university protestors want an intifada revolution in america
8,455 Views | 114 Replies
10:41a, 4/29/24

the left cares about no one
their true goal is marxist revolution with an enslaved populous doing the leftist elites bidding
10:51a, 4/29/24
In reply to damiond
Literally every single one of these pieces of **** needs to be fired for their jobs immediately. I know it won't happen, but this is how you start with it. Clean house in all these institutions.

It's disgusting how ignorant the left is how evil they are and the fact they want to break down America. Socialism and communism have never worked and never will work.

This really pisses me the **** off.
Hungry Ojos
10:54a, 4/29/24
In reply to annie88
lol, liberals don't have jobs.
Maroon Dawn
10:55a, 4/29/24
1) oh look, Leftist using a term they don't understand because it sounds cool to them ::eyeroll::

2) They really think that if they kill enough people they can have the upper middle class life style they secretly crave handed to them as a reward for being good little brown shirts (rather than the reality of what always happens to such useful thugs once the coup is over and they aren't useful anymore)
The Chicken Ranch
10:55a, 4/29/24
And yet they have been gaslighted to this by the Democrats and their media.
10:56a, 4/29/24
In reply to annie88
annie88 said:

Literally every single one of these pieces of **** needs to be fired for their jobs immediately. I know it won't happen, but this is how you start with it. Clean house in all these institutions.

It's disgusting how ignorant the left is how evil they are and the fact they want to break down America. Socialism and communism have never worked and never will work.

This really pisses me the **** off.
Oh fear not. I'd imagine their names are going into various databases. As we all are by now. The databases that matter will be those of the winner. A fight is coming. We all know it.
10:57a, 4/29/24
Sounds like insurrection?
10:58a, 4/29/24
Is there another country in the history of the world that would allow people to openly call for violent revolution and not do anything to stop it?

I mean...this is real treason and the powers-that-be are just sitting back and doing nothing about it, while bringing trumped up (pun intended) "insurrection" charges against people didn't commit an insurrection and did not advocate for treasonous actions.
Kraft Punk
11:00a, 4/29/24
Never trumpers cast the same vote as these people
11:00a, 4/29/24
In reply to JD05AG
JD05AG said:

Sounds like insurrection?

Yeah. How does walking through the Capitol warrant 20 years while, "Death to America! and, "We want an intifada!" get protection as free speech and not outright sedition and attempting to instigate violence?

11:02a, 4/29/24
11:02a, 4/29/24
Totally not insurrection though because it's (D)ifferent.
Canyon Lake Agbu94
11:04a, 4/29/24
Well. We may as well get this over with now. No reason to postpone the inevitable.
Don't waste your days on dreams that don't fill you. Find out what you love and let it kill you.
11:04a, 4/29/24
bring it. I guarantee I am better armed and stocked with ammo, and a much better marksman than 90% of these liberal *******.

as are a significant part of the rest of us deplorables.
11:05a, 4/29/24
Thank you Biden voting lemmings.

Thank you Obama.

And FJB.
11:06a, 4/29/24
In reply to bobbranco
bobbranco said:

Thank you Biden voting lemmings.

Thank you Obama.

And FJB.
and several specific posters on this forum that I cannot name otherwise I would receive a ban for stating their user IDs.
11:07a, 4/29/24
In reply to Tramp96
Tramp96 said:

Is there another country in the history of the world that would allow people to openly call for violent revolution and not do anything to stop it?

I mean...this is real treason and the powers-that-be are just sitting back and doing nothing about it, while bringing trumped up (pun intended) "insurrection" charges against people didn't commit an insurrection and did not advocate for treasonous actions.
We used to have Sedition laws. Not advocating for their return but there should be enough laws on the books that would survive a first amendment challenge (Brandenburg v. Ohio) but also not be contorted so much (looking at you, Jack Smith) to still be applicable.
11:07a, 4/29/24
In reply to Tramp96
Tramp96 said:

Is there another country in the history of the world that would allow people to openly call for violent revolution and not do anything to stop it?

I mean...this is real treason and the powers-that-be are just sitting back and doing nothing about it, while bringing trumped up (pun intended) "insurrection" charges against people didn't commit an insurrection and did not advocate for treasonous actions.
I'm as much of a free speech guy as there is but there's no question that sometimes we try to be so principled as to be suicidal. The people generally using their freedom of speech in the most extreme ways are not in favor of free speech at all, they're using our values against us. They would use their free speech to end free speech.

At some point you have to be in survival mode when it becomes that contradictory. For example, let's say you have five people in a group and you do everything by voting. Then 3 of the 5 vote to end voting and select a dictator. Are the two others supposed to say "Well, we've voted to end voting so I'll just have to go along with it"?

Saying "I believe so much in free speech that people should be able to use their free speech to call for the end of the country that allows free speech" seems really dumb.

Maroon Dawn
11:09a, 4/29/24
All just setting the stage for Dem Summer of Love 2: Mostly Peaceful Boogaloo*

*funded by Soros, China, Russia, Iran and the Newsome Crime Family and associated Dem allies

Stay alert and ready because it's coming and may hit closer to home than you ever thought possible
11:12a, 4/29/24

In regards to the Andy Ngo X video about GW intifada revolution for socialist reconstruction of the US.......
This is what democrats are voting for. They truly hate America and Americans. This is what the democrat party stands up for... 81 Million voters supported this. Blows my mind.
11:15a, 4/29/24
Most if not all communist revolutions feature a culling of the university profs and college educated.

Act accordingly.


