Chris Schuchardt
3,489 Views | 14 Replies
10:53p, 1/31/24
I'm aware Mr. Schuchardt is an Aggie. Would he make a good county commissioner in precinct 3?

9:30a, 2/1/24
The Chris Schuhardt from NW Bexar County area?
9:31a, 2/1/24
I would like to know more about him as well. He is running to replace Grant Moody for Pct. 3 County Commissioner. I can't vote for either of them because I live just across the line in Pct. 2.

This article came out last week about Schuhardt claiming Moody has some sort of relationship with a developer the County is using grant money to fix a bad development issue. They (and presumably Schuhardt) are making it sound like Moody and Gail are buds. I don't know either of them, but I suspect this connection may be overblown. I have known other people who had joint ownership in planes, and the it was more like a time share than a partnership. Hard to tell. Regardless, we need more conservative leadership in Bexar County.

For those unaware, the San Antonio Report is staffed by a bunch of progressives who don't mind smearing conservatives any chance they get, and they don't might promoting conservative-on-conservative aggression. But that doesn't mean there may not be some truth in there too.
10:17a, 2/1/24
In reply to Rattler12
Rattler12 said:

The Chris Schuhardt from NW Bexar County area?

Whichever one is running in the Republican primary for the state representative district 121 seat.
12:21p, 2/1/24
Is he running for Pct 3 and D121 at the same time?
12:27p, 2/1/24
In reply to Burdizzo
Burdizzo said:

Is he running for Pct 3 and D121 at the same time?

My mistake - he's running for Bexar County Commissioner's Court, Precinct 3. I stand corrected.
12:53p, 2/1/24
In reply to AgCat93
12:42p, 2/2/24
Moody is an Aggie as well (Masters degree). Honestly, Schuchardt sounds like a "I'm going to out conservative you" candidate without actually understanding how a county works and how Bexar county commissioners court is aligned politically. Look at the endorsements Moody has. I think Schuchardt will likely not be able to achieve much of anything.
12:59p, 2/2/24
In reply to Burdizzo
Burdizzo said:

I would like to know more about him as well. He is running to replace Grant Moody for Pct. 3 County Commissioner. I can't vote for either of them because I live just across the line in Pct. 2.

This article came out last week about Schuhardt claiming Moody has some sort of relationship with a developer the County is using grant money to fix a bad development issue. They (and presumably Schuhardt) are making it sound like Moody and Gail are buds. I don't know either of them, but I suspect this connection may be overblown. I have known other people who had joint ownership in planes, and the it was more like a time share than a partnership. Hard to tell. Regardless, we need more conservative leadership in Bexar County.

For those unaware, the San Antonio Report is staffed by a bunch of progressives who don't mind smearing conservatives any chance they get, and they don't might promoting conservative-on-conservative aggression. But that doesn't mean there may not be some truth in there too.

From my read on this, Moody was trying to expeditiously solve this problem with some available funds. I don't believe solving the immediate need lets the developer off the hook if they are found liable. Honestly, my biggest beef with Schuchardt is his website ad where he throws two clays in the air and shoots them - such a tough shot. Screams Lauren Boerbert to me.
4:41p, 2/2/24
For what it's worth I received this from Moody.

As a veteran and longtime conservative Republican, I've always fulfilled my duty to show up.

I made sacrifices to show up to serve my country in Iraq and Afghanistan. I've proudly worn the uniform for over 20 years.

I answered the call of duty to serve Texas and Governor Greg Abbott on the Veterans Land Board for 4 years. I showed up to serve as a precinct chair, to blockwalk, make calls, and support Republican candidates.

And fulfilling the most basic civic responsibility, I've shown up to vote in every Primary and General election in the last 15 years.

But where has my opponent been?

Though he's now asking for your vote, you may be surprised to learn that Chris Schuchardt didn't show up to vote in a single Republican primary for 14 years and even failed to vote in 2016 when Trump narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton.

It wasn't until his own name was on the ballot that he bothered to vote. In all those years of showing up to serve or advocate for conservative issues and candidates I never once saw Chris Schuchardt. Never. Did you?

Then, four months after losing his mayoral campaign by more than 40 points, he began spending his own personal wealth to try and buy another seat and defeat me, the only Republican on the Commissioners Court.

