not sure where else to post - creepy
31,210 Views | 163 Replies
5:18p, 4/16/24
This thread is fantastic.

If there is another thread in the history of Texags that has Zodiac conspiracy theories, Crocodile Dundee, and a mention of raping a baby to death with a hammer, I'm not aware of it. Pure TexAgs gold!

Please let this stay up Mods.
8:39p, 4/16/24
Clarity please:
1) Has the identity of the person leaving these items truly been co firmed?

2) If it is the ~41 yo individual who previously lived in the area, and whose adopted stepfather claimed is now a schizophrenic but doesn't know his whereabouts, has the schizophrenia been confirmed?

Just trying get back to know facts.
9:12p, 4/16/24
In reply to Catag94
Catag94 said:

Clarity please:
1) Has the identity of the person leaving these items truly been co firmed?

2) If it is the ~41 yo individual who previously lived in the area, and whose adopted stepfather claimed is now a schizophrenic but doesn't know his whereabouts, has the schizophrenia been confirmed?

Just trying get back to know facts.

1) one of the items that was left at a house down the street was a picture of him as a child. He also showed up on our street 3 months ago asking one of my neighbors about where people lived now. So although we haven't proven it, I'm not sure who else it could be.

2) the schizophrenia information was given to us by his adoptive father and said he was currently having a manic episode and did not know his whereabouts
9:26p, 4/16/24
Hope you are armed
9:29p, 4/16/24
In reply to tmaggies
I am
9:31p, 4/16/24
In reply to FTAC2011
Thanks. And God protect you and your family while you deal with trying to end it.

So, was yours and the neighbor whose floors plans were in the pics the only ones that seemed to contain details pertinent to the respective homes or did the others also have specifics to those houses/families?
10:00p, 4/16/24
In reply to Catag94
The third one had floor plans but not as visible, so not sure if they are their floor plans or someone else's.
10:20p, 4/16/24
In reply to FTAC2011
FTAC2011 said:

The third one had floor plans but not as visible, so not sure if they are their floor plans or someone else's.

I definitely wondered if this third house isn't also personal to that family.
I imagine the "Complete Guide to Garden Flowers" title, and the National Geographic are potentially from inside that home or at least linked to personal interests of that family.

I also find the eyeball inside that odd circular shape to be particularly real looking relative to the rest of the image.

Is it possible the person doing this has hacked into home security and captured images that can be interior cameras?
ThreatLevel: Midnight
3:08a, 4/17/24
This honestly gave me chills when I read the OP. Big time creep factor. I don't envy your situation but if I were in your shoes I'd likely do the following:
1) Your community/street needs to invest in a 24/7 hi def camera that can get good visuals on every vehicle (ideally including license plate and driver if possible) in/out of that street.
1a) if the mystery creep's location is unknown, might be worth pitching in as a neighborhood and hiring a PI to track the person down for peace of mind on location at least. Maybe the parents could intervene and get them back on their meds if it is a schizo break.
2) you need to blanket the area surrounding your home in night time security lighting that provides adequate visibility at night and also motion activated security lighting that lights it up like daytime.
3) excellent surveillance/video coverage around the home.
4) make sure you have no trespassing & private property signage posted at all entry points to property.
5) get defensive. Have a well thought out plan should this person return. Plan for day and night. Advance notice and surprise appearance. Have emergency #'s saved in phone but also posted in logical home locations.
6) include family members in preparation/planning response where appropriate (wife, teens, etc.) emergency whistle/horn, pepper spray/gel etc.
7) do you have a family dog? If not, might be worth considering.
8) educate yourself on Texas stand your ground/castle doctrine, self defense laws, justified force etc.
9) if your preparation planning involves potential firearm use as a last resort. God forbid you should need to use it but I would also have proper legal counsel on retainer to be safe.
Thanks & Gig 'Em
6:09a, 4/17/24
In reply to CactusThomas
CactusThomas said:

There is only one kind of person who drives a Subaru AND wears a dress- a man.

This is POTY level stuff.
10:12a, 4/17/24
Involuntary Commitment in Texas | Texas Law Help

Figure out how to meet the burden of if he/she is a danger/threat to himself or others. See if any of their family members might be able to assist.