I know this isn't technically communist but you get the idea.
11:17a, 4/29/24
Socialist government being violently installed in America… Jews most impacted… - Kathy Manning
El Gallo Blanco
11:38a, 4/29/24
LFG, bring MP5 I've been wanting to try out.
11:52a, 4/29/24
In reply to Hungry Ojos
Hungry Ojos said:

lol, liberals don't have jobs.

Uh. Yes, they do. They're mostly the administrators and professors and that was who I was talking about. Just look at what's going on at Columbia and they're waffling now they're saying they won't even punish people. Those people are working.
11:54a, 4/29/24
In reply to Madman
They are western Maoist's. Perpetual revolution to keep the regime in power for its own survival and protection. The academics trigger and foment the revolution, and they are the first to the gulag as a threat to the ruling cabal, even though they believe they will be privileged nomenklatura.
The brainless indoctrinated students and children vulnerable to ideological possession become the zealous foot soldiers of the revolution. They have all the naive and passionate and idealistic enthusiasm to mindlessly persecute and oppress and attack any resistance. They then become an uncontrollable risk to the newly established political regime, so they are disposed of or viciously oppressed into submission by the regime as a threat to their power.

Neither group believes they are being treated unfairly while possessed, and only under the boot, or after years in the gulag or tied to the post to they realize their gross misunderstanding and it is far too late.

Those others that understand early on what may feel isolated or afraid or feel like they have too much to lose in defiant resistance need to understand they have a very real chance of losing everything if they don't resist at every level by any practical means. That doesn't mean preemptive violence but if does mean truth to power and courageous speech and open defiance against all acts of oppression.
11:54a, 4/29/24
In reply to IndividualFreedom
IndividualFreedom said:


In regards to the Andy Ngo X video about GW intifada revolution for socialist reconstruction of the US.......
This is what democrats are voting for. They truly hate America and Americans. This is what the democrat party stands up for... 81 Million voters supported this. Blows my mind.

It's because they truly don't understand what it is they're defending. Socialism and communism. Actual terrorism. They truly don't have an understanding of it. They've never really seen it in action so they're jumping on the bandwagon and yelling all this crap. If they had to go live in a country under these kind of rules they wouldn't make it weeks. They can act like this in America.

There are some massive parenting fails here along with social media and teenagers and 20 somethings in general being very gullible and easily influenced and wanting to join the crowd. That's always been that way, The cause just changes. We had idiots like this 100 years ago 200 years ago. We just see more of it now because of social media but this is at a level we haven't seen since the 60s.
11:56a, 4/29/24
They don't want that smoke....they may say they do, but it would be devastating to them and their "cause"
Old McDonald
11:57a, 4/29/24
i take the communist freedom fighter larper idiots' threats of socialist revolution about as seriously as i do the right wing secessionists and civil war 2 fantasizers. deeply unserious people. gonna take a lot more than glamping in the quad to get what they want.
Maroon Dawn
1:33p, 4/29/24
In reply to Old McDonald
Old McDonald said:

i take the communist freedom fighter larper idiots' threats of socialist revolution about as seriously as i do the right wing secessionists and civil war 2 fantasizers. deeply unserious people. gonna take a lot more than glamping in the quad to get what they want.

"See! Don't worry about my fellow Communists wanting to get violent to get their way! Just go back to ignoring us as we quietly infiltrate every institution in this country!"
1:40p, 4/29/24
Marxist rebels. Calling for death of Americans. This is where Marxism always goes. Murder.
Urban Ag
1:47p, 4/29/24
Shut their phone service off and the revolution ends within 10 minutes

What a bunch of stupid children.

So scary.
1:48p, 4/29/24
In reply to annie88



In regards to the Andy Ngo X video about GW intifada revolution for socialist reconstruction of the US.......
IndividualFreedom said:
This is what democrats are voting for. They truly hate America and Americans. This is what the democrat party stands up for... 81 Million voters supported this. Blows my mind.

It's because they truly don't understand what it is they're defending. Socialism and communism. Actual terrorism. They truly don't have an understanding of it. They've never really seen it in action so they're jumping on the bandwagon and yelling all this crap. If they had to go live in a country under these kind of rules they wouldn't make it weeks. They can act like this in America.

There are some massive parenting fails here along with social media and teenagers and 20 somethings in general being very gullible and easily influenced and wanting to join the crowd. That's always been that way, The cause just changes. We had idiots like this 100 years ago 200 years ago. We just see more of it now because of social media but this is at a level we haven't seen since the 60s.
But 81,000,000 individuals!!!! Nobody with any common sense would vote for this chaos, yet 81,000,000 did.

The only reason one could defend this vote is to be in favor of the destruction of our nation.
American Hardwood
1:51p, 4/29/24
In reply to Old McDonald
Old McDonald said:

i take the communist freedom fighter larper idiots' threats of socialist revolution about as seriously as i do the right wing secessionists and civil war 2 fantasizers. deeply unserious people. gonna take a lot more than glamping in the quad to get what they want.
One of the things I've noticed about leftists is that they never see the trendlines. They seem to be incapable of seeing future consequences or projecting forward towards logical conclusions. All they can see (or more rightly, want to see) is what is happening in the present. The above post is a good example. Instead of seeing the logical conclusion of unrestrained civil disobedience, she trivializes it.

It's the same mentality that would have you believe "they only want to get married" was going to end there.
1:51p, 4/29/24
If Americans ever get back into power we'll have to put them all in Gitmo.
America the Beautiful
1776 - 2020
The D
1:52p, 4/29/24
These limp dicked mask wearing ******s wouldn't last 1 minute if this popped off
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