And when it comes to this election, my opponent has a spotty record of showing up. Sunday night I was at the Pachyderm Candidate Forum. Chris was a no-show.

I've committed to attending 3 more candidate forums/debates at this time:
Bexar County Republican Women's Candidate Forum on 2/9
Northeast Neighborhood Alliance Candidate Forum on 2/19
Camino Real Republican Women Debate on 2/21

We hope Chris will show up to explain his record of failing to fulfill the most basic requirement of anyone asking for your vote in a GOP primary: did you bother to show up and vote? (And not just when your own name is on the ballot.)

Also in case you missed it I've now been endorsed by Texas Alliance for Life, the San Antonio Board of Realtors, Young Conservatives of Texas, former Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Congressman Chip Roy. Click here to see a full list of my endorsements. I'm proud to have the support and endorsements of so many trusted Republicans to refute the lies and misrepresentations of my opponent.

For Bexar County,


6:57p, 2/2/24
In reply to bowhuntr
bowhuntr said:

Moody is an Aggie as well (Masters degree). Honestly, Schuchardt sounds like a "I'm going to out conservative you" candidate without actually understanding how a county works and how Bexar county commissioners court is aligned politically. Look at the endorsements Moody has. I think Schuchardt will likely not be able to achieve much of anything.

I get the vibe that Schuchardt is desperate to be elected to SOMETHING - heck, anything. He started big with mayor of San Antonio (when many had never heard of him and he was soundly defeated) and is now trying for a county seat.

Schuchardt's negative campaign isn't sitting well with me and I'm sure others. He's welcome to chat anytime to clear the air. That's entirely up to him.
12:52p, 2/15/24
I just found out I was TexAgs famous. I can address some of the above comments.

Running for Mayor: I never had any intention of running for office. In 2021, I became half-way involved in the local political scene when I helped Mark Dorazio during his run for state representative. I knew him at arms length from both of us being somewhat in the same business. At that time, my biggest complaints were insurance costs for my business, the crime uptick, the illegal immigration uptick, billions of our state tax dollars going to overseas highway contractors, and the trout limit at the coast. Pretty run-of-the-mill concerns for a guy who owns a trucking and material company.

In January 2023, someone from Rep. Dorazio's office told me about Prop A. I figured that would be the straw that broke the camels back, and a real heavy hitter would get in the race and use it against Ron Nirenberg, whom I am not a fan of. A month went by, Prop A was polling to pass, Ron Nirenberg was mum on the situation, and no one had stepped forward. I called Rep. Dorazio's office and had them put me in touch with a consultant in Austin. I asked him how much money it would take to get the attention of Ron Nirenberg as an opponent. Mainly to force him to take a stand on Prop. A. The consultant told me around $150k. The next day, I went down and put my name on the ballot, lent my campaign $150k, and went to town. I told the consultant I wanted to focus first on defeating Prop A and second on forcing a run-off with Ron if possible.

For only having 45 days or so to campaign and only spending about $100k, I think we did well. Especially being outspent 4 to 1. Voters are starving for authenticity. They got that with me; I wasn't trying to jumpstart a political career, just looking out for my backyard. If we touched a voter, we more than likely got their vote. I just didn't have enough time to touch enough of them. But more importantly, Prop A was defeated, and I was content.

I was content after the mayor's race to go back to running my business and fish as much as I could over the summer. I had also moved into the county after the mayor's race. However, during those 45 days of the mayor's race, I got a peek behind the scenes and came into contact with those who are looking for upward mobility within politics or are entrenched in it, and it was not an appeasing site. So I definitely remained more engaged and watched what everyone was up to that I had come into contact with during that race. It's hard to have witnessed all of that, seen the avenues for change, and then just remain on the sidelines when you just want things to get better at home.

At this point, most have seen our mailers and advertisements.

To the comment about Grant Moody stating I did not go to the Pachyderm Forum or some other forum: If you're in this world, you find there is a huge difference between being background noise for the guests at a forum and being at the official Republican Party debate. I was at the debate; Grant Moody was not. Even after his laundry list of questions and demands placed on the Republican Party of Bexar County for the debate,. Kind of insulting to the voters who paid to attend to only inform the party the day before that he wasn't coming.

Going back to Villas at Timberwood. I can produce responses to an open records request asking for documentation of Grant informing Judge Sakai and others about his affiliation with Jason Gale and the pending litigation. The county and Grant Moody's offices said no records exist. I guess he could say he told them verbally. For myself, I would want it documented for transparency. Then again, Grant has given varied timelines as to when he actually disclosed this information.

