Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
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Stat Monitor Repairman
1:42a, 5/7/21
What the **** is going on here?

Every single day **** gets even more wild.

This is like lord of the flies about a page and a half before they drop a giant rock on piggy.

We've lost our gd minds!
7:32a, 5/7/21
In reply to titan
titan said:

What in the hell? Is this a legit photo. It looks like a rush job. Shopping one you would take more care to get scale right than that.

Is this whole government fake and being run from Beijing remotely?

Are there other pictures of the meeting to compare --- outfits, setting, etc?

Jill Biden seems to be wearing that same dress for the last week.

Same dress as Simple Jack dandelion on the north lawn. Same dress as the interview she did with Joe. Same dress now in this pic.
I know I ain't leavin' you like I know He ain't leavin' us
I know we believe in God and I know God believes in us
DallasAg 94
7:44a, 5/7/21
In reply to BadMoonRisin
oh no
9:09a, 5/7/21
9:14a, 5/7/21
In reply to DallasAg 94

Is that supposed to be Jill in earlier times on the right? That looks more like a recent interview---can't place it-- was it with the Prince Harry?

FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
DallasAg 94
9:59a, 5/7/21
In reply to titan
10:14a, 5/7/21
In reply to DallasAg 94
DallasAg 94 said:

titan said:

Is that supposed to be Jill in earlier times on the right? That looks more like a recent interview---can't place it-- was it with the Prince Harry?

It was to highlight the MM and Jill Biden were wearing the same print.

You know... People of the People.
Ah, that's even more absurd then. This picture has not gotten any less strange. It appears to be a wait and see if more is revealed.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
10:20a, 5/7/21
In reply to oh no
Poor frumpy Jill. She keeps trying to dress like Melania and cannot pull it off. Dumpy on the inside, dumpy on the outside.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FJB TRUMP 2024.
8:06a, 5/12/21
oh no
8:39a, 5/12/21
Compare and contrast: Where'd you go, Joe? to Vlady Putin:

12:30p, 5/12/21
12:31p, 5/12/21
In reply to aggiehawg
brain dead moron!
12:33p, 5/12/21
We annexed Mexico apparently, or maybe he's just acknowledging it's not so new anymore.
oh no
12:35p, 5/12/21
first DC and PR, now Old Mexico as the 53rd state?
P.H. Dexippus
12:39p, 5/12/21
State capital:
12:39p, 5/12/21
His slurring of words seems to be getting worse.
Layne Staley
12:42p, 5/12/21
2nd worst president

1st place in corruption and family profiting off of the american taxpayer when you include his crackhead son and his brother. Way to go, Big Guy!
12:45p, 5/12/21
Surprised President Houseplant didn't commend "Mexico" on their obviously superior landscaping.
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."
oh no
4:18p, 5/13/21
4:24p, 5/13/21
No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See full Medical Disclaimer.
4:26p, 5/13/21
In reply to oh no
Its like listening to an elderly parent/grandparent as they search for their words.
Stat Monitor Repairman
9:47p, 5/13/21
This was all planned.

We are being played.
9:53p, 5/13/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

This was all planned.

We are being played.

We aren't being played. Plenty of people knew exactly what was happening and what is happening. Plenty of people voted against this. The people that voted for it are the ones being played.
oh no
10:48p, 5/13/21
In reply to TexAgsSean
TexAgsSean said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

This was all planned.

We are being played.

We aren't being played. Plenty of people knew exactly what was happening and what is happening. Plenty of people voted against this. The people that voted for it are the ones being played.
and there aren't 81 million of them
Stat Monitor Repairman
11:04p, 5/13/21
I'm mainly talking about the way questioning Biden's fitness to be president was taboo.

Now it seems like they keep trotting him out there hoping for some kind of epic meltdown.

I think Harris takes over in pretty short order.

i'm talking days or weeks.

They keep trotting him out there. Seems like he's on a tightrope trying to keep it together.

Every time i hear him on the radio its like he's talking like a drunk old man with a big dip in and is slurring his words.

Its really wild we have gotten to this point.
pagerman @ work
12:38a, 5/14/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

I'm mainly talking about the way questioning Biden's fitness to be president was taboo.

Now it seems like they keep trotting him out there hoping for some kind of epic meltdown.

I think Harris takes over in pretty short order.

i'm talking days or weeks.

They keep trotting him out there. Seems like he's on a tightrope trying to keep it together.

Every time i hear him on the radio its like he's talking like a drunk old man with a big dip in and is slurring his words.

Its really wild we have gotten to this point.

If at all possible they will not do anything until January 21, 2023. If Biden serves 2 years Harris can finishe out the last 2 of Biden's term without it counting against her 8 (potential) years she can get after that, meaning her 2 term limitation would not start until she was elected on her own. Thus she can serve for 10 years as President.

Unless they can't help it, they won't start laying the groundwork until 2022.
Stat Monitor Repairman
7:10p, 5/15/21
In reply to pagerman @ work
I think that was probably their original plan.

The way things are going, I don't think he makes it.

He is incoherent, already fallen once, slurs his speech and generally has the look of someone with dementia.

Couple of family members have had it so I feel like I know what it looks like. I think he had a stroke at some point as well. This is my gut feeling based off being around similarly situated people all my life.
5:09p, 5/20/21
I know he's trying to make a point by being forceful, but jeez.....

oh no
7:15p, 5/20/21
In reply to RAB91
Making a point to recite the part of know- the thing- that he infamously forgot before...

...but that's about equality. Doesn't he know he's supposed to replace it with equity now? All men are created ...equitable?
Stat Monitor Repairman
7:51p, 5/20/21

Last few seconds of the video is this meme in real life. Heels sticks her head in the frame hoping that this is the epic meltdown that will do Biden in.
1:08p, 5/24/21
Stat Monitor Repairman
1:11p, 5/24/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

I'm honestly never sure if these videos are real or some AI generated deepfake.

Thats how unbelievable this **** really is.
1:14p, 5/24/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

I know he's trying to make a point by being forceful, but jeez.....

"Make a lie of who we are as a nation"

How about claiming "blacks are afraid to walk their dog or go get groceries for fear of being killed by cops". Is that a lie of our nation?! Or just a condescending race baiting dog whistle?
Esteban du Plantier
4:50p, 5/24/21
Found on reddit.
3:11p, 6/13/21
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