And so it begins ... Bad news for the bike laners
19,740 Views | 197 Replies
12:24p, 2/11/24
In reply to Panama Red
12th is full. Try Grand Parkway.
Furlock Bones
2:06p, 2/11/24
In reply to GiggityAg01
Sweet fancy Moses.
Furlock Bones
4:12p, 2/12/24
We hardly knew yee
1:53p, 2/20/24
Sea Speed
2:15p, 2/20/24
In reply to lunchbox
I feel like this tweet is meant to try andnbag on Whitmire because he isn't catering to causes she cares about, not because she actually gives a damn.
3:00p, 2/20/24
In reply to Sea Speed
I agree....just thought it should be mentioned in the thread....for traffic alert reasons if nothing else...
3:08p, 2/20/24
In reply to lunchbox
lunchbox said:

Gotta love buddy grift contracts. Half the work at twice the cost.
3:10p, 2/20/24
I doubt this is so much a buddy grift contract (not saying it's not) so much as it is the new mayor having his ear bent by a select group of people.

Whether you were for or against what was built on Houston Ave., to go in and rip it out 1 month after construction is just dumb and wasteful. And now it's even more wasteful with the water line and road repairs that will have to be tacked on top.
10:05a, 2/21/24
Wasn't the catalyst for the installation of the median and turn lane here a bicyclist being killed in a hit and run, but the project lacked adding a bike lane? And the subsequent (total) removal of the medians pursued following the Lutheran church concerns about southbound left turn access, rather than just reworking the left-hand turn and leaving the median pedestrian refuge?


As the pastor put it, he has been "supportive of of street safety initiatives" but took issue with how the ongoing project's cut of the left turn will make it difficult for older members to get to church.

The City, Dorn continued, would provide the church with a left turn lane to the backside of the property. "But you don't run weddings and funerals from the backside of the building," he said.

Seems like a good intentions but poorly executed. This city needs better roadway, pedestrian and bike infrastructure, end of story.
BMX Bandit
12:12p, 2/21/24

Whether you were for or against what was built on Houston Ave., to go in and rip it out 1 month after construction is just dumb and wasteful
better to stop the wasteful spending and correct the dumb decision
4:56p, 3/14/24
Jugstore Cowboy
5:25p, 3/14/24
In reply to HeightsAg


Joe Cutrufo, executive director at BikeHouston, whose advocacy helped get this project in place, told Adam Zuvanich of Houston Public Media that he's concerned about the fate of 11th Street.

"If the mayor were to undo this project and revert 11th Street back to how it used to be," Cutrufo said, "I don't think you'd see the city winning any awards for that."
Because that's what's important....impressing activists by winning the awards that they themselves create and give out.
6:34p, 3/14/24
Next go after Waugh

Then Taft at Westheimer. The reduced lanes on Taft are ridiculously tight
7:04p, 3/14/24
R/houston is gonna have heads exploding at this news. The gnashing over Houston Ave was amazing, wait till 11th st has its come to Jesus meeting.

I dont know why you cant funnel traffic down to one lane each way at the hike/bike trail crossing like it is now, but put it back out to 2 lanes each way the rest of 11th… seems like an easy scenario to fix
2:23p, 3/15/24
In reply to TX04Aggie
TX04Aggie said:

R/houston is gonna have heads exploding at this news. The gnashing over Houston Ave was amazing, wait till 11th st has its come to Jesus meeting.

I dont know why you cant funnel traffic down to one lane each way at the hike/bike trail crossing like it is now, but put it back out to 2 lanes each way the rest of 11th… seems like an easy scenario to fix

I feel like that would be terrible.

Easy solution, imo….leave it one lane each way, but get rid of the bike lanes and add a turn lane.
3:08p, 3/15/24
In reply to htxag09
htxag09 said:

TX04Aggie said:

R/houston is gonna have heads exploding at this news. The gnashing over Houston Ave was amazing, wait till 11th st has its come to Jesus meeting.

