****CITY UNDER SIEGE - 2024****
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5:40p, 4/17/24
**** this Commie judge

Build It
6:51p, 4/17/24
She has a long track record of this. Vote her out!!!
8:26p, 4/17/24
I guarantee you that ***** ass judge wouldn't let this guy in her house.
Al Bula
9:56p, 4/17/24
In reply to randy828
randy828 said:

txags92 said:

Ciboag96 said:

Well, well, Quannell 10 done got them to come on in. They're each 17. Kids these days, let me tell ya.

They will be at least 25 before they have any chance of seeing a trial. Plenty of time to go out and commit more crimes once they are released on PR bonds.
And of course they are claiming self defense.


He said he looked around for a gun and didn't see anything in the man's hand or on the seat. (The teens have since said that the clerk was also armed and are claiming self-defense in the shooting. The police have not said if a gun was found in the clerk's car.)
welp the "teen" got away with murder.

10:00p, 4/17/24
In reply to Al Bula
He'll be back.
11:21p, 4/17/24
I know many of you think the new incoming DA will worse than Ogg. I don't know the new one but I do know several experienced prosecutors who Ogg fired when sho took office.
They all tell me the new DA is trying to rehire a bunch of good and experienced prosecutors from back in the day when the DAs office was known nationally as an aggressive and tough office.
Now, several former Harris County prosecutors have moved away and are now working in smaller offices around the state. Some have simply retired now and some have gone into private practice and are making too much money to go back to prosecuting. But the DA elect is trying to bring good back to what is now a very bad office.
11:36p, 4/17/24
In reply to SW AG80
SW AG80 said:

I know many of you think the new incoming DA will worse than Ogg. I don't know the new one but I do know several experienced prosecutors who Ogg fired when sho took office.
They all tell me the new DA is trying to rehire a bunch of good and experienced prosecutors from back in the day when the DAs office was known nationally as an aggressive and tough office.
Now, several former Harris County prosecutors have moved away and are now working in smaller offices around the state. Some have simply retired now and some have gone into private practice and are making too much money to go back to prosecuting. But the DA elect is trying to bring good back to what is now a very bad office.
I know George Soros supported the new guy over Kim Ogg. That tells me everything I need to know about how he will be.
11:40p, 4/17/24
In reply to txags92
That bothers me too. I'm just passing along what some former really good Harris County prosecutors have said to me.
4:30a, 4/18/24
In reply to Al Bula
He was unlawfully in possession of a handgun while committing a crime, if they can't indict him for murder they sure as s' better charge him with something.
7:50a, 4/18/24
In reply to CheeseSndwch
CheeseSndwch said:

He was unlawfully in possession of a handgun while committing a crime, if they can't indict him for murder they sure as s' better charge him with something.
The kid got off on technicalities.

Once the clerk followed him off property, the rules technically change. This wasn't a felony theft, or high dollar theft, or however the gun law statutes term it, so the technicality of self-defense can be employed.....and here we are.

If the kid had shot him in the store, we'd likely be looking at a different outcome, but as a previous poster stated, he'll be back. We all know it. The state knows it. The kid knows it. Sadly, one more person will have to die for even a chance at justice, assuming a dumbass judge doesn't let him out on a $1 bond.
maroon barchetta
7:59a, 4/18/24
In reply to CDUB98
But what if all the judges are dumbass judges.
9:18a, 4/18/24
Baron von Bulsh
9:31a, 4/18/24
In reply to CDUB98
How is it legal for a 17 year old to be in possession of a handgun?
10:12a, 4/18/24
In reply to SW AG80
I know it's probably a longshot for the Republican candidate in a Harris County DA election, but isn't there still the general election to get out of the way before he starts hiring folks?
10:20a, 4/18/24
In reply to Diggity
I don't know if there is a Republican on the ballot or not.

I don't live in Harris County.
10:33a, 4/18/24
In reply to txags92
txags92 said:

SW AG80 said:

I know many of you think the new incoming DA will worse than Ogg. I don't know the new one but I do know several experienced prosecutors who Ogg fired when sho took office.
They all tell me the new DA is trying to rehire a bunch of good and experienced prosecutors from back in the day when the DAs office was known nationally as an aggressive and tough office.
Now, several former Harris County prosecutors have moved away and are now working in smaller offices around the state. Some have simply retired now and some have gone into private practice and are making too much money to go back to prosecuting. But the DA elect is trying to bring good back to what is now a very bad office.
I know George Soros supported the new guy over Kim Ogg. That tells me everything I need to know about how he will be.
Exactly. If he tries to take a "tough on crime" stance like some on here claim he will, he might as well go ahead and only plan to be there 1 term as Soros will put his money behind another horse in the next election. He is being put in that position to continue and advance the descent into chaos.
10:37a, 4/18/24
In reply to YellAg2004
All I know is I'm fairly close to a couple of the old DA's that caught in various stupid riffs with Ogg and were let go so are now defendants....all of them were obviously for Teare.....

