Long Term Covid effects?
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12:56p, 5/16/22
Had Covid April 2021. Since then, have had "tingly" like feelings randomly throughout my body, like drops of water on my skin. Have also had my tongue feel like it's burned half the time, but taste has not gone away. Obviously it seems to be all nerve-related, but wondering if anyone else has had anything quite like this. I have been to a neurologist and a rheumatologist, had a couple of MRIs and so much blood work done. According to all of my labs, I'm healthy as a horse. Haven't really confirmed 100% that it is Covid related since I've had some anxiety issues in the past, but there's no doubt it started around the same time and it's been over a year and still hasn't completely gone away. Anyone have any issues like this or have heard of people having these issues?
1:47p, 5/16/22
i'm a post covid-long hauler having been asymptotic when i got the stars virus in dec. 2020 before vaccines ever made; also have compromised immune system but yes, it sounds like you've become a long hauler as well. i've been to a neurologist, e n t, and dermatologist as this virus has turned my life into a living hell and most dr. don't acknowledge this and usually blood work comes up normal. i suggest joining the survivors corp group on facebook; thousands of long haulers post their symptoms/what they use to treat the symptoms and there's a wealth of information that can be gained...even moreso from THEM than the SPECIALISTS. all of us are very unique w/our symptoms and there's plenty of info of what they take for their symptoms. best wishes.
2:58p, 5/16/22
In reply to Aggie521
Aggie521 said:

Had Covid April 2021. Since then, have had "tingly" like feelings randomly throughout my body, like drops of water on my skin. Have also had my tongue feel like it's burned half the time, but taste has not gone away. Obviously it seems to be all nerve-related, but wondering if anyone else has had anything quite like this. I have been to a neurologist and a rheumatologist, had a couple of MRIs and so much blood work done. According to all of my labs, I'm healthy as a horse. Haven't really confirmed 100% that it is Covid related since I've had some anxiety issues in the past, but there's no doubt it started around the same time and it's been over a year and still hasn't completely gone away. Anyone have any issues like this or have heard of people having these issues?

This sounds like a B12 deficiency to me. Google burning tongue and b12. It may be worth getting a shot.
4:27p, 5/16/22
In reply to trnrmom
Thanks! I'll definitely check out that Facebook group - much appreciated.
5:51p, 5/16/22
I hope I am not going to become a long hauler. I had Covid three weeks ago and was sick for four days. Then, out of nowhere, I lost about half of the hearing in my right ear. And the ringing, oh man the ringing is terrible. No other symptoms after four days but the right ear issue has not let up much, though the ringing is not as bad.

Went to an ENT and he told me he has had patients with the exact same systems last 6-8 months.

My 10 year old son also got it and he still doesn't have his voice back.

The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln.
2:29p, 5/17/22
Im a 23 month covid long hauler, I would suggest checking out the long hauler group on reddit. Ive seen lots of people post similar symptoms as you, they suggest treatments that worked for them. Ivermectin and Ginkgo Biloba were the only two things that made me feel better, but my symptoms are different from yours. Apparently a lot of long haulers feel better after taking the Myers' Cocktail IV as well.
10:35a, 5/27/22

Capitol Ag
1:17p, 5/27/22
In reply to AlaskanAg99
AlaskanAg99 said:


It is very important that we see the term "might be" in the tweet. Again, it is so hard to tell what is actual "long haul" and what is just normal health issues that people have that crop up over time and now people are now looking for symptoms or have something legit but it really isn't related to Covid. They may very well be related but from psycho-somatic to health issues we get from life in general (aging, new illness etc), there is a lot we still just do not know about all of this. The easy things like damaged lung tissue from Covid incurred while being treated for Covid are one thing. But some of these symptoms come later.

