Throne and Liberty
1,667 Views | 11 Replies
1:55p, 3/30/24
Another game from Amazon. Having really enjoyed New World, I am looking forward to this free-to-play MMORPG. Hopefully they learned some of their lessons from New World and have good end game material with this.

The Official Throne and Liberty Website | THRONE AND LIBERTY (
9:31a, 3/31/24
Looks interesting let me know when they add decent PvP a la arenas or battlegrounds
Woods Ag
4:58p, 3/31/24
Open World PvP is the only way. It needs to be part of the objective of the game.
2:39p, 4/8/24
Thanks, signed up as a tester (Steam)
8:41a, 4/9/24
This looked pretty interesting then I realized Amazon is just publishing this, they aren't developing it. NCSoft is developing it, there's a really high probability this is going to be P2W unfortunately.
11:33a, 4/9/24
In reply to WGann3
Yeah, I was selected for the closed beta test on steam and am looking forward to trying the game out, but cautiously optimistic.
12:14p, 4/9/24
In reply to zip04
Nice, let us know what you think.
5:44p, 4/10/24
In reply to WGann3
Initial thoughts (I have only played through the tutorial so far):

Game looks good and plays well so far. I like that it has mounts (essentially) straight from the beginning so you can get around quicker.

I wish you could dodge and ADS (with bow/crossbow). Maybe I just haven't figured these out yet, but doesn't look like you can because I couldn't find it in the settings.

So far so good though.
7:01p, 4/10/24
In reply to zip04
Thanks for the report! I'm going to hope for the best and expect the worst with this one haha.
Woods Ag
12:19p, 4/13/24
Ran some closed beta.

Gameplay is ok. I prefer new worlds combat to this targeting system. Also prefer NWs basic attack system where you click when you want to hit. This is auto attack system and then have your skills.

In the end, if they can have a good, compelling, essential open world PvP system whether that be part of the normal world or a frontiers thing, then I'll play it. If not, probably going to be a pass.
2:42p, 4/13/24
In reply to Woods Ag
Woods Ag said:

Ran some closed beta.

Gameplay is ok. I prefer new worlds combat to this targeting system. Also prefer NWs basic attack system where you click when you want to hit. This is auto attack system and then have your skills.

In the end, if they can have a good, compelling, essential open world PvP system whether that be part of the normal world or a frontiers thing, then I'll play it. If not, probably going to be a pass.
This is where I am at as well. I am biased because I do love New World though. I think it is a great game that the devs mismanaged, causing the player base to crash. I still play it as my main game though.
4:24p, 4/15/24
The more I play the game, the more I enjoy it. I definitely do think I will download and play the actual release, I just have to get used to the fact it isn't the type of combat I enjoy in a PVP game. I'm going to go into this more of a PVE focus with PVP whenever it happens to occur, which is the opposite of how I play New World (PVP focus with PVE whenever I need to).

Edit to say I won't get an opportunity to test it out due to being at work and the closed beta ends today, but I saw on reddit there are settings to change which makes the combat feel much better.
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