox News article this morning: Hope Hicks testimony devastating for the prosecution

Both articles agree testimony further showed Cohen paid money to Daniel's and that Trump knew about payment but Fox News article is 'so what? Did it to not embarrass family which is not a crime' while CNN article is 'Got Him!'

No fan of Trump as a person. His elite narcissism has always turned me off and I would be shocked if he hadn't cheated on every wife he's ever had.

But this trial is a ridiculous political show trial that also turns me off. A Circus clown show.

I suppose since it is in New York the jury will more likely than not convict. Whether this trial and whatever it's result changes a small 'swing' vote that actually affects the election who knows. Trump can still run for President regardless. And who knows who wins because both Biden and Trump are pretty pathetic menu choices. I will be curious whether the number of people who vote in this one is significantly less than 2020 because of the poor menu.

Agree, if what Trump is alleged to have done was actually a crime, this is a slam dunk. But nothing in this case constitutes criminal activity. It's the epitome of a sham trial over trumped-up charges. (no pun intended)
BMX Bandit
7:30a, 5/4/24
The hicks testimony does hurt Trump because she is first to tie Trump to knowing about the payments

On the flip side, she also established Trump paid the money in part to protect his family which destroys using violating campaign finance laws as the crime this allegedly covered up
8:08a, 5/4/24
I must have missed it, but when did Hicks confirm that payment was made? Or confirm that the Trump team knew about it?
8:16a, 5/4/24
In reply to BMX Bandit
BMX Bandit said:

The hicks testimony does hurt Trump because she is first to tie Trump to knowing about the payments

On the flip side, she also established Trump paid the money in part to protect his family which destroys using violating campaign finance laws as the crime this allegedly covered up
The crime wouldn't have been 'covered up' until 2017 when the accounting entry was made anyway, so…none of the prosecution's 'theory of the case' makes any sense at all.
8:20a, 5/4/24
In reply to notex
notex said:

BMX Bandit said:

The hicks testimony does hurt Trump because she is first to tie Trump to knowing about the payments

On the flip side, she also established Trump paid the money in part to protect his family which destroys using violating campaign finance laws as the crime this allegedly covered up
The crime wouldn't have been 'covered up' until 2017 when the accounting entry was made anyway, so…none of the prosecution's 'theory of the case' makes any sense at all.
You're not getting it. It doesn't have to make sense. All they're counting on is a biased jury that will hand down a conviction. They know full well this won't hold up to appeal. But the appeals process is long and tedious and will last well beyond the election. They don't even care if he actually goes to jail or not. All they want is the "Convicted Felon Trump" label for the campaign.

If anything in the case is "election interference", it's the case itself.
1:51p, 5/4/24
2:07p, 5/4/24
In reply to SwigAg11
SwigAg11 said:

I must have missed it, but when did Hicks confirm that payment was made? Or confirm that the Trump team knew about it?

I thought she said that Trump mentioned some to her about it after Cohen had already done it not him knowing prior
Funky Winkerbean
2:20p, 5/4/24
2:45p, 5/4/24
In reply to Reality Check
Reality Check said:


  • In relation to WSJ's November 4, 2016, story, she also told the defense that Trump didn't want his family to be hurt or embarrassed by what was happening on the campaign trail.

Which completely debunks the prosecution's essential to convict theory that this was all about influencing the election.

I consider myself a fairly well-educated guy; A masters and an additional 63 hours of post-grad study. I don't see how text messages showing a shady lawyer trying to sell a story about Trump to a tabloid proves Trump fraudulently labeled 34 transactions in 2017 about an alleged affair that hit the tabloids in 2011 helped him win an election in 2016..

Absolutely none of this makes sense.

But then again, I remind myself this isn't about any crime Trump committed -- it's a six- to eight-week exercise in the Democrats punishing Trump for winning an election and for daring to run again. He's not able to campaign. They're dragging him through the muck of affairs with porn stars that porn stars said 13 years ago never happened. He's being threatened with jail by a judge whose daughter is literally raising money off of this trial. He's allowing MSM anchors to orgasm on air about the possibility of Trump sitting in jail for contempt. And -- if all 12 jurors can be counted on to follow script -- he'll be a "convicted felon" for a year or so until an appeals court cleans up Merchan's mess.

And then it all makes perfect sense.

This whole case baffles me. Since when is it illegal for a candidate to influence an election? Is it illegal to campaign?
Ag with kids
9:07p, 5/4/24
In reply to captkirk
captkirk said:

Reality Check said:


  • In relation to WSJ's November 4, 2016, story, she also told the defense that Trump didn't want his family to be hurt or embarrassed by what was happening on the campaign trail.

Which completely debunks the prosecution's essential to convict theory that this was all about influencing the election.

I consider myself a fairly well-educated guy; A masters and an additional 63 hours of post-grad study. I don't see how text messages showing a shady lawyer trying to sell a story about Trump to a tabloid proves Trump fraudulently labeled 34 transactions in 2017 about an alleged affair that hit the tabloids in 2011 helped him win an election in 2016..

Absolutely none of this makes sense.

But then again, I remind myself this isn't about any crime Trump committed -- it's a six- to eight-week exercise in the Democrats punishing Trump for winning an election and for daring to run again. He's not able to campaign. They're dragging him through the muck of affairs with porn stars that porn stars said 13 years ago never happened. He's being threatened with jail by a judge whose daughter is literally raising money off of this trial. He's allowing MSM anchors to orgasm on air about the possibility of Trump sitting in jail for contempt. And -- if all 12 jurors can be counted on to follow script -- he'll be a "convicted felon" for a year or so until an appeals court cleans up Merchan's mess.

