Targac isn't getting it done.
22,181 Views | 229 Replies
9:44a, 3/29/24
In reply to trouble
This. Baseball is a really hard game. Mentally and physically.

And these are kids. Be kind. Coach Schloss has been doing this for a long time.

Ryan has been in some spots where he could generate some momentum and get our team going and sometimes its hit or miss. That's the nature of baseball.

It certainly does not benefit our team to have this kind of thread every other week from the olds in the stands (us).

Getting him ABs when we can is a great thing. Quit whining. He's going to figure it out.
9:58a, 3/29/24
In reply to HoustonAg2106
HoustonAg2106 said:

Kent is seeing the ball better than Targo, that's not debatable
10:12a, 3/29/24
Problem as I see it this year is that he's not often connecting on fastballs, either. He only walks when the pitches are well out of the zone. No doubt the problem is in his head, which happens to be the hardest to fix. Whatever happens we need to settle on a second baseman and give that guy the meaningful ABs. Schloss consistently beat us on the mental approach to the game while at TCU and I trust he has a plan to get the most out of this team, even when it seems at odds with the present results. If Targac plays himself out of consideration then next man up.
10:12a, 3/29/24
Sometimes when a player is struggling it seems like he can't catch a break. In Ryan's last AB last night he smashed a line drive, but it was foul. Then on the next pitch got rung up on a pitch that looked like it was outside the zone. You could tell from the look on his face what he was thinking.

The baseball gods aren't really known for their mercy.
10:13a, 3/29/24
sidenote...I believe the 2024 season is the 25th season of aggie baseball covered by the texags baseball board

(can't remember if the board was active for the 1999 season)

the message boards have been around for a long time now
10:23a, 3/29/24
In reply to twk
twk said:

threeanout said:

I guess it is like boxing, where to win you have to knock the champion out. I guess hitting well over 100 points higher for average, having an OBP that is over 100 points better, and playing better defensively just 'aint considered knocking him out in baseball.
We know what Targac can do, which is a lot more than the stats you are pointing g to as being decisive. If Kent was playing like 2022 Targac, there would be no argument. But, Schloss apparently isn't ready to concede that we will never see Targac get back to that level.
Did I say the stats were decisive??

You mentioned the '22 season, Kaler was the weakest bat in the line up and hit in the nine hole most of the year. He hit .237 for the year with a .375 OB%.
10:23a, 3/29/24
In reply to Chester
Chester said:

trouble said:

Doesn't matter if they know the 90% of the board is idiots, no one wants to read themselves (or their kid) being trashed.
Getting trashed on this board is nothing to worry or fret about. It's just a board full of a lot of people who don't have a clue. Players and family know that.

Clueless leader.
Ronnie '88
10:29a, 3/29/24
I don't recall my wanting a player in any sport to turn it around as much as I want to see Targac turn it around. Jerod Johnson comes to mind (obviously different situation). I think the hardest part for many is feeling his pain with each at bat.....lots are pulling for him.
11:24a, 3/29/24
Despite his struggles, I still believe Targac will win a few key games for us this year.

Even if he doesn't, his leadership is key to our team and can't be overstated.
Sea Pony 07
3:20p, 3/29/24
In reply to trouble
trouble said:

Doesn't matter if they know the 90% of the board is idiots, no one wants to read themselves (or their kid) being trashed.

Give him a hug from the rest of us, and let him know we are cheering for him up in the panhandle next time you see him :-D

3:45p, 3/29/24
There's no reason for Targac to be starting over Kaeden Kent, or even Jack Bell.
3:55p, 3/29/24
In reply to trouble
trouble said:

Y'all also forget that players and their loved ones read this board. Keep to facts without the hyperbole. We've seen some real ugly stuff posted about 18-22 year olds who are playing their hearts out for the name on their chest.

I hugged Ryan last night and chatted with him a little. He's hurting. He knows things aren't going how he wants. And yet, he took the time to get back out of his truck and come see us when he saw Max when I'm certain all he wanted to do was get home.
thanks for posting. I don't know how bad Ryan is hurting, but his Dad feels it too.
4:22p, 3/29/24
In reply to Hubert J. Farnsworth
I listened to Schloss talk about Targac in the interview this week. It's worth a listen.
4:28p, 3/29/24
In reply to trouble
trouble said:

Y'all also forget that players and their loved ones read this board. Keep to facts without the hyperbole. We've seen some real ugly stuff posted about 18-22 year olds who are playing their hearts out for the name on their chest.

I hugged Ryan last night and chatted with him a little. He's hurting. He knows things aren't going how he wants. And yet, he took the time to get back out of his truck and come see us when he saw Max when I'm certain all he wanted to do was get home.

For those that continue to bash the players, go sit with the parents for one game. It's enough what they endure. It will change your perspective.

