Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
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9:36a, 9/4/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

He's lost if he doesn't have a teleprompter.

He's lost even if he does have a teleprompter.
Stat Monitor Repairman
12:27a, 9/5/21

Dude has gotten progressively worse.

I don't know how thats even possible.
Stat Monitor Repairman
12:52a, 9/5/21

Pepaw feeble and zoned out.
Stat Monitor Repairman
7:56p, 9/6/21

What pepaw doin'?

Slurrin', stumblin' & stammerin' As usual.
4:07p, 9/7/21
4:14p, 9/7/21
In reply to RAB91
RAB91 said:

So much excitement in that crowd. It sounded like 8.1 people were cheering for him.
Mister Mystery Guest
4:16p, 9/7/21
Antony Blinken has been telling people that Biden doesn't even recognize him. This is according to Ric Grenell on Varney today.
4:20p, 9/7/21
Biden ended today by yelling at a random kid that Schumer pointed out to him "The neat thing about America is every time we end up with a problem going into a serious circumstances we come out better than when we went in and that's because we're so diverse".

That's the most tone deaf statement I've ever heard on the heels of the Afghanistan disaster. He really thinks we'll all just move on now.
4:22p, 9/7/21
In reply to Mister Mystery Guest
Mister Mystery Guest said:

John Blinken has been telling people that Biden doesn't even recognize him.

Are you serious?
4:27p, 9/7/21
Never forget the likes of cnn, abc, cbs, all the nbc's and other network news personalities and our own resident NPCs told us this idiot is so smart and will make such a great president.

It makes you wonder how smart they really are and why anyone would still take them seriously?
4:46p, 9/7/21
In reply to Mister Mystery Guest
I'm not mentally impaired but I wouldn't recognize that college professor hack either for his piss poor performance
4:50p, 9/7/21
In reply to Mister Mystery Guest
Mister Mystery Guest said:

John Blinken has been telling people that Biden doesn't even recognize him.
That's going to be hard to substantiate. I doubt they would let that info out.

I mean it totally fits with what I believe (or want to believe), but I am suspicious.
Mister Mystery Guest
4:52p, 9/7/21
In reply to Cassius
According to Ric Grenell.
4:52p, 9/7/21
In reply to Mister Mystery Guest
Mister Mystery Guest said:

According to Ric Grenell.
Well, I trust him.
5:03p, 9/7/21
In reply to EskimoJoe
EskimoJoe said:

Never forget the likes of cnn, abc, cbs, all the nbc's and other network news personalities and our own resident NPCs told us this idiot is so smart and will make such a great president.

It makes you wonder how smart they really are and why anyone would still take them seriously?

They knew what Biden was. Those behind the scenes who are in control wanted Biden because he would make the perfect puppet president. Perhaps they underestimated how quickly Biden has lost his faculties.
8:58p, 9/7/21
At the presser today in Queens - with Schumer and others - after it was over and Joe was being steered away he mumbled, "I did not get to say everyone's names." Darn list!
oh no
12:04a, 9/8/21
I believe a real, actual investigative journalist outfit (very rare these days) actually got a CNN exec to admit (brag) on hidden camera that they helped hide Biden's dementia in order to get Trump out. …but most people don't even know about that because, like Hunter's laptop proving Joe's corruption, it's been censored.
2:22p, 9/8/21
Staff has found the best way to deal with it - ignore it.

"White House staffers mute or turn off the TV when Biden is speaking with reporters out of fear that he'll make a gaffe or veer off message, report says

  • Some White House staffers mute or turn off their TVs when Biden talks to reporters, Politico said.
  • Staffers do so out of fear Biden will veer off course or commit a verbal gaffe, the report added.
  • "I know people who habitually don't watch it live for that reason," one White House official said.

"I know people who habitually don't watch it live for that reason," one White House official told Politico's West Wing Playbook newsletter.

Biden, a self-proclaimed "gaffe machine," has tripped over his words and put his foot in his mouth many times over his lengthy political career, including as Barack Obama's running mate and as the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020.

Biden had perhaps his roughest month yet in August as the US military withdrew from Afghanistan, the Delta variant drove a surge in COVID-19 cases, natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires ravaged the country, and a disappointing jobs report was released.

Some White House staffers are urging Biden to take fewer questions after speeches and public appearances, Politico reported.

These are the same people who probably prepare his note cards for him.
4:42p, 9/8/21
In reply to johnnyblaze36
johnnyblaze36 said:

Biden ended today by yelling at a random kid that Schumer pointed out to him "The neat thing about America is every time we end up with a problem going into a serious circumstances we come out better than when we went in and that's because we're so diverse".

That's the most tone deaf statement I've ever heard on the heels of the Afghanistan disaster. He really thinks we'll all just move on now.

He also said some thing about diversity being the way that we can fight climate change. I **** you not.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FJB TRUMP 2024.
Stat Monitor Repairman
1:38a, 9/9/21

Why pepaw say 'don't jump' so much.

This is really weird.
Stat Monitor Repairman
11:37p, 9/10/21

Lol at this s***.
Stat Monitor Repairman
12:57a, 9/14/21
Stat Monitor Repairman
1:02a, 9/14/21
Stat Monitor Repairman
1:22a, 9/17/21

Pepaw coughin' stutterin' and stammerin'

Strugglin' to read the teleprompter.
7:12a, 9/17/21
In reply to V8Aggie
V8Aggie said:

I just don't understand what his handlers are doing uploading these things. I mean are these really the best takes they can get?

They probably have one shot at it. Those with dementia typically get frustrated and angry when they can't communicate what they want to communicate.
Doc Hayworth
9:15a, 9/17/21
My dad passed as a result of alzheimer's disease and dementia.
6 months before he passed, he could carry on a more cognizant conversation than Biden.
Stat Monitor Repairman
3:11p, 9/17/21

Pepaw back at it again today.

Stutterin' and stammerin'

Gets confused and says China instead of climate change.

It happens papaw, keep on truckin' brother! You got this!
Stat Monitor Repairman
10:32p, 9/19/21

What's going on with this guy?

Somebody explain to me what the **** i'm looking at here.
10:41p, 9/19/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
The classic Biden sniff.
The smart kid doesn't like it.
Stat Monitor Repairman
11:45p, 9/19/21

Watch this video and make the argument that this man doesn't have full blown dementia.

What is going on with this guy?

Someone explain this.
oh no
9:45a, 9/20/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Obama, Rice, et al dgaf if it's obvious that the empty suit they chose to install into power is a senile old puppet. They honestly don't care because there's nothing anyone can do about it, and frankly, Biden's admin is doing an excellent job destroying the country so they can 'build back better' into a communist utopia where everyone will frolic to the bread lines with happiness and joy on their faces.
9:40a, 9/21/21
Selective editing or brain dead president?

A New Hope
9:54a, 9/21/21
In reply to Stat Monitor Repairman
Stat Monitor Repairman said:

What's going on with this guy?

Somebody explain to me what the **** i'm looking at here.
Did he just sniff that kid??
Stat Monitor Repairman
3:47p, 9/23/21

Pepaw flashback ..

Says if Haiti sunk into the ocean, it wouldn't matter a whole lot.

3:50p, 9/23/21
In reply to A New Hope
Fedup said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

What's going on with this guy?

Somebody explain to me what the **** i'm looking at here.
Did he just sniff that kid??

Ol pedo Joe, gettin' at it.

Also, all you parents that are letting Joe sniff your kids and not saying anything about it are enemies of this country.
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