I can also show an open records request for Grant's communications with BC Environmental Director Javier Flores. It was returned with a no-records-exist response. I don't see how Grant can claim he was so involved, yet no communication with the head of BC Environment exists.

I can also provide the open records request for the communications requested between Grants Chief of Staff Paul Jimenez and BC Environmental Director Javier Flores. State law mandates these requests be fulfilled within 10 days or sent to the Attorney General's office for a ruling to be withheld. Neither have been done, and it has been over 45 days. Why will they not turn this over?

As I also stated, there are concerns about the legitimacy of an HOA applying for ARPA relief. We requested copies of the applications, and that request was immediately submitted to the Attorney General's office to withhold. I am not sure why they would not want us to see who the actual applicants are.

While Grant has maintained he is just trying to help these people and illicit sympathy, I think the issue here goes much deeper.

As I stated earlier, the breakdown of this situation is that the taxpayers are shoring up a private settlement in a lawsuit, of which we have no details. And Grant Moody just happens to co-own an airplane with the main subject of the lawsuit.

We have no plans to see, no cost estimate, no environmental impact studies to review, etc. All we have is Grant Moody's word that there was no other alternative based on the word of BC Environmental Services, which he has no record of communicating with. Mind you, this is the same BC Environmental that originally approved this septic system 10 years ago.

It's natural that residents in Timberwood Park Proper are going to be alarmed and up in arms. Both Grant and the counties lack transparency, which is a glaring example of the overall lack of transparency in the county.
Grant claims this is not a conflict of interest and that he didn't know Jason Gale was involved. Grant must also be forgetting that he, Grant Moody, is also in debt over six figures to one of the other partners of the plane, according to Grant's PFS. His story is that this is a hands-off time-sharing arrangement that doesn't carry water. Nor does his justification that the plane only carries so much value. Again, that means we have to take his word. I personally would like to see exactly what his equity contribution was and proof of it.

As for the actual sewer issue itself in the villas, I live 1/4 mile from those houses. I can assure you that those people are not having to wear waders to make it through sewage in order to get to their vehicles. Don't take my word for it; I invite anyone who wants to come take a drive out. I think the most telling thing is that those houses originally sold for around $210k brand new in 2014. As of last year, there was one that sold on MLS for $477k, and over 25 of them have been sold and bought since the lawsuit was filed in 2019 alone. So this sewage issue has not prevented them from gaining equity and being moved on the open market. Oh, and it should also be noted that Grant's business partner, Jason Gale, also owns houses in the Villas (documentation available). So he stands to gain even more financially from this sewage fix.

Grant stated that my solution was to do nothing. The branch of government Grant represents does not exist to solve the problems arising from private transactions. That's why we have a judicial arm of our government. This issue was working its way through the judicial arm of government. Grant touts a letter from 66 of the 76 homeowners in the Villas, pushing back on our assertions. I don't blame them. Their problem is getting fixed with tax dollars, and the lawsuit ends. I can't say that if I were in their position, I wouldn't feel the same.

Had it come down to the county being involved and a sewer line in the middle of the creek being the only solution, I would've made sure this process was conducted with the utmost transparency, the offending parties had the most skin in the game, and a litany of restrictions were in place to protect the surrounding 3,000 homes.

I can also provide a recording of Grant and my appearance on the Jack Riccardi Show, speaking about this issue.

I would also like to touch on a few other things:

The pay raise. Grant has twisted and justified this in a number of ways. No other commissioner was concerned that Grant Moody was being paid less as the Precinct 3 commissioner, nor was it the mandate of the voters for him to ensure he achieved pay parity with the other commissioners. The P3 seat was paid the least because the prior Republican officeholders had declined the pay raises. Grant knew what the position paid when he put his name in the ring. I find it even more troublesome that Palom Ahmadi, the head of the citizens committee on elected officials salaries, who pushed for this pay raise, is also a contributor to Grant's campaign and an Abbott appointee to numerous "boards," the same as Grant. The argument for this pay increase was that our commissioners ought to receive pay that is comparable to that of counties in the DFW Metroplex and Harris County. The whole presentation was something you would expect out of a 6th grade science project, which was very insulting to the taxpayers. Bexar County doesn't have the same GDP as those counties, nor do our citizens have the earnings of those in the other counties. So I find it preposterous to use those counties as a justification. As well, salaries should not be the motivating factor for running for public office. We need people who have achieved a level of success in the private world so that they can take that success and experience into government without having to worry about being paid.

