Your Salary History?
110,596 Views | 462 Replies
10:47a, 2/4/15
BearHorn Hunter
6:58p, 2/4/15
2009 - 60x
2011 - 82x
2012 - 92x
2013 - 99x
2014 - 114x

Education Sales
1:45p, 2/5/15
ITT: People making stupid fast pay raises. Who the eff goes 2x, 3x,4x, or even 5x their hire on base in just a few years without MAJOR changes in job position???
2:10p, 2/5/15
the multiplier does make the concept of this thread a little grey, but i have still found it quite interesting.
10:09p, 2/5/15
engineering raises are pretty disappointing compared to what other people in this thread appear to be getting with marketing and generic business degrees.

11:39p, 2/5/15
BS Computer Science and Engineering

1994 1.0x
1996 1.2x
1998 1.5x
2000 1.8x
2002 2.1x
2004 2.8x
2006 3.2x
2008 3.7x
2010 4.2x
2012 4.9x
2014 4.9x
2015 ZERO
2:03a, 2/6/15
My wife and I are both class of '09 from A&M. I was philosophy. She was poli-sci. I am too lazy and mathematically challenged to calculate based on "x" and % of "x." We went through more school after undergrad, so we didn't have full time jobs until 2013.

2013: $115k before bonus
2014: $122.5k before bonus
2015 will be $130k before bonus

2013: $125k before bonus
2014: $131k before bonus
2015 will be $145k before bonus

My average bonus has been $17k. Hers has been about $25k.
8:01a, 2/6/15
what extra school did you pursue?
8:30a, 2/6/15
In reply to Ragoo
Law school.
8:33a, 2/6/15
Both? How much debt service?
9:12a, 2/6/15
In reply to Ragoo
We both received pretty significant scholarships, and I was able to pay for my first year and a half on my own, so I finished with $36000, and she finished with about $70,000. Mine will be paid off at the end of 2016. Hers will take a few more years, but loan payments are pretty much an afterthought with our monthly income.
9:25a, 2/6/15
congrats, testament to your drive. wish more people had the same.
9:46a, 2/6/15
In reply to Ragoo
Honestly, I don't really feel like I'm all that "driven." I just get done what I need to get done and don't act like an idiot. I find that, more often than not, that's enough to put you in a position to succeed over many of your peers. It's amazing how many people out there are either weird and socially maladjusted, or just can't make themselves sit down and get their work done.
8:05p, 2/6/15
In reply to BearHorn Hunter
Um does your x mean k?
1:15p, 2/7/15
Civil engineer. Specifically transportation.

2006 - $40k
2013 - $76k
2015 - 0.0
2016 - ?

In full Time MBA program. Hit a career crossroads. Wasn't going to move up much in pay unless ownership. Decided to go back and try something new. Real estate/finance or supply chain sound nice, but I can only imagine entry level with my lack of experience in the field.

Warrior Poet
11:44p, 2/12/15
I don't know shiit about these multipliers you dudes are putting up in this thread but my fiance and I (both lawyers) work our little hummingbird asses off and each make six figures annually. As you can see from some of the other hard working Ags in this thread, you work hard and you will find monetary satisfaction eventually. Focus on the things you can control, like how good you are at your job and how hard you work and how you treat your friends in your profession. Be a leader and that will take you farther than anything. You see guys who started out at 1/4 my salary and now they are probably twice my salary. It's all about persistence and hard work.
3:19p, 2/13/15
In reply to Warrior Poet
Hard work is way overrated. It's all about smart work.

I was reading this Netflix culture presentation yesterday. Some really great stuff. This was one of my favorites:

Sustained A-level performance, despite minimal effort, is rewarded with more responsibility and great pay
That's pretty much me. I see people far less productive working way harder. Meanwhile I put in about 40/week and continue to get massive raises and promotions.
Warrior Poet
9:57p, 2/13/15
That's fine. I agree 100%. I do everything I can to work smart. But at the end of the day, work hard or get lapped by someone who is willing and ready. Because even if I work smart, I still work hard. For example I work off billable hours. A partner at my firm sustained 16 billable hours a day for 3-4 days a week last week. He did so by multi tasking, working while driving to a client meeting, etc. either way, just in terms of boots in the ground he still out more actual hours in than any other partner at the firm, not to mention his astronomical billing.