Cops might not do anything, but it's a different avenue you could consider.
10:15a, 4/17/24
Surprised by the few posters on here acting like this is no big deal. Y'all remember former A&M football player Thomas Johnson? I'm sure plenty said his behavior was no big deal before he chopped up that jogger with a machete.
10:28a, 4/17/24
In reply to Jbob04
Jbob04 said:

Surprised by the few posters on here acting like this is no big deal. Y'all remember former A&M football player Thomas Johnson? I'm sure plenty said his behavior was no big deal before he chopped up that jogger with a machete.
He just needed more hugs.
Windy City Ag
10:42a, 4/17/24
In reply to CC09LawAg

Figure out how to meet the burden of if he/she is a danger/threat to himself or others. See if any of their family members might be able to assist.
We know a family friend that explored this for their schizophrenic daughter and found it a bureaucratic dead end. She was convinced strangers in all black were sneaking into her her home while she was sleeping, somehow circumventing and then re-arming the alarms. She would call her family and us at all hours in a panic and was going to buy a gun for self-defense which set off her father.

We found that the burden of proof required is pretty steep and the medical community, always worried about litigation, refused to play ball since she was just being very odd and not actually engaging in any criminal behavior. There was a requirement for proof of imminent violent intent or imminent self-harm. The dad couldn't provide any facts or proof about a gun purchase, which should have been illegal anyway per the lawyers he talked to.

She eventually stopped calling and moved away is still bouncing around California on medical benefits as far as we know.

So in this case where the local cops have already responded saying it is not an urgent situation, it seems like an extreme longshot based on my experience.

10:44a, 4/17/24
In reply to Windy City Ag
I imagine it depends on the jurisdiction; I know of plenty of instances where people were committed where I live.
10:44a, 4/17/24
In reply to Jbob04
Jbob04 said:

Surprised by the few posters on here acting like this is no big deal. Y'all remember former A&M football player Thomas Johnson? I'm sure plenty said his behavior was no big deal before he chopped up that jogger with a machete.
Who is acting like it isn't a big deal? There is a huge gap from "not a big deal" to jump this mentally ill person and kick his ass. Like the nut job would even understand....
11:08a, 4/17/24
Having read more information I no longer think this is "just kids". Obviously there is an issue here.

So, knowing a thing or two about a thing or two in the criminal justice world, definitely file a police report even if you know they won't do anything. I also agree, that they won't do anything, but you want that paper trail there.

Harden up your house for sure. Cameras are your friend.

If this person comes by/leaves anything etc again, file another report. Keep pestering the Local Law Enf about this.

If you have a gun....CARRY IT. It does you zero good in a sock drawer/glove box or under the seat in the truck.
11:13a, 4/17/24
The best advice on here was deleted.

I believe it was Rattler that said he had the cops note on the police report in his situation that he feared for his families safety. Seems like the logical thing to do that way when this guy goes one step too far and you fill him full of lead you have on file that you were fearful of what he might do.

Anyone's "feelings" be damned on here. You do what you need to do to protect your family.
11:18a, 4/17/24
OP I'd have a gun on body at all times until this is resolved.

When sleeping at arms reach in a safe.
Pasquale Liucci
1:32p, 4/17/24
In reply to mpl35
mpl35 said:

Jbob04 said:

Surprised by the few posters on here acting like this is no big deal. Y'all remember former A&M football player Thomas Johnson? I'm sure plenty said his behavior was no big deal before he chopped up that jogger with a machete.
Who is acting like it isn't a big deal? There is a huge gap from "not a big deal" to jump this mentally ill person and kick his ass. Like the nut job would even understand....
Tim Weaver
1:43p, 4/17/24
Schizo Man
Schizo Man
Does whatever a Schizo can

Wears a dress
Drives a car
Goes wherever the Ducky's are

Look out! Here comes the Schizo Maaaan!
2:14p, 4/17/24
[Keep in mind. Posts get removed automatically when they are part of a reply string to a post that is the actual focus of moderation. -Staff]
S.A. Aggie
2:49p, 4/17/24
Op: I hope you are carrying and have a heavy duty caliber.
4:57p, 4/17/24
I do carry everyday and have cameras all over my house and firearms accessible everywhere. My property is also fully gated with monitored alarm systems and landscape lighting.