As a fan, I'm pulling for Targac to pull out of his slump. If they are wearing maroon and white, and have Aggies on their uniforms, I want them all to succeed.
4:33p, 3/29/24
In reply to BLSmith04
BLSmith04 said:

There's no reason for Targac to be starting over Kaeden Kent, or even Jack Bell.
The only reason that matters is that Coach fills out the lineup card. He's not infallible but he has infinitely more knowledge and information than anyone here. And he continues to try to find someone to fill the spot at 2B.
4:53p, 3/29/24
In reply to missinAggieland
We sit near enough to see them. Have sat behind them a few times. Ryan's daddy bringing the hammer last season was my kids' highlight of several games.
4:54p, 3/29/24
In reply to 24601
24601 said:

Hubert J. Farnsworth said:

I like Ryan, but it is obvious that he can't hit a breaking ball to save his life. I know this is going to ruffle some feathers on this board, but it is truth. It would be one thing if he was a freshman, but he is a senior..

I don't think this will ruffle many feathers at this point. Most all of us love the guy and his heart and fully support him, but we also see the writing on the wall. I haven't seen many on hear ardently backing his ability.
Fire Schloss for not doing what fans say he should do.
5:20p, 3/29/24
In reply to BadMoonRisin
BadMoonRisin said:

This. Baseball is a really hard game. Mentally and physically.

And these are kids. Be kind. Coach Schloss has been doing this for a long time.

Ryan has been in some spots where he could generate some momentum and get our team going and sometimes its hit or miss. That's the nature of baseball.

It certainly does not benefit our team to have this kind of thread every other week from the olds in the stands (us).

Getting him ABs when we can is a great thing. Quit whining. He's going to figure it out.

No one on this thread has been unkind. The expectation by everyone is for the coaches to put the team in the best position to win once we hit conference play. If Schloss wants to get him at bats on Tuesdays, great. But right now he's a liability and him playing is hurting this team.

Just because y'all have a personal bias by knowing the player doesn't mean a coaches decision that doesn't appear to be in the best interest of the team shouldn't be discussed. Because it absolutely should until it's remedied.
5:41p, 3/29/24
In reply to AgLA06

I guess Schloss wants the team to lose. Targac in the lineup again tonight.
5:42p, 3/29/24
In reply to AgLA06
AgLA06 said:

BadMoonRisin said:

This. Baseball is a really hard game. Mentally and physically.

And these are kids. Be kind. Coach Schloss has been doing this for a long time.

Ryan has been in some spots where he could generate some momentum and get our team going and sometimes its hit or miss. That's the nature of baseball.

It certainly does not benefit our team to have this kind of thread every other week from the olds in the stands (us).

Getting him ABs when we can is a great thing. Quit whining. He's going to figure it out.

No one on this thread has been unkind. The expectation by everyone is for the coaches to put the team in the best position to win once we hit conference play. If Schloss wants to get him at bats on Tuesdays, great. But right now he's a liability and him playing is hurting this team.

Just because y'all have a personal bias by knowing the player doesn't mean a coaches decision that doesn't appear to be in the best interest of the team shouldn't be discussed. Because it absolutely should until it's remedied.
So fire Schloss if he doesn't go what your two stars say to do…
5:47p, 3/29/24
In reply to greg.w.h
greg.w.h said:

AgLA06 said:

BadMoonRisin said:

This. Baseball is a really hard game. Mentally and physically.

And these are kids. Be kind. Coach Schloss has been doing this for a long time.

Ryan has been in some spots where he could generate some momentum and get our team going and sometimes its hit or miss. That's the nature of baseball.

It certainly does not benefit our team to have this kind of thread every other week from the olds in the stands (us).

Getting him ABs when we can is a great thing. Quit whining. He's going to figure it out.

No one on this thread has been unkind. The expectation by everyone is for the coaches to put the team in the best position to win once we hit conference play. If Schloss wants to get him at bats on Tuesdays, great. But right now he's a liability and him playing is hurting this team.

Just because y'all have a personal bias by knowing the player doesn't mean a coaches decision that doesn't appear to be in the best interest of the team shouldn't be discussed. Because it absolutely should until it's remedied.
So fire Schloss if he doesn't go what your two stars say to do…
I don't have anything to do with firing him. I get what he's trying to do.

But if you think making outlandish straw mans means we shouldn't talk about it, I'd suggest stepping away from the keyboard.
5:49p, 3/29/24
In reply to jkag89
jkag89 said:


I guess Schloss wants the team to lose. Targac in the lineup again tonight.
But if Schloss wants him on Tuesdays that's ok. Not the weekends though! /s
5:50p, 3/29/24
In reply to RED AG 98
RED AG 98 said:

jkag89 said:


I guess Schloss wants the team to lose. Targac in the lineup again tonight.
But if Schloss wants him on Tuesdays that's ok. Not the weekends though! /s
Are you trying to say non-conference mid week games are as important as weekend conference series?
5:58p, 3/29/24
In reply to AgLA06
AgLA06 said:

RED AG 98 said:

jkag89 said:


I guess Schloss wants the team to lose. Targac in the lineup again tonight.
But if Schloss wants him on Tuesdays that's ok. Not the weekends though! /s
Are you trying to say non-conference mid week games are as important as weekend conference series?
I'm saying you don't have the information and you don't get to make the call. I don't have a single dog in the fight other than wanting to be the best team. And that none of us get to make an edict that says it's only ok to do this or do that. Schloss is the only man responsible and accountable for the performance of this team.

