Red Raiders DESTROY Kansas!
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Big 12-0
10:20p, 2/12/24
How DARE they push Tech out of the Top 25!

One day a Tech QB wins a Super Bowl, the next the Tech basketball team is cooking up some Jayhawks. For a team that hasn't "won anything" they are doing pretty decent <sarcasm>.

Are you tuning in?
Big 12-0
10:37p, 2/12/24
I bet Kansas can't leave Lubbock fast enough! What an embarrassment!
11:12p, 2/12/24
In reply to Big 12-0
Big 12-0 said:

I bet Kansas can't leave Lubbock fast enough!

This applies to anyone at all who visits Lubbock
9:20a, 2/13/24
Is Tech's coach still calling players slaves?
10:00a, 2/13/24
Help me I'm lost, I was looking for the Old Rivalries Board but it seems to be the TT board, anyone have a link to Old Rivalries?
Big 12-0
10:17a, 2/13/24
In reply to BQ78
BQ78 said:

Help me I'm lost, I was looking for the Old Rivalries Board but it seems to be the TT board, anyone have a link to Old Rivalries?

It's just a reflection of the times we're living in. Tech's performing on the national stage so Old Rivalries reflects this. When you win on Super Bowl Sunday and beat #6 Kansas on Big Monday, all eyeZ on Tech.
10:18a, 2/13/24
Does Mahomes even admit he went to Tceh?
Big 12-0
10:32a, 2/13/24
In reply to BohunkAg
BohunkAg said:

Does Mahomes even admit he went to Tceh?

Have you not seen this?
10:50a, 2/13/24
In reply to Big 12-0
Well, as my grandad used to say "…even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while…"

Good game, it's a good day when one of big crooks of the game goes down
11:06a, 2/13/24
In reply to Big 12-0
Big 12-0 said:

BohunkAg said:

Does Mahomes even admit he went to Tceh?

Have you not seen this?

Why would I have watched that?
Texas velvet maestro
11:23a, 2/13/24
In reply to Big 12-0
that picture looks like a satanic rap show. is that jackson mahomes in the back? is he still at large?
12:41p, 2/13/24
In reply to BohunkAg
BohunkAg said:

Is Tech's coach still calling players slaves?
Nah, they fired that guy and got someone better
Jack Boyett
12:56p, 2/13/24
Getcha some

1:09p, 2/13/24
In reply to Big 12-0
That nice ceremony is the least Tech could do for all the championships Mahones brought to Tech. I mean, before him they couldn't afford stamps but now they can send things Fed Ex!
maroon barchetta
3:26p, 2/13/24
The Ags beat #6 Tennessee the other day and Myles Garret won Defensive Player of the Year.

Is that how this works?
Big 12-0
4:03p, 2/13/24
In reply to maroon barchetta
maroon barchetta said:

The Ags beat #6 Tennessee the other day and Myles Garret won Defensive Player of the Year.

Is that how this works?

Was it on Big Monday with the whole wide world watching? THAT'S how it works.
4:20p, 2/13/24
In reply to maroon barchetta
Come on now, let the little guy puff up his little birdy chest a little bit now. It's literally all he's got. Give him a little golf clap now.
Charlie 31
5:10p, 2/13/24
In reply to TXAGBQ76
TXAGBQ76 said:

Well, as my grandad used to say "…even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while…"

Along that same vein, I had a boss who used to say, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day." I watched the game last night and Texas Tech did dominate Kansas from start to finish in a well-played game. Tech, like our Aggies, just needs to sustain those victories and be more consistent on the court against all opponents all season.

On another note, the Texas Tech students and fans chanting "overrated" last night at the end of the Kansas game was just as bad as our students and fans chanting "overrated" when we soundly defeated Tennessee on Saturday at Reed Arena. To add another quote to this post, from Penn State Coach Joe Paterno, "Act like you've been there before."
5:45p, 2/13/24
In reply to Charlie 31
I've heard that before too.

The overrated chant vs UT was not gif the team but Knecht who is highly rated and is very cocky. Every time he went to the free throw line the chanted it- as well as every time he missed a shot, had a turnover, etc. They really got in his head.

While I'm not a big fan of doing it to the team we are beating, there are number of things the youngsters do I don't care for- but I'm the end, it is their time not mine. If I don't like it, I just don't do it.

I'm for anything that gets under Rick Barnes' extremely thin skin. He always finds not picky thing to cry about whenever he loses.
6:58p, 2/13/24
Yeah the overrated chant thing is idiotic. Pure high-grade stupid.

If the team you just stomped is "overrated" it takes a good deal of the shine out of the stomping.
Big 12-0
10:35p, 2/13/24
In reply to TXAGBQ76
TXAGBQ76 said:

Come on now, let the little guy puff up his little birdy chest a little bit now. It's literally all he's got. Give him a little golf clap now.

Vanderbilt says howdy!
Big 12-0
10:42p, 2/13/24
In reply to Skubalon
Skubalon said:

Yeah the overrated chant thing is idiotic. Pure high-grade stupid.

If the team you just stomped is "overrated" it takes a good deal of the shine out of the stomping.

Unfortunately, my wife does the "overrated" chant after our annual whoopee session.
10:47p, 2/13/24
In reply to Big 12-0
We said howdy to UK and UT- but you notice I didn't run over to a non-rival site puffing my chest out.
9:09a, 2/14/24
In reply to Big 12-0
Don't feel bad, she says it to me every week.
Big 12-0
9:54a, 2/14/24
In reply to BQ78
BQ78 said:

Don't feel bad, she says it to me every week.

Ha-ha! I only get humiliated with the chant once a year! Scoreboard!
10:11a, 2/14/24
In reply to Big 12-0
Sounds like you think she is complimenting you.
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