Ex: Musculoskeletal Conditions. Like what? This is so broad I have to think that a good portion are unrelated. Hell, I could just blame the 2 or more times I have had Covid on why my bench press sucks. Unfortunately it sucked before covid.
1:26p, 5/27/22
Even though this study was done prior to vaccines being rolled out, I wonder what the case loads are for these various issues post vaccines.
10:53a, 7/9/22
In reply to Aggie521
This sounds exactly like what is going on with my wife. She got COVID in January, and shortly after started having a lot of these same symptoms. She has seen several doctors including neurologist and had MRIs of her entire back and head. Everything comes back normal. Have you found anything that helps?
Jock 07
9:06a, 7/12/22
In reply to Capitol Ag
Capitol Ag said:

AlaskanAg99 said:


It is very important that we see the term "might be" in the tweet. Again, it is so hard to tell what is actual "long haul" and what is just normal health issues that people have that crop up over time and now people are now looking for symptoms or have something legit but it really isn't related to Covid. They may very well be related but from psycho-somatic to health issues we get from life in general (aging, new illness etc), there is a lot we still just do not know about all of this. The easy things like damaged lung tissue from Covid incurred while being treated for Covid are one thing. But some of these symptoms come later.

Ex: Musculoskeletal Conditions. Like what? This is so broad I have to think that a good portion are unrelated. Hell, I could just blame the 2 or more times I have had Covid on why my bench press sucks. Unfortunately it sucked before covid.

This is kind of my question. I wonder if the china virus exacerbates already present underlying conditions
10:41p, 7/17/22
I'd be willing to bet most of these "long haulers" are people who had other health conditions and are blaming it on covid.
6:02a, 7/18/22
In reply to SquanchyAg
SquanchyAg said:

I'd be willing to bet most of these "long haulers" are people who had other health conditions and are blaming it on covid.

25 month long hauler chiming in here. Im an otherwise healthy male in my mid 30's, in good shape, workout regularly, eat healthy, no previous health issues. I've had numerous tests and blood work done on me, my doctor says everything is normal.

You should check out some of the long hauler stories on reddit/Facebook, lots of early-mid 20's folks have long haul symptoms with no underlying health issues.
7:53a, 7/18/22
In reply to Petrino1
ea1060 said:

SquanchyAg said:

I'd be willing to bet most of these "long haulers" are people who had other health conditions and are blaming it on covid.

25 month long hauler chiming in here. Im an otherwise healthy male in my mid 30's, in good shape, workout regularly, eat healthy, no previous health issues. I've had numerous tests and blood work done on me, my doctor says everything is normal.

You should check out some of the long hauler stories on reddit/Facebook, lots of early-mid 20's folks have long haul symptoms with no underlying health issues.

What are your Long hauler symptoms that you are having?
8:20a, 7/18/22
In reply to Petrino1
ea1060 said:

SquanchyAg said:

I'd be willing to bet most of these "long haulers" are people who had other health conditions and are blaming it on covid.

25 month long hauler chiming in here. Im an otherwise healthy male in my mid 30's, in good shape, workout regularly, eat healthy, no previous health issues. I've had numerous tests and blood work done on me, my doctor says everything is normal.

You should check out some of the long hauler stories on reddit/Facebook, lots of early-mid 20's folks have long haul symptoms with no underlying health issues.

Are you seeing any similarities in blood type? Any other common characteristics popping up?
2:43p, 7/18/22
In reply to SquanchyAg
SquanchyAg said:

ea1060 said:

SquanchyAg said:

I'd be willing to bet most of these "long haulers" are people who had other health conditions and are blaming it on covid.

25 month long hauler chiming in here. Im an otherwise healthy male in my mid 30's, in good shape, workout regularly, eat healthy, no previous health issues. I've had numerous tests and blood work done on me, my doctor says everything is normal.

You should check out some of the long hauler stories on reddit/Facebook, lots of early-mid 20's folks have long haul symptoms with no underlying health issues.

What are your Long hauler symptoms that you are having?
Daily feverish feeling, extreme hot flashes, ear aches, dizziness/vertigo, muscle/joint pain, fatigue, brain fog. I never had these symptoms prior to getting covid. I basically feel like I have covid everyday lol.
2:43p, 7/18/22
In reply to aggiebrad94
aggiebrad94 said:

ea1060 said:

SquanchyAg said:

I'd be willing to bet most of these "long haulers" are people who had other health conditions and are blaming it on covid.

25 month long hauler chiming in here. Im an otherwise healthy male in my mid 30's, in good shape, workout regularly, eat healthy, no previous health issues. I've had numerous tests and blood work done on me, my doctor says everything is normal.

