******2024 Outdoor Gardening Thread******
14,946 Views | 163 Replies
Maximus Johnson
9:32a, 2/12/24
I haven't seen a 2024 gardening thread yet, so I figured it was time for a new one.

I am predicting that we won't have another freeze this year. If it doesn't freeze I should have crazy production early. If it does freeze then I will just get new plants / start new seeds. I planted tomato starts and squash, zucchini, cucumber, and bean seeds planted this weekend. Also raked in 200 lbs of compost.

Curious to see if anyone else is getting started this early in the season?
Milwaukees Best Light
9:53a, 2/12/24
I cleared out, tilled and added some new soil to my two raised beds. Also threw in the golden retreiver turds for good measure. Going to start a few from seed in the peat cups tomorrow. Am going to wait a few more days before considering putting anything in the ground. Still a bunch of chatter about one more cold snap. Should have a good idea if it is going to happen in a few days.
9:54a, 2/12/24
Mclennan county

Onions planted on the last week of January. Potatoes planted on Feb 9.
10:12a, 2/12/24
Broccoli is in, but that's all at the moment.

Have to decide if I'm going to relocate the raised beds to the new house or not before planting anything else.

Need to start pepper seeds since they take so long to mature.
Sea Speed
12:12p, 2/12/24
Started seeds like 4 days ago and they are sprouting WAY faster than I recalled from last time I started seeds. Need to hurry and get the garden built b
12:16p, 2/12/24
Im a pessimist and assuming at least one more hard freeze. Wont plant seedlings until march.

Might get some seeds started inside this month but still in the planning stages.
12:32p, 2/12/24
onions survived the hail a few weeks ago and are looking real good
1:33p, 2/12/24
Onions and potatoes planted a few weeks ago. Put tomatoes in the ground about ten days ago. Already thriving with this weather. Starter pepper seeds in trays last week. Going to do corn for the first time ever. Definitely about to start cutting out all the dead stuff from the freeze. Can't wait to get this winter behind us.
Serious Lee
1:57p, 2/12/24
I planted more cold weather veggies about 2 weeks ago along with some dill and flowers. probably waiting a week or so for the fruits like cukes and beans.

My fall lettuce mostly survived the freeze, but all the rain that followed rotted out about 80% of it. just as I was getting good heads too.

Pepper Brooks
1:58p, 2/12/24
I've been trying to do vegetables in our north Dallas backyard for about 3-4 years and have all but given up due to bugs and heat.

I tried training melons up a trellis last year and they grew really well until the fruit got big enough to attract the attention of animals. I'm not sure what got them but my gut says birds.

Do the owl/hawk decoys do anything in yalls experience? I really don't want to give up on the hobby but the combo of bugs, heat, and animals is incredibly frustrating.
“There is no red.
There is no blue.
There is the state.
And there is you.”

“As government expands, Liberty contracts” - R. Reagan
Sea Speed
2:04p, 2/12/24
What is yalls setup for tomatoes and squash/zucchini to let them grow? I'm trying to decide how I want to solve this problem
Maximus Johnson
2:55p, 2/12/24
In reply to Sea Speed
I am going to do an a-frame type trellis for the indeterminate tomatoes this year. Normally I just stake them.

Just let the squash do its thing
3:05p, 2/12/24
In reply to BenderRodriguez
BenderRodriguez said:

Im a pessimist and assuming at least one more hard freeze. Wont plant seedlings until march.

Might get some seeds started inside this month but still in the planning stages.
Isn't the old wives tale that if there is thunder in February, it will frost in April?

I got thunder Saturday night.
Sea Speed
3:08p, 2/12/24
In reply to Maximus Johnson
Maximus Johnson said:

I am going to do an a-frame type trellis for the indeterminate tomatoes this year. Normally I just stake them.

Just let the squash do its thing

This is what I am leaning towards.
3:35p, 2/12/24
Always wait until May 1 to plant. April 15 is our last official freeze date.
I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot.
5:00p, 2/12/24
Started my seeds a little too early this year. Everything sprouted right away and took off! I'll be keeping them under grow lights for another couple of weeks here in central Texas.

Apparently the long range model folks are predicting another cold blast towards the end of February. So, maybe I'll try transplanting a few soon and keeping some in reserve to replace what gets killed off. I started 5-6 of every variety, and only plan on planting 1-2 of most of them.
Sea Speed
6:41p, 2/12/24
In reply to Hodor
Hodor said:

Started my seeds a little too early this year. Everything sprouted right away and took off! I'll be keeping them under grow lights for another couple of weeks here in central Texas.

Apparently the long range model folks are predicting another cold blast towards the end of February. So, maybe I'll try transplanting a few soon and keeping some in reserve to replace what gets killed off. I started 5-6 of every variety, and only plan on planting 1-2 of most of them.

Mine went from planted to 4 inches tall in about 5 days.
6:07a, 2/13/24
In reply to 96ags
96ags said:

BenderRodriguez said:

Im a pessimist and assuming at least one more hard freeze. Wont plant seedlings until march.