But 2 of the 3 also were posting on social media examples of how Ogg was too tough on accused criminals and that was why we needed a change.
10:58a, 4/18/24
In reply to htxag09
If Kim Ogg was too tough on criminals for them, it totally makes sense why they are cozying up to the new guy.
10:58a, 4/18/24
In reply to htxag09
htxag09 said:

All I know is I'm fairly close to a couple of the old DA's that caught in various stupid riffs with Ogg and were let go so are now defendants....all of them were obviously for Teare.....

But 2 of the 3 also were posting on social media examples of how Ogg was too tough on accused criminals and that was why we needed a change.
I am too. Some of them jumped pre-Ogg, several pre-Lykos, some fired by both. Pretty much all of them say that the office and Harris Co can EAD and Go F Themselves. Much happier and have peace in smaller (conservative) counties.
10:59a, 4/18/24
In reply to htxag09
htxag09 said:

All I know is I'm fairly close to a couple of the old DA's that caught in various stupid riffs with Ogg and were let go so are now defendants....all of them were obviously for Teare.....

But 2 of the 3 also were posting on social media examples of how Ogg was too tough on accused criminals and that was why we needed a change.
that's amazing. Would love to see some examples of Ogg being too tough. Just her conviction rate would make me feel pretty comfortable as a career criminal.
11:07a, 4/18/24
In reply to Diggity
Both referenced this article and one said "what Ogg has done to the justice system is a travesty for Houstonians...as someone who practices criminal low it is obvious every day"

Thousands of Houstonians are sent to jail with no legal basis under DA Ogg, judges say
11:21a, 4/18/24
In reply to htxag09
htxag09 said:

Both referenced this article and one said "what Ogg has done to the justice system is a travesty for Houstonians...as someone who practices criminal low it is obvious every day"

Thousands of Houstonians are sent to jail with no legal basis under DA Ogg, judges say
Behind a paywall but who, exactly, are these Houstonians being sent to jail without a legal basis? Because it sure as hell isn't the hundreds (thousands??) of violent criminals coming through the revolving door of our "justice" system.
11:22a, 4/18/24
In reply to htxag09
Seems like a pretty nuanced situation. I think it can be true that Ogg's intake system was a complete cluster**** and didn't properly allocate resources, but I also partially agree with the argument from their camp that the liberal wave of judges helped increase cases getting thrown out.

Nothing in that article leads me to believe Ogg was "too tough on criminals"...rather just too inept.

In any case, she lost the faith of her team and needed to go. I'm one of the naive ones that thinks Shaun will do a much better job, but only time will tell.

maroon barchetta
11:39a, 4/18/24
Teen beaten with brass knuckles shoots two attackers/thieves that beat him.

11:49a, 4/18/24
In reply to Baron von Bulsh
Baron von Bulsh said:

How is it legal for a 17 year old to be in possession of a handgun?
It's not without parent present, but that was not the charge put before the grand jury, nor argued. It's why I said the kid got off on technicality only.
El Gallo Blanco
11:51a, 4/18/24
In reply to maroon barchetta
maroon barchetta said:

Teen beaten with brass knuckles shoots two attackers/thieves that beat him.




Houston police said a mother handed her son a gun after the two 16-year-olds beat him up.

"Here you go mijo, ju go keel those pendejos...donnn be late for dinner"
12:37p, 4/18/24
In reply to Diggity
It is definitely nuanced.

I guess my basis on the too tough comment is them implying, or me interpreting, they are saying she errors on the side of prosecuting and brings charges to lots of people that have no basis.

Maybe that's true, I tend to agree with the judges just being dip****s now. Dismissing cases doesn't prove the charges didn't need to be made, IMO.

But, yes, agree it's nuanced and agree that she's inept and has caused a giant cluster**** within the department and needs to go.
1:22p, 4/18/24

Neighbors who've lived in the area for a while are wishing for more peaceful times.

"I wish it was like the old days where everybody would fight instead of shoot," Brian Payne, a resident who heard the shooting and called 911, said.
2:26p, 4/18/24
In reply to randy828
randy828 said:


Neighbors who've lived in the area for a while are wishing for more peaceful times.

"I wish it was like the old days where everybody would fight instead of shoot," Brian Payne, a resident who heard the shooting and called 911, said.

4:09p, 4/18/24
and here this guy gets a 170k bond for fake butt injections

Psycho Bunny
4:17p, 4/18/24
In reply to sts7049
sts7049 said:

and here this guy gets a 170k bond for fake butt injections

That's because he's white. Darker the color the lower the bond amount.
Americans new motto
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
4:20p, 4/18/24
In reply to Psycho Bunny
Well, we are talk about multiple bootys here.
10:15p, 4/18/24
7:43a, 4/19/24
In reply to Aggie09Derek
While clearly scum and have more coming to them, I agree this one wasn't murder based on the clerk chasing them in his car.
10:10a, 4/19/24
so this is the way to legally murder someone

bait them into following you / escalating...then have your piece ready to shoot them
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