Ideas to make pool vacuum cleaner hose neutrally bouyant?
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5:53p, 4/2/24
I have a Dolphin Nautilus vacuum that cleans the bottom of the pool and I also have a Beta skimmer that cleans the surface of the pool. This time of year with the leaves and pollen I'd love to be able to run both at the same time but the Dolphin hose floats on the surface of the water and entangles the Beta skimmer. Is there a way I can make the Dolphin hose float under the surface of the water without making it sink all the way to the bottom to get it out of the way of the Beta skimmer? First world problems, I know.
6:48p, 4/2/24
In reply to ReloadAg
Nm, misread. Let me think about it.

Ok, zip tie tungsten fishing weights along the cord length, spaced out appropriately? You'll have to experiment with the size to make it float just right. You'll want non-lead so that it's non-toxic. Not sure what pool chems do to that.
7:28p, 4/2/24
In reply to Comeby!
Good idea thanks.
Whoop Delecto
7:29p, 4/2/24
10:07a, 4/3/24
Get some of those plastic Polaris hose floats, poke a hole in them, so they kind-of float when full of water.
6:09a, 4/5/24
In reply to Comeby!
Comeby! said:

Nm, misread. Let me think about it.

Ok, zip tie tungsten fishing weights along the cord length, spaced out appropriately? You'll have to experiment with the size to make it float just right. You'll want non-lead so that it's non-toxic. Not sure what pool chems do to that.

Do not recommend. Metal will oxidize and stain your pool. Yes tungsten is 'rust free' in water, but not corrosion resistant against your sanitizing and balancing chemicals. This is about the quickest way to run straight into a $10k+ replaster job. We just did one of these because a customer of ours left 'no rust' metal furniture in the pool. There are non metallic weight solutions for pool hoses.
10:32a, 4/5/24
In reply to fire09
3:31p, 4/8/24
In reply to ReloadAg
How do you like the Beta Skimmer?
6:22p, 4/8/24
In reply to Chaca
Love it so far! It's really helped with the leaves and pollen. The new version they just came out with has the ability to plug in for power in addition to solar power which would be nice. Mine is solar powered only. It does a good job though!
8:03a, 4/11/24
Please share what you end up doing.
10:52a, 4/11/24
In reply to JBLHAG03
Will do. Haven't tackled it yet.
7:20a, 4/15/24
I ordered the Betta. It is a little annoying initially - gets stuck on tanning ledge (the legs it comes with aren't long enough), gets stuck in skimmer opening, gets stuck on Polaris power cable as noted here. Each takes a little rigging to "fix."
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