Am I frustrated with the lack of production? Of course.
Do I think that Schloss is frustrated even moreso? Yeah.
And Ryan even more? Absolutely
Do I wonder if there are better options? Of course.
Do you or I have any say in the matter? No.
Do you or I have the complete information that Schloss does? Not even a smidgeon.

So no, I didn't say anything about weekday and weekend games being of equal import. I'm saying that the person whose job is on the line for performance is making the decision for a reason, whether any of us agree with it or not.
6:00p, 3/29/24
In reply to RED AG 98
RED AG 98 said:

AgLA06 said:

RED AG 98 said:

jkag89 said:


I guess Schloss wants the team to lose. Targac in the lineup again tonight.
But if Schloss wants him on Tuesdays that's ok. Not the weekends though! /s
Are you trying to say non-conference mid week games are as important as weekend conference series?
I'm saying you don't have the information and you don't get to make the call. I don't have a single dog in the fight other than wanting to be the best team. And none of get to make an edict that says it's only ok to do this or do that. Schloss is the only man responsible and accountable for the performance of this team.

Am I frustrated with the lack of production? Of course.
Do I think that Schloss is frustrated even moreso? Yeah.
And Ryan even more? Absolutely
Do I wonder if there are better options? Of course.
Do you or I have any say in the matter? No.
Do you or I have the complete information that Schloss does? Not even a smidgeon.

So no, I didn't say anything about weekday and weekend games being of equal import. I'm saying that the person whose job is on the line for performance is making the decision for a reason, whether any of us agree with it or not.
What exactly do you think the point of TexAgs is?!?
6:02p, 3/29/24
One argument I haven't seen a single person make is that 12 is playing because of his defense. Why is that? I think it's because there is a pretty universal opinion that he is a serviceable but weaker defender than the others.

If not defense, then why is his playing? I mean it has to be offense by deduction, correct? He's playing because the coach(es) feel that we need him to help us win some games at the plate, whether this game or even some future game. He clearly has tools at the plate that the other options do not provide.
6:05p, 3/29/24
In reply to AgLA06
AgLA06 said:

RED AG 98 said:

AgLA06 said:

RED AG 98 said:

jkag89 said:


I guess Schloss wants the team to lose. Targac in the lineup again tonight.
But if Schloss wants him on Tuesdays that's ok. Not the weekends though! /s
Are you trying to say non-conference mid week games are as important as weekend conference series?
I'm saying you don't have the information and you don't get to make the call. I don't have a single dog in the fight other than wanting to be the best team. And none of get to make an edict that says it's only ok to do this or do that. Schloss is the only man responsible and accountable for the performance of this team.

Am I frustrated with the lack of production? Of course.
Do I think that Schloss is frustrated even moreso? Yeah.
And Ryan even more? Absolutely
Do I wonder if there are better options? Of course.
Do you or I have any say in the matter? No.
Do you or I have the complete information that Schloss does? Not even a smidgeon.

So no, I didn't say anything about weekday and weekend games being of equal import. I'm saying that the person whose job is on the line for performance is making the decision for a reason, whether any of us agree with it or not.
What exactly do you think the point of TexAgs is?!?

Discussion. Differences of opinion. Here the the phrase that I am mostly replying to:


If Schloss wants to get him at bats on Tuesdays, great. But right now he's a liability and him playing is hurting this team.

Anyway, on to the game for me.

Sea Pony 07
6:13p, 3/29/24
No one is putting more pressure on Targ than Targ himself, I assure you. I can see.the frustration on his face. He's making contact, has a lot of bad luck and quite a few bad calls. But he is wearing number 12 for a reason, and at the end if the day he is a young man playing his best that he can for a school that we love and he deserves our support, not derision.
6:13p, 3/29/24
Maybe he just needs glasses

6:37p, 3/29/24
Yep, he should have been sitting the pine before the Florida series. Keeping saying it over and over that by keeping him...this is detrimental to the team.

Wearing the 12th Man and being such a great person is a wonderful story. But I want the best damn 9 players always on the field for SEC play. And there are other options that will also better improve the team for the longterm.
6:46p, 3/29/24
Targac needs to sit for a few games and see how things go.
6:50p, 3/29/24
In reply to HeyAbbott
HeyAbbott said:

Targac needs to sit for a few games and see how things go.
Schloss needs to decide what to do. This isn't a democracy.
9:50p, 3/29/24
someone mentioned…. his defense is not very good either… doesn't have much comprehension of no need to throw it 100mph to 1st base when you're 15' away… done this more than once now
10:24p, 3/29/24
In reply to AgLA06
Coach is getting the best team he can in conference play. That's why he is playing 12. That's my entire point.

Ali struggled at the plate and has recently gotten back into his groove. Coach didn't even move him around in the lineup, just trusted him to get good ABs
11:40p, 3/29/24
In reply to bulverdeaggie93
bulverdeaggie93 said:

someone mentioned…. his defense is not very good either… doesn't have much comprehension of no need to throw it 100mph to 1st base when you're 15' away… done this more than once now
We played Bost at second base two years ago. They will go with whichever player they think best offensively (over the long haul).
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