Might get some seeds started inside this month but still in the planning stages.
Isn't the old wives tale that if there is thunder in February, it will frost in April?

I got thunder Saturday night.
thats what my papo always said.
Serious Lee
11:40a, 2/13/24
In reply to Pepper Brooks
Pepper Brooks said:

Do the owl/hawk decoys do anything in yalls experience?
no. even the ones that have rotating heads, the birds will get used to. need something more dynamic. some people hang stuff like tinsel, or CDs/DVDs to use the glint from the sun but ive never tried it.
2:07p, 2/13/24
In reply to BenderRodriguez
BenderRodriguez said:

Im a pessimist and assuming at least one more hard freeze. Wont plant seedlings until march.

Might get some seeds started inside this month but still in the planning stages.

Yep, hard frost this AM. Need to get going on potatoes, been fighting some health problems.
B-1 83
2:59p, 2/13/24
  • Still have lettuce and spinach from the fall planting
  • Green onions are a year 'round given
  • Broccoli putting out new heads
  • Cilantro going ape #$&@
  • Just mulched everything with several bags of leaves. I like to let them to settle before other crops go in.
  • Still a couple of weeks away on more spinach and lettuce

Not like when I was "in the business", but my little no-till plot with a pair of smaller beds around my shed keeps me supplied.

Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
8:34a, 2/18/24
Anyone ever hear about planting during a full moon? Had heard something about planting during the lunar cycle a few years ago, but didn't pay any attention. Any truth to this?
10:12a, 2/18/24
Plants are started. There are 125 tomato plants and about 75 peppers in my 'upcycled' and modified proofing cabinet. The smaller packs are mostly 'germination tests' for some leftover seeds and overflow that sprouted from the main flats. This is the third season using it and it works really well.
https://linqapp.com/jason_duke --- JasonDuke@InfinityRoofer.com --- https://infinityrooferjason.blogspot.com/
6:30p, 2/18/24
In reply to Bigfootisreal
Bigfootisreal said:

Anyone ever hear about planting during a full moon? Had heard something about planting during the lunar cycle a few years ago, but didn't pay any attention. Any truth to this?

My grandfather always did this. Full moon is above ground, new moon is below ground if I remember correctly.
10:06a, 2/19/24
Jason - that is a brilliant idea for a proofing cabinet!

Tomato, pepper, and eggplant seedlings are under lights in the garage along with some salvia and marigolds. I might have overdone the pepper starts, but I'm excited about all the flavors - Corno di Toro, Lemon Spice, Chilaca, Colorado, Habanada, Jimmy Nardello, and a few others I can't recall right now.

I also have a few "exotic" fruits going this year: tree tomato/tamarillo and passion fruit (Frederick).

Cool season veggies are going strong - radish, cabbage, carrots, dill, swiss chard and broccoli.

I tried planting English peas and sugar snap peas earlier this month, but the squirrels dug every thing up. I might start feeding the squirrels in my neighbors yard to take the heat off my vegetable garden.
4:25p, 2/19/24

I was planning on starting some plants this weekend but Mother Nature beat me to the punch! I tilled this year, mostly to tear up some grass along the edge of my garden and relevel/establish some rows. I blew this falls crop of oak leaves on top and haven't touched it since. Today I found some comically straight rows of volunteer okra (I think).
B-1 83
5:01p, 2/19/24
In reply to rilloaggie
I can't make up my mind if it's okra or not from the pics on my phone. Ground seems like it would be cold for okra to be happy germinating
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
5:21p, 2/19/24
In reply to B-1 83
There's a chance it's pumpkin or some other squash also. Okra seemed likely based on the number of pods I let grow massive and tossed on the ground once I got tired of picking it last season. I'll get a closer pic when I get a chance.
Sea Speed
5:27p, 2/19/24
Putting up the posts for my fence today and my dirt gets delivered tomorrow. There was a little frost on the ground this morning which kind of surprised me. Have to plant over the weekend or I won't be able to.
Sea Speed
7:04p, 2/23/24
Almost done.
Sea Speed
8:36p, 2/25/24
Closer yet. Will probably plant tomorrow or Tuesday because I am off to work soon. Think it is safe?

9:38p, 2/25/24
If you havnt hardened off your plants, I'd plant Tuesday and not tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be hot as balls. It gets more temperate after that and they should be able to ease into spring better. I like to wait until March 15 but I think based on recent climate data, we may need to adjuster those dates back a hair. I think you'll be fine but I'd check the long range guidance if you're worried about frost.

Personally my gut is that we're going from spring to hot as f- at a break neck pace this year, so cheating Mother Nature a couple of weeks is going to be in your favor.
Sea Speed
10:44p, 2/25/24
In reply to BrazosDog02
I dont have much choice because I'm off to work Wednesday most likely
6:47a, 2/26/24
Onions coming along nicely

7:44a, 2/26/24
In reply to ought1ag
ought1ag said:

Onions coming along nicely

Awesome. I'm growing onions for the first time. I read to not fertilize them for the last month to stress them to cause the bulb to form. Do you change watering habits as well at this time?
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