Absolutely Stunning Custom Home?
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9:57a, 6/30/15
The Fife
11:49a, 6/30/15
That place is just a great big bucket of WTF?

A huge dog kennel area out back in case you've always wanted to get into puppy mills...
A big concrete lion that just might convey if the price is right...
We'll call the kitchen a feature, but we won't bother to clean any of it...
I can see where the range goes from the picture but that's about the most awful location I've seen anyone pick. They have a peninsula of cabinets and then the range stands off to the left by itself?

After looking at all of the pictures I feel like I need to go wash my hands for some reason.
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11:58a, 6/30/15
6:21p, 6/30/15
None specific to share atm. But I assure you, I have inspected homes that looked REALLY good int he mls pictures and were absolute run, don't walk, away as fast as you can.....
1:34p, 7/1/15
The front of this home is so awesome, they posted 2 pictures of it.

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2:05p, 7/1/15
2:15p, 7/1/15
In reply to aggiemike89
The front of this home is so awesome, they posted 2 pictures of it.


So, the truck comes with the house, too, right? Reminds me of the thread a few months back about the fridge that didn't stay. Is the seller's agent going to have to do a list of exclusions and specify the truck?
2:48p, 7/1/15
Another gem for just under $555k...price reduced. I'm guessing the pictures of the pool are supposed to sell the house, because the pictures of the house (or rather the decor in the house) are terrible.

2:48p, 7/1/15
In reply to [removed post]
That's usually code for "tear down"
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3:00p, 7/1/15
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3:02p, 7/1/15
3:18p, 7/1/15
In reply to [removed post]
how on earth is that house that much? and in tomball no less.

I think you'd be shocked by the prices up here. And that development is technically in The Woodlands, so the houses go for a premium. It's not unusual to see $200+/sq ft.

Here's one for $259/sq ft

There are townhouses up here listing for over $400k. Some are in the new development adjacent to the ExxonMobil campus - which is zoned to Spring High School.
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7:43p, 7/1/15
7:54p, 7/1/15
7:59p, 7/1/15
I will post this "above ground pool" I saw on an inspection last year:
Shockingly, I did not consider it in the overall value opinion.

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8:01p, 7/1/15
9:03p, 7/1/15
Hilarious third coast and p_bubel! Please keep them coming! I never cease to be entertained by this sort of stuff...much like the crazy cars thread on the auto board and the pooping at work thread on the Houston board, this one could become a go-to when I need a good laugh!
The Fife
6:08a, 7/2/15
(The Woodlands one)
There's this thing called a microwave drawer that eliminates this whole problem...

This has to be an illusion, right? $1.2 million and nobody noticed that you can't open the drawers to the vanity?

The Fife
6:13a, 7/2/15
Here's a terrible pic from the place we bought. The window to the right of the bar gives a wonderful view of the kitchen sink. Thank God none of the stuff conveyed. We bought it knowing it would be a full rebuild.

8:16a, 7/2/15
In reply to The Fife
(The Woodlands one)
There's this thing called a microwave drawer that eliminates this whole problem...

This isn't the only house I've seen with this kind of microwave installation. I guess the builders up here haven't heard of microwave drawers.

This has to be an illusion, right? $1.2 million and nobody noticed that you can't open the drawers to the vanity?

This drives me NUTS! $200 a sq ft and you can't put some handles on the cabinets?!? I especially cringe when it's white or cream cabinets...don't people know they will end up smeared with dirty fingerprints?
9:36a, 7/2/15
How is $150-200/sq.ft. in a Houston suburb sustainable? It's not like there is limited building space. Seems as crazy as people paying those prices in Bakersfield, CA back in the mid-2000s.
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9:57a, 7/2/15
10:38a, 7/2/15
In reply to AggieBQ03
How is $150-200/sq.ft. in a Houston suburb sustainable? It's not like there is limited building space. Seems as crazy as people paying those prices in Bakersfield, CA back in the mid-2000s.

If you want to truly be within the limits of The Woodlands, there is limited building space. It's essentially built out. Closer in to Market Street/The Pavilion/East Shore, I've seen resales list for as much as $300 a sq ft. And building has gotten expensive. Heck, I sold my 2 year old house in College Station two years ago for about $120 a sq ft. It would likely sell for $135-$140 a sq ft now. Plenty of new construction up there is going for $150 a sq ft or more, depending on the builder and upgrades.

And while I know it's considered a Houston Suburb, The Woodlands/Spring area has become a medium sized city unto itself. A lot of people commute into town, but I live and work here (for an international company with 5k employees) and rarely venture into the city. The population in The Woodlands alone is over 100k. If you include the immediately surrounding areas, it's probably more like 200-250k. And there is money here...the average income is over $100k/year. We pay a premium for everything up here...including housing.
The Fife
11:50a, 7/2/15
In reply to [removed post]
im not up to speed on high end kitchen appliances, but is the problem that the microwave is a front loading in the middle of the kitchen and is annoying to have to use it that way vs the top loading drawers?

Yes, microwave drawers are much more convenient when mounted in that location. They've been out for about 15 years now and really aren't that expensive. To use this microwave the user has to stoop down and look into the cabinet because it's designed to be more or less at eye level of the person using it.. A microwave drawer opens upward and the controls are angled just a bit because it's designed for use by someone who's standing.

These, and drawers in the lower cabinets (instead of doors and open space) are two things I wasn't sold on until we rebuilt our kitchen. I didn't see what a huge improvement it was until I saw and used it.
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11:54a, 7/2/15
1:35p, 7/2/15
this one comes with a freaking lion
6:50p, 7/2/15
While a lack of photos should be a crime, this level of detail is overkill:

That's not cropped by me either. That's the entirety of the photo uploaded by the agent.
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8:18p, 7/2/15
10:20p, 7/2/15
For me, this thread is now becoming a game of "how long until somebody spots their own listing on the thread"
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10:22p, 7/2/15
10:29p, 7/2/15
In reply to JDCAG (NOT Colin)
For me, this thread is now becoming a game of "how long until somebody spots their own listing on the thread"

I was a little worried when I posted the link with the Aggie memorabilia on the wall...
11:11p, 7/2/15
I've actually thought about that too.
The Fife
5:47a, 7/3/15
In reply to p_bubel
While a lack of photos should be a crime, this level of detail is overkill:

That's not cropped by me either. That's the entirety of the photo uploaded by the agent.
For someone who plans on getting drunk and passing out near a rock wall, that's a hell of a view to wake up to.
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10:28p, 7/4/15
Satellite of Love
11:05p, 7/4/15
In reply to Ragoo
this one comes with a freaking lion
Good God!!! Everything is just so........WHITE!
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