I dont know why you cant funnel traffic down to one lane each way at the hike/bike trail crossing like it is now, but put it back out to 2 lanes each way the rest of 11th… seems like an easy scenario to fix

I feel like that would be terrible.

Easy solution, imo….leave it one lane each way, but get rid of the bike lanes and add a turn lane.

A 2 way protected bike lane on one side of the road seems like a better option than what we have now.
3:10p, 3/15/24
In reply to drumboy
Any change will be hella expensive.

This city is pretty damn good at pissing away money doing, redoing, and eventually removing dumb ass projects while being too broke/cheap to do anything meaningful or actually needed
4:31p, 3/15/24
How about you bike ****ers just go somewhere where you can ride without traffic?

It's not that damn hard.
Ronnie '88
5:22p, 3/15/24
In reply to 12thMan9
12thMan9 said:

How about you bike ****ers just go somewhere where you can ride without traffic?

It's not that damn hard.
I do ride in areas without traffic - I ride Clinton, Armour, Canal, Robertson and other streets that I doubt you visit very often.
I live in the Heights, so I ride in the Heights to get to these sparser areas. I also ride in the Heights doing errands like going to C&D, Premium Draught, commuting to my office off Washington, etc.

And for the record - I don't like the 11th St bike lanes. Too dangerous. I stay on the neighborhood streets. And don't call me a ****er.
8:26p, 3/15/24
In reply to chico
chico said:

12thMan9 said:

How about you bike ****ers just go somewhere where you can ride without traffic?

It's not that damn hard.
I do ride in areas without traffic - I ride Clinton, Armour, Canal, Robertson and other streets that I doubt you visit very often.
I live in the Heights, so I ride in the Heights to get to these sparser areas. I also ride in the Heights doing errands like going to C&D, Premium Draught, commuting to my office off Washington, etc.

And for the record - I don't like the 11th St bike lanes. Too dangerous. I stay on the neighborhood streets. And don't call me a ****er.
Okay Mr. ****er.
Point being is that there are places to go to ride & not screw up regular traffic lanes.

We are not that city where bike lanes make sense among city streets.
Ronnie '88
9:07p, 3/15/24
Well just be careful out there when you're driving around and see someone on a bike. It could be me, just give a friendly wave and I'll wave back.
Jugstore Cowboy
9:17p, 3/15/24
In reply to chico


I live in the Heights, so I ride in the Heights to get to these sparser areas. I also ride in the Heights doing errands like going to C&D, Premium Draught, commuting to my office off Washington, etc.
This seems like an oddly specific "I'm a local" post. Do you also ride your bike to get Jeff to cut your hair at Doug's, or go browse Augusta Antiques or get breakfast at Yale Drugs?
9:26p, 3/15/24
Justifying why I bike near 11th St.
10:02a, 3/16/24
Bike lanes are a waste of time but I'm ok with sidewalks and crosswalks.

Have a bit of patience with those that want to wal across the road - it's not hard.
Furlock Bones
11:30a, 3/16/24
In reply to TheMasterplan
TheMasterplan said:

Bike lanes are a waste of time but I'm ok with sidewalks and crosswalks.

Have a bit of patience with those that want to wal across the road - it's not hard.
i wish we would implement something like they have in many urban areas of the UK. when a pedestrian enters a crosswalk, it automatically triggers flashing yellow lights.
3:58p, 3/16/24
In reply to TheMasterplan
TheMasterplan said:

Bike lanes are a waste of time but I'm ok with sidewalks and crosswalks.

Have a bit of patience with those that want to wal across the road - it's not hard.

My problem is homeless camped out in the intersections. Fix that problem not the roads.
4:08p, 3/16/24
In reply to htxag09
htxag09 said:

TX04Aggie said:

R/houston is gonna have heads exploding at this news. The gnashing over Houston Ave was amazing, wait till 11th st has its come to Jesus meeting.

