New employment report today- surprise!
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7:35a, 5/3/24
as always with an Obama/Biden administration, the economic news surprises every month to the negative side.

U.S. job growth totaled 175,000 in April, much less than expected

Nonfarm payrolls were expected to increase by 240,000 in April while the unemployment rate held at 3.8%, according to economists surveyed by Dow Jones.
7:37a, 5/3/24
Will be quietly adjusted much lower when they want to report the real numbers
7:39a, 5/3/24
Good thing we're bringing in millions more people to work per year in all these jobs!
7:41a, 5/3/24
Dow Jones already up nearly 550 points on the weak employment report.

Bad news is good news!

because it means the weakening economy will lower inflation and the Fed Reserve can get back to lowering interest rates. Wall Street loves it!
7:42a, 5/3/24
I'm about tired of all these damn chickens coming home to roost!
7:45a, 5/3/24
during Republican Presidential administrations the media would constantly whine about how the USA has to create 250,000 jobs every month just to keep up with population growth.

that was a decade ago. now it is likely close to 350,000 jobs need to be created every month with our millions of illegals coming in every few months.

so even if this was accurate reporting (it's not) then the USA is not creating enough jobs to keep up with demand.

although the bureaucrats will claim unemployment did not raise because the U-3 rate led to a drop in participation rate, even though the U-6 likely shows more unemployed throughout the population.
7:49a, 5/3/24
The weakness was pervasive, and while payrolls were a huge miss, the unemployment rate also rose more than expected from 3.8% to 3.9%

The previous estimate from yesterday was of an unchanged print of the unemployment rate holding at 3.8%
Maroon Dawn
7:53a, 5/3/24
This is what the sheep vote for

For a government and media apparatus in propaganda mode that tells them everyday "this is fine, everything is fine" so they can go back to sleep and peacefully ignore what these crooks are really doing
7:55a, 5/3/24
UE at 3.8%. Righhhhttttt....
7:55a, 5/3/24
For those who don't follow USG reports, the U-6 employment rate is a larger encompassing rate that includes discouraged workers and those holding part-time jobs for economic reasons.

This metric edged up this month to 7.4%, its highest level since November 2021.

The labor force participation rate, or those actively looking for work, was unchanged at 62.7%.
7:55a, 5/3/24
In reply to MaroonStain
MaroonStain said:

UE at 3.8%. Righhhhttttt....
3.9% this month my friend!
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
7:58a, 5/3/24
In reply to LMCane
LMCane said:

as always with an Obama/Biden administration, the economic news surprises every month to the negative side.

U.S. job growth totaled 175,000 in April, much less than expected

Nonfarm payrolls were expected to increase by 240,000 in April while the unemployment rate held at 3.8%, according to economists surveyed by Dow Jones.
I can't believe you are openly rooting for our economy to fail /#severalofourconcernedmoderates

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
8:03a, 5/3/24
Maybe some posters will quit bashing the Republican candidate and stop helping the dems.
8:04a, 5/3/24
You need the job market to cool off to get inflation back to sub 2%, and this is driven mostly by (good) Fed policy. There's a reason yields are off and stock (futures) market are up this morning.

At the end of the day, whatever economic news comes out right now can be spun as negative even if its actually positive data from the perspective of what the Fed us doing. You really don't want a super hot jobs report with sub 4% unemployment and more than 2% inflation.
8:06a, 5/3/24
8:07a, 5/3/24
In reply to Gordo14
Gordo14 said:

You need the job market to cool off to get inflation back to sub 2%, and this is driven mostly by (good) Fed policy. There's a reason yields are off and stock (futures) market are up this morning.

At the end of the day, whatever economic news comes out right now can be spun as negative even if its actually positive data from the perspective of what the Fed us doing. You really don't want a super hot jobs report with sub 4% unemployment and more than 2% inflation.
LOL tell that to the unemployed and 7% underemployed and those who are not looking for jobs anymore...
8:11a, 5/3/24
The market is up because of the anticipated possibility of a rate cut in June…..crazy. Wait until next week, then we'll see….
8:14a, 5/3/24
In reply to lck90
lck90 said:

Good thing we're bringing in millions more people to work per year in all these jobs!

