I'm still on the fence about Ukraine
11,585 Views | 254 Replies
9:01a, 4/24/24
In reply to BigRobSA
BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
I'm not the one saying "well we can't cut entitlements". Most people on this thread are saying that.

And supporting an ally and sticking to your word is not a "liberal policy". Actually having a set of strong allies would enable us to have LESS military, since our allies would pick up any slack. The fact that we screw over allies and have to do everything ourselves is WHY we have to blow our budges on the military.
9:02a, 4/24/24
In reply to PlaneCrashGuy
PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in one small area (where the tiny little edge of the black line indicating where Adviika is) in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

9:04a, 4/24/24
In reply to Teslag
Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.
Ghost Mech
9:05a, 4/24/24
In reply to aTmAg
I don't know why everyone is pinning their hopes on a 2nd term. Trump's actions in his first term proved that he is impotent to win this fight......

BTW it's not just Biden participating in the corruption. He's just the front man.

Our political leaders are willing to destroy our country and our futures for their financial gain.
9:08a, 4/24/24
I think Trump will pull out of Ukraine the first chance he gets. And it will be a huge mistake. So there, I don't trust him at all. And I also don't trust him to cut spending. He has shown willingness to spend even more then democrats.

I do think that Trump will make it his mission to ACTUALLY go after the swamp this time. All the crap he has been through has taught him to not offer an olive branch anymore (such as when he let Hillary off the hook).
9:13a, 4/24/24
In reply to aTmAg
aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
I'm not the one saying "well we can't cut entitlements". Most people on this thread are saying that.

And supporting an ally and sticking to your word is not a "liberal policy". Actually having a set of strong allies would enable us to have LESS military, since our allies would pick up any slack. The fact that we screw over allies and have to do everything ourselves is WHY we have to blow our budges on the military.

I don't care about Ukraine in the least, nor Russia. Neither means dick to daily life in America. Russia is obviously not the superpower they make themselves out to be. They can't even kick Ukraine's ass. We would curbstomp them....in heels. And Ukraine? LoL....anyways....

And yes, fiscally supporting them is a liberal policy since we're having to hock our great grandkids' future to do it.

So, basically, F NotAmerica. Fix **** here. Then maybe we can send them a few million..
9:15a, 4/24/24
In reply to PlaneCrashGuy
PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

He also said the vaccines were safe, free, and effective. Dude lives a total lie while speaking in absolutisms.
9:15a, 4/24/24
In reply to PlaneCrashGuy
PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.
9:18a, 4/24/24
If Democrats, Rinos, and Teslag are for funding Ukraine, you know it is a terrible idea.
Moral High Horse
9:20a, 4/24/24

1) F Russia. They have been funding our enemies for YEARS getting American soldier killed. They need pay back. Make them think twice about supporting our enemies again. So far, they are up to almost the amount we lost in Vietnam. Not to mention the number that died in other conflicts they supported. I'd be happy with 3X, but not at the expense of fast victory.

This has been my view. I'm not really out to help anyone in Ukraine. I won't fly a Ukraine flag and I sigh in disgust when I see them being flown all over here and on social media. I'm all about pissing in Russia's cheerios.
9:23a, 4/24/24
**** Ukraine, and **** Russia. i dont give a ***** -- Zero of our tax dollars should support either stupid ass outcome.

And **** Schrodinger's army.

It's the "Orc/Ivan" army is using 50 year old **** and is weak as **** and a complete joke, unless you claim not to give a **** and dont want to send our tax dollars to a KNOWN CORRUPT GOVERNMENT WHO WILL SQUANDER (read: LAUNDER) it, and then it becomes this massive unstoppable army that will take over all of Europe.

You Ukraine stans are ****ing ******ed.

Remember when the Uke gov't was so embroiled in an existential war that they took time and voted themselves higher pensions, paid for by ME AND YOU?!

This entire thing is an absolute ****ing joke and I'm not surprised the usual smooth brains are falling for it.
9:24a, 4/24/24
In reply to Jbob04
Jbob04 said:

If Democrats, Rinos, and Teslag are for funding Ukraine, you know it is a terrible idea.

If Trump is for it then how can it be a bad idea?
9:26a, 4/24/24
Ukraine : Russia :: Trump : Biden

Both not worth supporting but one is way worse.
9:35a, 4/24/24
In reply to Teslag
Teslag said:

Jbob04 said:

If Democrats, Rinos, and Teslag are for funding Ukraine, you know it is a terrible idea.

If Trump is for it then how can it be a bad idea?