We haven't had any suspicious activity since the post and I haven't heard anything else regarding the suspected person.
5:04p, 4/17/24
In reply to FTAC2011
FTAC2011 said:

I do carry everyday and have cameras all over my house and firearms accessible everywhere. My property is also fully gated with monitored alarm systems and landscape lighting.

We haven't had any suspicious activity since the post and I haven't heard anything else regarding the suspected person.
It's great being prepared. Hopefully, nothing else like this happens again to you or your neighbors.
9:12p, 4/17/24
In reply to FTAC2011
That's good.

Unfortunately, the best outcome is also the least exciting to read: No new updates and the person is never seen again.
9:25p, 4/17/24
In reply to Naveronski
Naveronski said:

That's good.

Unfortunately, the best outcome is also the least exciting to read: No new updates and the person is never seen again.

Best is person unseen and have received information that he has been flown states away to a facility
Baron von Bulsh
11:12p, 4/17/24
In reply to FTAC2011
Get you a Great Pyrenees to roam that yard.
suburban cowboy
7:46a, 4/18/24
Dude, sorry you're having to go through this and thanks gor sharing.

First, what a goddam shame your local LE is for that response. This is exactly the kind of work they are paid to do. Makes it really tough to have a positive perception of any cop. I mean, do you think Andy Griffith or Rust Cohle would turn you away?

Second, this is a thin, weird line to walk between crazy schizo that does this as a one-off, loose screw trip, or they keep drinking from their emotionally tied well of a childhood memory and end up abducting, murdering, raping, etc.

Personally, I wouldn't have peace of mind until my this person eats a bullet or gets a permanent residence at a halfway house at least one time-zone away.

I can't imagine not being comfortable taking a leak outside on my back porch late at night without fear of a trans schizo clubbing me over the head with my own kid's rubber ducky.
8:01a, 4/18/24
How'd we ever conclude it's a duck from his house? I don't think we did other than being told it was which without more knowledge is impossible to discern or verify from the picture left. It could be one of millions. How do you definitively without doubt know it was from your house?

If it didn't come from your house then a large part of this is totally moot. You've been running under the assumption it did and thus your future actions are valid to maintain safety. Problem is we haven't shown any prof it's not just an ordinary rubber duck without specific features that you're projecting to have come from your house because it fits the narrative.
8:06a, 4/18/24
In reply to JustPanda
JustPanda said:

How'd we ever conclude it's a duck from his house? I don't think we did other than being told it was which without more knowledge is impossible to discern or verify from the picture left. It could be one of millions. How do you definitively without doubt know it was from your house?

If it didn't come from your house then a large part of this is totally moot. You've been running under the assumption it did and thus your future actions are valid to maintain safety. Problem is we haven't shown any prof it's not just an ordinary rubber duck without specific features that you're projecting to have come from your house because it fits the narrative.

I don't know and I never said that. I said I think because we had these exact rubber ducks in our garage and it's the only "message" that makes sense. I'm just trying to piece together evidence. I have no proof of anything other than what time and day they dropped off the pictures.

Edit to add: I made this thread for help trying to understand these messages and symbols. Bc it doesn't make much sense to me. And maybe it's not supposed to.
8:07a, 4/18/24
In reply to FTAC2011
So do we. It could even be from one of your neighbor's houses or the dump or anywhere. Just trying to play both sides here. The basis of most of the comments are centered around the belief that you experienced a B&E and thus need to protect yourself. We can't discern that from what we have currently.
8:14a, 4/18/24
Also outside of mental illness it feels like a tweaked out meth user on a blitz or a come down experiencing psychosis. The behaviors and mental state are very similar between the two.
8:23a, 4/18/24
In reply to JustPanda
JustPanda said:

So do we. It could even be from one of your neighbor's houses or the dump or anywhere. Just trying to play both sides here. The basis of most of the comments are centered around the belief that you experienced a B&E and thus need to protect yourself. We can't discern that from what we have currently.

I don't think I need to protect myself based on the fact of a possible B&E. I believe I need to protect myself and my family because I have small children who play outside and there is someone who has been confirmed to be mentally ill scouring our street. The mentally ill need help, yes, but they are unpredictable. Who knows what this person could do, and protecting myself and my family is just basic common sense step one and that doesn't change whether he stole a rubber duck from me or not.
8:23a, 4/18/24
In reply to FTAC2011
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