Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
489,494 Views | 3350 Replies
10:35a, 9/28/22
In reply to degreedy
HOW can they get away with completely IGNORING THIS? He's deteriorating more EVERY DAY. It's going well beyond humorous and embarrassing, anymore.
But (TBH), I'm more concerned about 'word salad' Harris filling the seat.
10:36a, 9/28/22
In reply to pdc093
Two blue stars for you getting us off page 44
10:37a, 9/28/22
In reply to BQ78
10:37a, 9/28/22
In reply to pdc093
pdc093 said:

HOW can they get away with completely IGNORING THIS? He's deteriorating more EVERY DAY. It's going well beyond humorous and embarrassing, anymore.
But (TBH), I'm more concerned about 'word salad' Harris filling the seat.
I'm mostly concerned that the administration is so incompetent top to bottom as to keep allowing this and Harris' word-salad speeches. It's like they have no desire to even put up a facade of competence.
10:40a, 9/28/22
In reply to Tramp96
Tramp96 said:

pdc093 said:

HOW can they get away with completely IGNORING THIS? He's deteriorating more EVERY DAY. It's going well beyond humorous and embarrassing, anymore.
But (TBH), I'm more concerned about 'word salad' Harris filling the seat.
I'm mostly concerned that the administration is so incompetent top to bottom as to keep allowing this and Harris' word-salad speeches. It's like they have no desire to even put up a facade of competence.
As long as Mean Tweeter doesn't take office again, they don't give two rats' asses who keeps the seat warm.
oh no
10:41a, 9/28/22
In reply to degreedy
It's not sad. It's infuriating.

His handlers put him out there. The establishment covers for him. The pravda media arm that ignores this stuff and helps cover for him because there's a document retention policy emergency somewhere else. It's really insulting they think they can fool the whole world with this puppet. This isn't even the unaccomplished corrupt lying pedo career politician Joe. Joe isn't even in there anymore.
11:17a, 9/28/22
I swear to God, I don't know how this woman lives with herself. Her complete EXASPERATION with him is OBVIOUS.
12:42p, 9/28/22
In reply to Tramp96
Tramp96 said:

oh no
3:22p, 9/28/22
A bit of an oldie but it came back up on my timeline today for obvious reasons

Stat Monitor Repairman
9:57p, 9/28/22
This thread is more than 2-years old.

What's he not done?

What's left?

Every week its like the 17th season of the Simpsons.

What haven't we seen already?

How does this go?

What we about to see next?
10:00p, 9/28/22
I ****ing hate Joe Biden. And NO, I don't feel sorry for him anymore because they are purposely putting him out there like this whether he understands it or not. And **** his wife Jill.

How much longer does our country have to put up with his piece of **** and his piece of **** administration.
11:01p, 9/28/22
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

Nah man. I'm sure if there was any truth to the notion that our commander & chief and the leader of the free world was senile, the news media would point it out or ask some questions about it. Right? Journalists help the people by asking tough questions to those in power and trying to keep them transparent and honest, right? Right?
John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt nod approvingly!!
11:02p, 9/28/22
In reply to annie88
annie88 said:

I ****ing hate Joe Biden. And NO, I don't feel sorry for him anymore because they are purposely putting him out there like this whether he understands it or not. And **** his wife Jill.

How much longer does our country have to put up with his piece of **** and his piece of **** administration.
elect a solid GOP Congress and they can at least hold hearings on everything that is going on

that puts more pressure on Pepaw to perform
11:04p, 9/28/22
In reply to pdc093
pdc093 said:

I swear to God, I don't know how this woman lives with herself. Her complete EXASPERATION with him is OBVIOUS.

you don't know how a narcisstic leftist who loves living in mansions

can live with being a narcissist living in a Mansion?!
Austin Ag
5:52a, 9/29/22

6:27a, 9/29/22
In reply to pdc093
pdc093 said:

I swear to God, I don't know how this woman lives with herself. Her complete EXASPERATION with him is OBVIOUS.

I can't imagine how many stimulants they've got him on to even get him to that point. Too bad the good Dr can't cure him.
6:28a, 9/29/22
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

A bit of an oldie but it came back up on my timeline today for obvious reasons

7:14a, 9/29/22
Veep is right behind him. People leaving Russia should go straight to North Korea - our long time ally.

"Vice President Kamala Harris commends US alliance with 'Republic of North Korea' in DMZ speech gaffe

Vice President Kamala Harris made an unfortunate gaffe during her speech at the Korean Peninsula's Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on Thursday, saying that the United States has a "strong alliance" with "the Republic of North Korea."

"It is an alliance that is strong and enduring," she added, intending to refer to the Republic of Korea, which is South Korea's official name."
If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
oh no
7:41a, 9/29/22
In reply to justcallmeharry
justcallmeharry said:

Veep is right behind him. People leaving Russia should go straight to North Korea - our long time ally.

"Vice President Kamala Harris commends US alliance with 'Republic of North Korea' in DMZ speech gaffe

Vice President Kamala Harris made an unfortunate gaffe during her speech at the Korean Peninsula's Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on Thursday, saying that the United States has a "strong alliance" with "the Republic of North Korea."

