RFK Jr lambasts Biden tax policy
1,600 Views | 11 Replies
11:48a, 4/26/24
RFK is a lib, but not the "everything Dems do is perfect" kind.
P.H. Dexippus
1:18p, 4/26/24
In reply to Rongagin71

We can only dig ourselves out of our catastrophic debt by investing our public spending only in areas that boost GDP daycare, health, infrastructure, small business support, addiction recovery, etc. That way you boost tax revenue by boosting the economy, rather than boosting taxes and starving the economy.
Pure, unadulterated nonsense


Taxing unrealized gains is utterly absurd. Stock can plummet before you ever sell it and you still have to pay taxes on what you would have made if you sold it earlier. Same goes for the terrible changes to the tax code for amortization of the ability to write off R&D costs that kick in this year to pay for Trump's 2017 tax cut.
Brian Earl Spilner
1:48p, 4/26/24
Taxing unrealized gains, taxing inflation they created, removing the option for mega backdoor Roth contributions...all to keep sending money to fund foreign wars.

This administration is beyond incompetent.
9:18a, 4/27/24
100% ok w removing back door Roth IRAs
Brian Earl Spilner
10:43a, 4/27/24
In reply to JustPanda
11:42a, 4/27/24
In reply to P.H. Dexippus
I don't think it's nonsense. I see the focus is making working adults as productive as possible.
11:58a, 4/27/24
In reply to Brian Earl Spilner
Brian Earl Spilner said:

they should just increase the limit and eliminate the "back door" Ira conversion.
Brian Earl Spilner
3:14p, 4/27/24
In reply to Ragoo
Well yeah. But sounds like he's saying get rid of it completely.
3:40p, 4/27/24
In reply to Brian Earl Spilner
It serves no purpose if the tax code wasn't a cluster****. Just another example of a totally incompetent taxation system. The government shouldn't tell you to save more then make arbitrary rules that limit said investment strategies. If you want people to save for retirement, let them save as much as they can. That's how society grows not by keeping people poor.

401k limits are a joke, too. Why penalize people for being successful? If you have the ability to fund 100,000 a year, god bless you.
Brian Earl Spilner
3:58p, 4/27/24
In reply to JustPanda
So you're saying make Roth contributions unlimited. Totally different thing.

What you said would allow for far less Roth contributions.
4:01p, 4/27/24
In reply to Brian Earl Spilner
Im saying there shouldn't be a cap on savings and honestly don't think there should be a tax on investments either. You're funding economic growth. Its asinine that the government creates a narrative that people need to save more while also making it impossible to save more w/o arbitrary rules and penalties.
P.H. Dexippus
10:24a, 4/30/24
In reply to 500,000ags
500,000ags said:

I don't think it's nonsense. I see the focus is making working adults as productive as possible.
It's nonsense because you can't dig yourself out of debt by spending. Not to mention all those priorities have been tried before.
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