Efficient work will get you far in terms of less job stress and personal satisfaction, but hard work gets you where you want to go 100% of the time.

12:12a, 2/14/15
2015 - Laid off but still good lookin'
"Christ almighty, it's like I'm sittin' here playing cards with my brother's kids or somethin' you nerve-wracking sons-of-b**ches."
12:18a, 2/14/15
8:52a, 2/14/15
In reply to SaltyTxAg
What brought on the big jump from 13 to 14?
9:52a, 2/14/15
In reply to agdaddy04
I started consulting on Frac and coil jobs in August. I've saved a pretty good chunk of change.
"Christ almighty, it's like I'm sittin' here playing cards with my brother's kids or somethin' you nerve-wracking sons-of-b**ches."
6:41p, 2/23/15
Out of college in 2011 (marketing degree):

2010: College
2011: $45,000 no bonus (Advertising for P&G)
2014: $130,000 - Changed careers to real estate

2010: College
2011: $15,000 - Getting MBA
2014: $90,000 - Doing real estate as well.

7:03p, 2/23/15
In reply to SaltyTxAg
I started consulting on Frac and coil jobs in August. I've saved a pretty good chunk of change.
Your post and signature sound exactly like our field office, all the time

2013 - 0.82x (summer internship)
2014 - x (Graduated started first job)
8:41p, 2/23/15
I earn eleventy billion dollars Yearly and never get a freakin raise
Jumbo Slim
8:26p, 5/19/15
2008 - Unemployed (graduated a month after the meltdown)
2009 - X
2011 - 1.35X
2013 - 1.45X
2014 - 1.65X
2015 - 4.25X
2020 - 100X (barring my eventual take over of the drug trade in Juarez)
biochemistry ag
8:15p, 5/20/15
In reply to biochemistry ag
BS in biochemistry (2004), PhD in biochemistry 2010, working in big pharma, toxicologist/senior scientist

2004: x
2005: .83x (grad school)
2011: 3x
2012: 4x
Projecting a couple years from now at next job will easily be 5.5-6x + bonus and stock

2015: 5.5x new job woohoo!! (Way more excited about the job than whatever is in front of the 'x')
10:38p, 5/20/15
In reply to not1cuckaroo
March 2015: $78
10:39p, 5/20/15
In reply to not1cuckaroo
Graduated May 2013: $60
June 2014: $65
November 2014: $75 (switched jobs)

Def not engineering. Lol
11:33a, 5/21/15
2003 - 40k
2005 - 55k
2007 - 90k
2009 - 90k + 35k bonus
2011 - 100k + 80k bonus
2013 - 100k + 200k bonus
2014 - 127k + 10k bonus *bleck*

PETE - 2.7 GPA

[This message has been edited by KnowNothingAg (edited 7/23/2014 2:08p).]

Looks like BD/Technical Sales for a spell. That or I'm completely ignorant to just how well PETE's are being compensated at independent operators.

1:47p, 5/21/15
dude... a lot of you folks make a lot of money, and many of you in fields that I didn't know there was money to be made in.

I'll do mine. I started in statistics and am now in finance:

'05: 40K
'06 - '07: Grad School for MS (0K)
'08: 55K
'09: 62.5K
'10: 50K (decided to change course career-wise
'11: 75K
'12: 78K
'13: 95K
'14: 110K
'15: 115K
9:57p, 5/21/15
28 K in 2000

Now 77K plus bonus. Near 95,000

Home building
11:07a, 5/22/15
2012 42,500 +bonus
2013 45,000 +bonus
2014 48 + bonus
2015 70 + bonus
10:58p, 11/3/17
11:01p, 11/3/17
This was a good thread way back when
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