And then it all makes perfect sense.

This whole case baffles me. Since when is it illegal for a candidate to influence an election? Is it illegal to campaign?
Apparently....if you are Trump...it is.

This whole pile of **** the Dems have been piling on him is shameful.

And I don't like Trump.
8:27a, 5/5/24

3:18p, 5/5/24

How many catastrophic yet entertaining courtroom fails can one team of prosecutors suffer before the judge calls a halt to this goat rodeo? It's time to dismiss this case against Donald Trump after Friday's testimony. But don't get your hopes up. The bulldogger of this rodeo is the judge.

Now, before we get to the testimony of Hope Hicks, who just removedyet againthe prosecution's foundation for a conspiracy they allege but didn't charge, let's appreciate what we've got so far (roughly in order):
  • Misdemeanor bookkeeping charges announced
  • A DA hinting that federal election laws were broken to steal the 2016 election, though this was not charged
  • Motions by team Trump to dismiss, forestall, change venue, and keep out prejudicial evidence are denied
  • The Republican presidential nominee defendant gagged to silence him from talking about participants and the judge's Democrat activist daughter making money on the trial
  • An unstated felony to which 34 misdemeanors are attached to make them felonies
  • Allowing in salacious evidence that doesn't pertain to stealing an election
  • Speedily selecting jurors
  • Announcing after the trial started the unstated felony is a state conspiracy and election violation charge, though no conspiracy is charged


Maybe an expert in federal election law could explain to them why the Federal Election Commission and the DOJ said these legal payments were neither illegal nor election expenses and declined to prosecute. Alas, the judge denied Team Trump the ability to call their federal elections expert. More on that in an upcoming post.
Stat Monitor Repairman
3:21p, 5/5/24
In reply to Gator92

Now Hulk Hogan becomes tangentially involved in this case? Give me a mother ******g break. America being trolled and we the most gullible ****birds of all time.

That said, RIP Andre.
3:22p, 5/5/24
Pretty terrifying to see the banana republic that we have most certainly become
3:27p, 5/5/24
Trump will demand to testify after the Hope Hicks testimony, as this trial continues and he sinces the inevitable he will get on that stand.
3:30p, 5/5/24
In reply to DannyDuberstein
DannyDuberstein said:

Pretty terrifying to see the banana republic that we have most certainly become

And hilariously it's not even because of the pic of our former President peacocking with the wrestling belt between Andre and Hulk or paying off porn stars either.
3:50p, 5/5/24
In reply to Faustus
Faustus said:

DannyDuberstein said:

Pretty terrifying to see the banana republic that we have most certainly become

And hilariously it's not even because of the pic of our former President peacocking with the wrestling belt between Andre and Hulk or paying off porn stars either.
Peacocking while he was President? Or after? You tell me.
3:51p, 5/5/24
He also paid off the porn star before becoming President to the extent the timeline is key for you in determining how silly we've become.
3:57p, 5/5/24
Says the guy not disturbed by the Banana Republic.
4:37p, 5/5/24
You asked me to tell you when it happened.

Kind of flailing about here.
Im Gipper
4:38p, 5/5/24
In reply to Burpelson
Trump is NOT taking the stand.

I'm Gipper
4:46p, 5/5/24
I imagine testifying about this garbage wouldn't be much fun, and the state's case is weak with or without his testimony.

I'd be surprised if he was willing to talk under oath about the sordid details.
5:23p, 5/5/24
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
It seems that Keith Davidson lawyered for Matt "Spiceboy" Loyd a radio jock who leaked the tape to Gawker.


According to court records filed on Thursday, Loyd, his wife Tasha Carrega, and attorney Keith Davidson signed a stipulated permanent injunction that states they will not leak or possess the sex video.

Seems Pecker(National Enquirer) ran the N word tape first...


Last summer, Hulk Hogan's whole world came crashing down when a National Enquirer report came out indicating that he had used the N-word several times and made a series of racist statements while speaking with Heather Clem, the woman who appeared on his now-infamous sex tape. Hogan apologized for it immediately, but the WWE distanced themselves from Hogan in the aftermath of the National Enquirer report and many of Hogan's longtime fans turned their backs on him.

And then the National Enquirer quotes Gawker attorney about FBI involvement...


The audio alterations became apparent when, faced with the prospect of losing their lawsuit against Hulk, website Gawker sued the FBI to release its hidden cache of evidence.

In a recent hearing, the website's attorney, Seth Berlin, claimed the audio in one of the tapes mysteriously changes "at a key moment."

"I want to understand how that audio got changed," Berlin told a Florida judge. "It smells like a bad fish."

Berlin further suggested that the FBI had conducted an "extortion" probe against a California man who was peddling the raunchy material at the behest of Hulk!

Ag with kids
6:20p, 5/5/24
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Now Hulk Hogan becomes tangentially involved in this case? Give me a mother ******g break. America being trolled and we the most gullible ****birds of all time.

That said, RIP Andre.
6:30p, 5/5/24
I cannot emphasize enough how sleazy Keith Davidson is. He was suspended from practicing but stiil seeing clients and advising them.
6:48p, 5/5/24
In reply to Ag with kids
Ag with kids said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Now Hulk Hogan becomes tangentially involved in this case? Give me a mother ******g break. America being trolled and we the most gullible ****birds of all time.

That said, RIP Andre.

Sorry for the derail, but who and why did they time the fart?
Yes, sometimes my mind skips a beat & wanders to odd places.
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
6:49p, 5/5/24
In reply to richardag

Sorry for the derail, but who and why did they time the fart?

Yes, sometimes my mind skips a beat & wanders to odd places.
Film was still rolling as was the audio?
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