Information Needed
955 Views | 3 Replies
9:27a, 11/15/23

I am retired Army and have a buddy who is a retired CSM that is looking for information for a friend looking to going to A&M possibly on their Pre Med program. Has anyone or know anyone within the program I can put them in contact with so that they would be sharing information about the program?

Thank you
3:23p, 11/15/23
A&M Veterans Services

Just a thought, but if no one can provide a contact, they might start here for info, etc.

12thFan/Websider Since 2003
8:00p, 11/15/23
There really is no "pre-med" program. You just pick a major, and make sure you get the med school pre-requisites. Some majors include all the med school pre-reqs, some don't. I've seen business, history, engineering, etc. majors get into med school. It's not just the biology/biochem majors. Regardless of your major, A&M has an office of professional school advising (OPSA), or used to, that will help guide you towards professional schools (law/med/PT/etc).

As far as I know there's not specific connection between premed and veterans. The med school is trying to create a "military track," but I believe you still need to get accepted to the med school first.

5:21a, 11/16/23
Most STEM degrees will get someone admitted to med school assuming their grades qualify. And med school scholarships are available for the big 3 services prior to beginning med school, only the Army will let you in after already beginning. My niece joined the Army in the middle of her first year at UTSW, she had her tuition and books paid, got LT's pay, had to go to camp in the summers, spent 7 years in the Army after and loved it. Upon release from AD she applied for a fellowship at Parkland and they gave preference to veteran's, so she got that. She's now a fetal medicine specialist (high risk pregnancies) and raking in the dough.
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