I dont know why you cant funnel traffic down to one lane each way at the hike/bike trail crossing like it is now, but put it back out to 2 lanes each way the rest of 11th… seems like an easy scenario to fix

I feel like that would be terrible.

Easy solution, imo….leave it one lane each way, but get rid of the bike lanes and add a turn lane.

If I recall correctly, that was the original plan before they decided to add the bike lanes. Basically make it like Studewood.
5:41p, 3/16/24
In reply to Jugstore Cowboy
DustysLineup said:


I live in the Heights, so I ride in the Heights to get to these sparser areas. I also ride in the Heights doing errands like going to C&D, Premium Draught, commuting to my office off Washington, etc.
This seems like an oddly specific "I'm a local" post. Do you also ride your bike to get Jeff to cut your hair at Doug's, or go browse Augusta Antiques or get breakfast at Yale Drugs?
Don't forget the fish sandwich at Someburger.
10:09a, 3/17/24
In reply to Jugstore Cowboy
DustysLineup said:


Joe Cutrufo, executive director at BikeHouston, whose advocacy helped get this project in place, told Adam Zuvanich of Houston Public Media that he's concerned about the fate of 11th Street.

"If the mayor were to undo this project and revert 11th Street back to how it used to be," Cutrufo said, "I don't think you'd see the city winning any awards for that."
Because that's what's important....impressing activists by winning the awards that they themselves create and give out.
you nailed it. These projects earn grant money and circle-jerk awards for their proponents. The proponents then go use their awards as fodder to interview for more "prestigious" jobs in more famous cities. Then they can get bigger grants and and flashier awards.
11:00a, 3/17/24
I don't want awards. I want lower taxes, less crime and less traffic.

If you want to win a ****ing award authorize the reroute of the 45/59 interchange that has been in design phase for 15 years.
Jugstore Cowboy
6:41p, 3/17/24
In reply to ThunderCougarFalconBird


These projects earn grant money and circle-jerk awards for their proponents. The proponents then go use their awards as fodder to interview for more "prestigious" jobs in more famous cities. Then they can get bigger grants and and flashier awards.
This dork's moving in the wrong direction; he worked for agitators and gadfly organizations in NYC and Boston before coming here:

Or maybe New York and Boston are all fixed up, so now he's turned his benevolent gaze towards Houston.

I wish local news outlets could go just a half-centimeter deeper on all these professional "activists" and "advocates" who make a lucrative career out of ****ing up local infrastructure while pretending to speak on behalf of the local community to which they most recently attached themselves. No doubt they're funded at least in part by companies that install these obstacle courses.

*his X account is a good scroll for those who enjoy conspiracy theories and urban fantasies:
3:09p, 3/20/24
In reply to Jugstore Cowboy
Looks like he may be going down in terms of city prestige but up in terms of annoying/unwanted pet project prestige. Don't be surprised if his next gig is in lowly Lubbock, Texas but championing installation and construction of light rail lines.
3:28p, 3/20/24
In reply to ThunderCougarFalconBird
ThunderCougarFalconBird said:

Looks like he may be going down in terms of city prestige but up in terms of annoying/unwanted pet project prestige. Don't be surprised if his next gig is in lowly Lubbock, Texas but championing installation and construction of light rail lines.
Lubbock is too smart for that. The old wives tale is that all of their sidewalks are at an angle because they waited to place sidewalks until after buildings were open to see where the students would naturally walk and put sidewalks on the paths created.
Ryan the Temp
6:41p, 3/20/24
I sent a three page letter to Whitmire today detailing many things wrong with the project, most of which we predicted would happen.

I hope he takes a really critical look at the negative impacts.
6:47p, 3/20/24
In reply to Ryan the Temp
Ryan the Temp said:

I sent a three page letter to Whitmire today detailing many things wrong with the project, most of which we predicted would happen.

I hope he takes a really critical look at the negative impacts.

Did you include Bakery Donut in your letter?
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