You should check out some of the long hauler stories on reddit/Facebook, lots of early-mid 20's folks have long haul symptoms with no underlying health issues.

Are you seeing any similarities in blood type? Any other common characteristics popping up?
I havent seen any similarities.
4:24p, 7/18/22
In reply to Petrino1
ea1060 said:

SquanchyAg said:

ea1060 said:

SquanchyAg said:

I'd be willing to bet most of these "long haulers" are people who had other health conditions and are blaming it on covid.

25 month long hauler chiming in here. Im an otherwise healthy male in my mid 30's, in good shape, workout regularly, eat healthy, no previous health issues. I've had numerous tests and blood work done on me, my doctor says everything is normal.

You should check out some of the long hauler stories on reddit/Facebook, lots of early-mid 20's folks have long haul symptoms with no underlying health issues.

What are your Long hauler symptoms that you are having?
Daily feverish feeling, extreme hot flashes, ear aches, dizziness/vertigo, muscle/joint pain, fatigue, brain fog. I never had these symptoms prior to getting covid. I basically feel like I have covid everyday lol.

Maybe you still have covid
5:00p, 7/18/22
In reply to SquanchyAg
SquanchyAg said:

ea1060 said:

SquanchyAg said:

ea1060 said:

SquanchyAg said:

I'd be willing to bet most of these "long haulers" are people who had other health conditions and are blaming it on covid.

25 month long hauler chiming in here. Im an otherwise healthy male in my mid 30's, in good shape, workout regularly, eat healthy, no previous health issues. I've had numerous tests and blood work done on me, my doctor says everything is normal.

You should check out some of the long hauler stories on reddit/Facebook, lots of early-mid 20's folks have long haul symptoms with no underlying health issues.

What are your Long hauler symptoms that you are having?
Daily feverish feeling, extreme hot flashes, ear aches, dizziness/vertigo, muscle/joint pain, fatigue, brain fog. I never had these symptoms prior to getting covid. I basically feel like I have covid everyday lol.

Maybe you still have covid
Pretty sure its impossible to still have covid 25 months after first infection lol. Ive tested 12+ times in the past 25 months and its always negative. The only time I tested positive was when I first got covid.
8:14p, 7/18/22
In reply to stonana
stonana said:

This sounds exactly like what is going on with my wife. She got COVID in January, and shortly after started having a lot of these same symptoms. She has seen several doctors including neurologist and had MRIs of her entire back and head. Everything comes back normal. Have you found anything that helps?

I have not, just kind of been dealing with it. The tingly tongue feeling has to be the most annoying though. It's so hard to focus on other things with the constant feeling in my mouth. I've found that chewing gum helps tremendously, but it has not gone away. I was prescribed Cymbalta by my Rheumatologist, but have not taken it quite yet - have read too many horror stories about the withdrawals and potential major side effects when coming off of it. Some days are better than others, but it hasn't completely gone away yet. Kind of taking it day by day and hoping each day is better than the last. If it comes to it, I'll start taking the medicine when I feel nothing else works.
8:49p, 7/18/22
In reply to Aggie521
Aggie521 said:

stonana said:

This sounds exactly like what is going on with my wife. She got COVID in January, and shortly after started having a lot of these same symptoms. She has seen several doctors including neurologist and had MRIs of her entire back and head. Everything comes back normal. Have you found anything that helps?

I have not, just kind of been dealing with it. The tingly tongue feeling has to be the most annoying though. It's so hard to focus on other things with the constant feeling in my mouth. I've found that chewing gum helps tremendously, but it has not gone away. I was prescribed Cymbalta by my Rheumatologist, but have not taken it quite yet - have read too many horror stories about the withdrawals and potential major side effects when coming off of it. Some days are better than others, but it hasn't completely gone away yet. Kind of taking it day by day and hoping each day is better than the last. If it comes to it, I'll start taking the medicine when I feel nothing else works.
I will share 3 things that have helped my long covid: Ivermectin, Ginkgo Biloba, Black Cumin Seed. Although my symptoms are a lot different than yours, it might be worth a shot.
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