"It is an alliance that is strong and enduring," she added, intending to refer to the Republic of Korea, which is South Korea's official name."

did wapo, nyt, cnn, msnbc, etc. catch this one? Excuse it? Or will just now finally start figuring out this lady might not be very smart?
7:49a, 9/29/22
In reply to Austin Ag
Austin Ag said:

A responsible press would be eviscerating this administration 24/7.
“Things weren’t gentle and politically correct in those days. We weren’t candy asses. Okay?”
-Frank Borman

“Who are you to doubt El Dandy? ‘Cause this guy’s a serious professional.”
-Bret Hart
12:36p, 9/29/22

Where's he going?
1:09p, 9/29/22
In reply to aggiehawg
aggiehawg said:

Where's he going?

Beyond him always being lost, his gait is not right. Truly believe that he may be experiencing parkinsons or alzheimers
Austin Ag
2:24p, 9/29/22
2:26p, 9/29/22
In reply to aggiehawg
aggiehawg said:

Where's he going?
He made doodoo in his underoos.
4:15p, 9/29/22
That was even worse than it looked.


One of the people who has been handling a lot of the announcements regarding the hurricane has been FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell. On Thursday, Joe Biden went to FEMA headquarters to meet with her and DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas on the response. It didn't go well.

Biden tried to praise Criswell for her good work, calling her the "MVP." But despite saying he had spent a lot of time with her "these days," he didn't even seem to know what her name was, calling her "uhh, uh, Griswell," seemingly forgetting her first name and getting her last name wrong.
Better audio on the wandering away. She's trying to get his attention.

Get Off My Lawn
4:25p, 9/29/22
In reply to aggiehawg
aggiehawg said:

That was even worse than it looked.


One of the people who has been handling a lot of the announcements regarding the hurricane has been FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell. On Thursday, Joe Biden went to FEMA headquarters to meet with her and DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas on the response. It didn't go well.

Biden tried to praise Criswell for her good work, calling her the "MVP." But despite saying he had spent a lot of time with her "these days," he didn't even seem to know what her name was, calling her "uhh, uh, Griswell," seemingly forgetting her first name and getting her last name wrong.
Better audio on the wandering away. She's trying to get his attention.

Biden: so bad, he's beyond the containment capabilities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
The Brazos Kid
4:30p, 9/29/22
In reply to Get Off My Lawn
Get Off My Lawn said:

aggiehawg said:

That was even worse than it looked.


One of the people who has been handling a lot of the announcements regarding the hurricane has been FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell. On Thursday, Joe Biden went to FEMA headquarters to meet with her and DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas on the response. It didn't go well.

Biden tried to praise Criswell for her good work, calling her the "MVP." But despite saying he had spent a lot of time with her "these days," he didn't even seem to know what her name was, calling her "uhh, uh, Griswell," seemingly forgetting her first name and getting her last name wrong.
Better audio on the wandering away. She's trying to get his attention.

Biden: so bad, he's beyond the containment capabilities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Look at his rigid hands as soon as he leaves podium. That's some Parkinson's or Alzheimer's stuff right there.
4:50p, 9/29/22
The emperor's new clothes is not a parable to emulate. Morons are clapping for a vegetable and they know it. I bet he couldn't tell them what FEMA stands for, let alone why he's at their HQ.
8:28p, 9/29/22
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

justcallmeharry said:

Veep is right behind him. People leaving Russia should go straight to North Korea - our long time ally.

"Vice President Kamala Harris commends US alliance with 'Republic of North Korea' in DMZ speech gaffe

Vice President Kamala Harris made an unfortunate gaffe during her speech at the Korean Peninsula's Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on Thursday, saying that the United States has a "strong alliance" with "the Republic of North Korea."

"It is an alliance that is strong and enduring," she added, intending to refer to the Republic of Korea, which is South Korea's official name."

did wapo, nyt, cnn, msnbc, etc. catch this one? Excuse it? Or will just now finally start figuring out this lady might not be very smart?
You never know what's going to slip out of that mouth of hers.
If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
oh no
3:47p, 10/3/22
Does anyone know if Joe has a history of lying or just making things up?

Sometimes it's hard to separate the lies from the dementia
3:51p, 10/3/22
Credible Source
3:55p, 10/3/22
In reply to oh no
oh no said:

Does anyone know if Joe has a history of lying or just making things up?

Sometimes it's hard to separate the lies from the dementia

Oh yeah. His first presidential bid was a disaster because blatantly lied about easily verifiable tho he. He's a complete joke
oh no
4:05p, 10/3/22
In reply to Credible Source
hahaha.. yeah, I was being facetious. Dude's been plagiarizing and lying non-stop for about 70 years. About everything.. He even lies about how he first hooked up with his kids' babysitter.
4:07p, 10/3/22
He has always been a lying POS

oh no
4:21p, 10/3/22
Cornpop was probably real though. A real bad dude.
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