Because he's a Spendy McSpenderson liberal and an idiot. No wonder he supports it.
9:36a, 4/24/24
In reply to aTmAg
Get off the fence. Russia is a paper tiger and has been exposed in Ukraine. They no more would invade a NATO country now, than would Biden close the border airtight. And if they did they would get their butts handed to them. All Russia has going for them is PRC (the real enemy) support and nuclear weapons.
9:37a, 4/24/24
In reply to Teslag
Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.

I'm starting to think you've legitimately never been right about anything ever.
9:54a, 4/24/24
In reply to PlaneCrashGuy
PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.

I'm starting to think you've legitimately never been right about anything ever.

You're right. I actually thought Russia might be able to do something over these past few months with US aid stopped.
sam callahan
9:59a, 4/24/24
In regards to winning fast, that's the least likely outcome to the point of being implausible.

The war is a milk cow and they aren't going to kill it until they have run it dry.
10:05a, 4/24/24
In reply to BigRobSA
BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
I'm not the one saying "well we can't cut entitlements". Most people on this thread are saying that.

And supporting an ally and sticking to your word is not a "liberal policy". Actually having a set of strong allies would enable us to have LESS military, since our allies would pick up any slack. The fact that we screw over allies and have to do everything ourselves is WHY we have to blow our budges on the military.

I don't care about Ukraine in the least, nor Russia. Neither means dick to daily life in America. Russia is obviously not the superpower they make themselves out to be. They can't even kick Ukraine's ass. We would curbstomp them....in heels. And Ukraine? LoL....anyways....

And yes, fiscally supporting them is a liberal policy since we're having to hock our great grandkids' future to do it.

So, basically, F NotAmerica. Fix **** here. Then maybe we can send them a few million..
You say the same thing about China invading Taiwan?
10:05a, 4/24/24
In reply to Teslag
Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

Then why don't we stop the war so we don't have to spend a couple trillion more funding a pointless foreign war, and save thousands of lives that will die for nothing?

Russia is only going to acquire more territory, not lose any. It's time to end this thing.
Tea Party
10:06a, 4/24/24
In reply to Teslag
Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.

I'm starting to think you've legitimately never been right about anything ever.

You're right. I actually thought Russia might be able to do something over these past few months with US aid stopped.
So you're saying Russia made nearly no gains over the past few months when the US was not providing aid, yet the US must provide more aid to Ukraine to stop Russia's future gains?
Learn about the Texas Nationalist Movement
10:14a, 4/24/24
Old school conservatism believed three things:

1. Russia sucks and lives to undermine our gteat country
2. Anybody that supports Russia sucks
3. When you say you are supporting a country in war, no matter which halfwit is in charge, you follow-up and stay true to the end. We don't abandon folks. Not in Afghanistan (but we did) and not in Ukraine.

Anything other than the above is contorting yourself around for political reasons.
10:15a, 4/24/24
In reply to aTmAg
aTmAg said:

Saving $75B by not funding Ukraine is not going to fix the border...

Hey Google, how much would it cost to build the border wall?


$25-40B for the entire wall and security systems needed.

Money well spent.
10:20a, 4/24/24
One thing I should mention.. .is that I would ONLY do this for nations where we have mutually beneficial agreements. I wouldn't do this if South Africa invaded Batswana or something.

Ukraine is included in that set. They gave up their nuclear weapons at OUR behest. The would have liked to keep them as a deterrence against being invaded. Now they are being invaded it is our duty to live up to our agreement.

This is a conservative position. Not a liberal one. Biden found an acorn (because he is corrupt).
10:22a, 4/24/24
In reply to SpreadsheetAg
SpreadsheetAg said:

aTmAg said:

Saving $75B by not funding Ukraine is not going to fix the border...

Hey Google, how much would it cost to build the border wall?


$25-40B for the entire wall and security systems needed.

Money well spent.
You know what is money better spent? Eliminating all entitlements for illegals. Then the ones we don't want here would self deport. Then we could build 50 walls for the amount of money we save.
10:22a, 4/24/24
In reply to aTmAg
aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
I'm not the one saying "well we can't cut entitlements". Most people on this thread are saying that.

And supporting an ally and sticking to your word is not a "liberal policy". Actually having a set of strong allies would enable us to have LESS military, since our allies would pick up any slack. The fact that we screw over allies and have to do everything ourselves is WHY we have to blow our budges on the military.

I don't care about Ukraine in the least, nor Russia. Neither means dick to daily life in America. Russia is obviously not the superpower they make themselves out to be. They can't even kick Ukraine's ass. We would curbstomp them....in heels. And Ukraine? LoL....anyways....

And yes, fiscally supporting them is a liberal policy since we're having to hock our great grandkids' future to do it.