Grant votes with the Democrats 98% of the time. I believe the best way to convey this is for anyone who would like to look at a weekly agenda, look at the dollar figures being handed out, and ask yourself if any of it makes sense. Especially when it comes to the sheriff's office and the district attorney. Often times, you can see Grant completely miss the point of why money is being spent on a certain item and ignore the fact that the item itself will grow government with no real benefit to us, the taxpayers, and instead he gets lost in the minutia of the structure of the spending. I believe most of this comes from his lack of engagement with other members of the court and his unwillingness to put in the time to familiarize himself with the issues. All of these commissioners court agendas and video broadcasts are available online.

Having been involved in the mayor's race, I got a behind-the-scenes look at what I now have dubbed the Bexar County Shuffle. Our elected officials, both new and entrenched, both left and the few we have on the right, quickly become masters at gaslighting us as taxpayers and voters. They'll play on our fears based on what camp we're in politically, which is even easier to do on conservatives since we're in the minority, all while making it appear they're working in harmony to provide us with a "win." I'll point to the "historic tax break" on the homestead exemption for the hospital district that Grant touts. First off, Pct. 4 Commissioner Tommy Calvert first proposed this tax break before Corona and has continued to promote it. The "tax break" comes out to $70 million. Which comes out to around $100 savings per house. We all know that's laughable, seeing as how our appraisals have doubled in 5 years. Additionally, the CPS rate increase easily wiped it out. For this tax break, Grant gives credit as well to the board of the Hospital District/UHS. Where it gets better is that the next agenda item after passing this tax break is literally the approval of the commissioners to allow the Hospital District/UHS to take on hundreds of millions in new debt for expansion. Expansion, which we all know will be used to increase beds to accommodate illegals and others seeking medical treatment from outside the county, Why is it that we have so many people from outside the county seeking treatment at UHS? Because UHS has voluntarily increased the state Medicaid cap from the state level of $17,000 in household income to $60,000 in household income,. I know that sounds very philanthropic, but doing so, why would Atascosa County, Medina County, etc. ever invest more in their health districts when they can just tell their people to head into Bexar County and have us, the Bexar County taxpayers, pick up part of the tab? When pressed on this grant, he criticizes the same board that he lauds for the property tax relief. You can exert authority over them when they perform an action that enhances your reputation while maintaining a more passive stance when they request an action that does not benefit you. At the end of the day, it all rolls up to the commissioners.

I can go on and on.

Hopefully, you can see where I'm headed and what I would like to start fighting back against. This is my home. And I have an undying love and appreciation for it and the success it has afforded me and my family. I want nothing more than to ensure we return to an atmosphere and quality of life that will afford my children the same opportunities. We can only achieve this if we fight to return to fiscal sanity, common-sense development and infrastructure expansion, and to law and order. I understand the path to getting there is going to be bumpy and uphill at times, but I have the experience, energy, and personality to be our political representative on this journey. I believe my resilience through this primary process highlights it, as well as my willingness to put hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own money into this race.

I see now that primary races come with a certain level of contention, drama, and anxiety. None of it is personal, and I just see it as the vetting process. We have tried to keep our focus purely on Grant Moody's record at the commissioner's court and have ensured we take painstaking measures to provide backup and proof. Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Thank you!

Chris Schuchardt
9:13a, 2/18/24
Here is the bigger problem in this county. Our local GOP is simply ineffective.
2:33p, 3/5/24
Did you hire people from out of state to come badger people at polling locations? Rumor I heard at the polling site I attended was that the awkward guy chasing after voters was actually from Tennessee. He kept giving strange speeches to the voters in line - I thought I was listening to a guy on a street corner in Austin.
8:55a, 3/7/24
In reply to bowhuntr
bowhuntr said:

Did you hire people from out of state to come badger people at polling locations? Rumor I heard at the polling site I attended was that the awkward guy chasing after voters was actually from Tennessee. He kept giving strange speeches to the voters in line - I thought I was listening to a guy on a street corner in Austin.

If true, it didn't help.
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