These illegal freeloaders aren't going to work while biden is giving them free stuff.
Fight against the dictatorship of the federal bureaucracy!
8:26a, 5/3/24
In reply to lck90
lck90 said:

Good thing we're bringing in millions more people to work per year in all these jobs!
And college kids lapping up those who are stealing their jobs.
LOL, I wonder how college grads with no jobs feel about DEI hires now?
8:28a, 5/3/24
all of these numbers are BS. they constantly change the calculations and definitions of what metric they are trying to calculate.

here is all that matters we are 35 trillion in debt, our debt goes up by 1 trillion every 100 days and there is no coming back from this. the markets are totally rigged and in reality your nothing more than a beneficiary on the very stocks you think you own. they know when they are planning to pull the plug and we are just along for the ride. good news is bad news, bad news is good news, and it is all a scam.
8:29a, 5/3/24
Momala gonna save us all……
8:31a, 5/3/24
In reply to Krautag81
Krautag81 said:

The market is up because of the anticipated possibility of a rate cut in June…..crazy. Wait until next week, then we'll see….
Yessir. Powell took a hike off the table in his recent presser and also said they would start focusing more on jobs and not as much on inflation.

The market perception is that he is priming the pump for a September cut even in the face of sticky inflation.

The dot plot indicated unemployment @ 4% was their hurdle so if we see a 3.945 unemployment print, you would the Fed's mind...triggered the rate cut.

Exiting voting member Mester also said recently that she thinks the long term neutral rate is 3% and not 2%. I think the Fed is coming to terms with inflation not going away.
8:35a, 5/3/24
In reply to AgOutsideAustin
AgOutsideAustin said:

Momala gonna save us all……
Well, she got under a man and worked her way up.
Wonder if she will teach the mamar techniques so some can make a living through prostitution.
8:49a, 5/3/24
In reply to Gordo14
Gordo14 said:

You need the job market to cool off to get inflation back to sub 2%, and this is driven mostly by (good) Fed policy. There's a reason yields are off and stock (futures) market are up this morning.

At the end of the day, whatever economic news comes out right now can be spun as negative even if its actually positive data from the perspective of what the Fed us doing. You really don't want a super hot jobs report with sub 4% unemployment and more than 2% inflation.
There is NOTHING the Fed can do. Weakening the consumer will not stop inflation. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon. Losing labor force in stubbornly weak supply chain with stubbornly high goods input prices will destroy business revenue, as they can't just cut costs. So you will have drop of supply AND demand while prices remain unchanged or move up.
“Give it hell Heinekandle, I’m enjoying it.”
- Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX

“No secure borders, no alpha military, no energy independence, no leadership and most of all no mean tweets - this is the worst trade I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime. ***Put that quote in your quote/signature section HeinendKandle*** LOL!”
- also Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX (obviously in a worse mood)
9:19a, 5/3/24
In reply to Krautag81
Krautag81 said:

The market is up because of the anticipated possibility of a rate cut in June…..crazy. Wait until next week, then we'll see….
Where are you seeing this?

We think the market is pricing in the 1st cut in December. The June & September cut went out the window after last month's inflation reading.
9:20a, 5/3/24
In reply to LMCane
LMCane said:

Dow Jones already up nearly 550 points on the weak employment report.

Bad news is good news!

because it means the weakening economy will lower inflation and the Fed Reserve can get back to lowering interest rates. Wall Street loves it!

It will drop significantly and could end in the negative based on the reality of how unstable things are.
9:25a, 5/3/24
As it has been for quite some time under the current administration, these numbers are cooked.
9:27a, 5/3/24
9:31a, 5/3/24
In reply to BadMoonRisin
BadMoonRisin said:

Lol wtf.

8.756 is above the expected 8.75…..

Seriously, by whopping 0.07%…
That is not above the expectation lol, that is the expectation, unless you think their predictions are expected to be accurate to more than 1/10th of a percent.

Probably generated by an ai.
Ghost Mech
9:32a, 5/3/24
In reply to LMCane
LMCane said:

Dow Jones already up nearly 550 points on the weak employment report.

Bad news is good news!

because it means the weakening economy will lower inflation and the Fed Reserve can get back to lowering interest rates. Wall Street loves it!

It's not the jobs report..... It's the Fed jumping into the bond market behind the scenes to bring that 10 year down.
2:27p, 5/3/24
In reply to bmks270
bmks270 said:

BadMoonRisin said:

Lol wtf.

8.756 is above the expected 8.75…..

Seriously, by whopping 0.07%…
That is not above the expectation lol, that is the expectation, unless you think their predictions are expected to be accurate to more than 1/10th of a percent.

Probably generated by an ai.

Statistical background noise

Aggie Jurist
2:43p, 5/3/24

Bad news is good news!

because it means the weakening economy will lower inflation and the Fed Reserve can get back to lowering interest rates. Wall Street loves it!
Correlation isn't causation. In normal economic times, lower employment means lower GDP and lower inflation. We are instead headed for stagflation, because of the insane amount of borrowed money being continually dumped in the market. Inflation has continued to be sticky - even though real unemployment has remained high - even with low labor participation rates.
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