So, basically, F NotAmerica. Fix **** here. Then maybe we can send them a few million..
You say the same thing about China invading Taiwan?


If we fix **** here, Taiwain fades into Bolivian as far as any relevance. Fixing **** here would make it feasible to move mfg back here.
10:22a, 4/24/24
In reply to aTmAg
aTmAg said:

SpreadsheetAg said:

aTmAg said:

Saving $75B by not funding Ukraine is not going to fix the border...

Hey Google, how much would it cost to build the border wall?


$25-40B for the entire wall and security systems needed.

Money well spent.
You know what is money better spent? Eliminating all entitlements for illegals. Then the ones we don't want here would self deport. Then we could build 50 walls for the amount of money we save.

10:31a, 4/24/24
Brad Paisley standing on the palace steps wearing his ridiculous costume and singing his Ukraine song to the circus clown should tell you all you need to know about it.
10:33a, 4/24/24
In reply to rgag12
rgag12 said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

Then why don't we stop the war so we don't have to spend a couple trillion more funding a pointless foreign war, and save thousands of lives that will die for nothing?

Russia is only going to acquire more territory, not lose any. It's time to end this thing.

Russia can stop this any time they want.
10:35a, 4/24/24
In reply to Tea Party
Tea Party said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.

I'm starting to think you've legitimately never been right about anything ever.

You're right. I actually thought Russia might be able to do something over these past few months with US aid stopped.
So you're saying Russia made nearly no gains over the past few months when the US was not providing aid, yet the US must provide more aid to Ukraine to stop Russia's future gains?

Yes. Eventually Ukraine would run out of equipment and Russia would have been able to slowly make inroads. More death. More destruction. Especially to civilians. As it stands now this thing i stalemate with our aid. And Russsia's gnashing of teeth over the last few days shows this.

Ukraine won't win their lost lands back. Russia won't get anything relevant. The borders now are what will be. And once Ukraine is in NATO we will have permanent peace.
10:38a, 4/24/24
In reply to Teslag
Who. ****ing. Cares.

Our country is broke and you're super excited about sending unaccountable taxpayer dollars to a corrupt country, that was caught red-handed by our former POTUS who actually asked about their money laundering scheme and was IMPEACHED for it, and once his admin was out of power, more dollars flowed. WOW amazing.

You are a joke.
10:43a, 4/24/24
In reply to Teslag
Teslag said:

And once Ukraine is in NATO we will have permanent peace.
El oh el.

We had peace before NATO keep marching East. We had a chance to broker peace months after the invasion and shut it down.
Nobody cares. Work Harder
10:46a, 4/24/24
In reply to BadMoonRisin
BadMoonRisin said:

Who. ****ing. Cares.

Our country is broke and you're super excited about sending unaccountable taxpayer dollars to a corrupt country, that was caught red-handed by our former POTUS who actually asked about their money laundering scheme and was IMPEACHED for it, and once his admin was out of power, more dollars flowed. WOW amazing.

You are a joke.
They were shamed into changing handles once, I wonder what the next one's going to be. Something like "Salute the Ukraine" maybe?
10:47a, 4/24/24
I do not care to help them out anymore. It is a losing battle that will do nothing

We do not need to send anymore money

What Johnson did is fine for such a slim majority and mushy moderates. You take the loss to win the long term battle. Winning the house, Senate and Presidency

I believe Johnson is ready to cram Trump's agenda down their throats. Sounds like they have been talking a lot behind the scenes to unite the party if or when we take all three.

10:49a, 4/24/24
In reply to BigRobSA
BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
I'm not the one saying "well we can't cut entitlements". Most people on this thread are saying that.

And supporting an ally and sticking to your word is not a "liberal policy". Actually having a set of strong allies would enable us to have LESS military, since our allies would pick up any slack. The fact that we screw over allies and have to do everything ourselves is WHY we have to blow our budges on the military.

I don't care about Ukraine in the least, nor Russia. Neither means dick to daily life in America. Russia is obviously not the superpower they make themselves out to be. They can't even kick Ukraine's ass. We would curbstomp them....in heels. And Ukraine? LoL....anyways....

And yes, fiscally supporting them is a liberal policy since we're having to hock our great grandkids' future to do it.

So, basically, F NotAmerica. Fix **** here. Then maybe we can send them a few million..
You say the same thing about China invading Taiwan?


If we fix **** here, Taiwain fades into Bolivian as far as any relevance. Fixing **** here would make it feasible to move mfg back here.
We aren't going to fix that **** today. If Taiwan got invaded now, we would be SCREWED. We import 44% of our chip logic from Taiwan. We HAVE to keep that from happening in the short and middle term.
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