Biden's dementia appears to be getting worse.....
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oh no
12:40a, 3/30/23
Joe Biden used to be a corrupt, racist, pedophile career politician. Now, senility has just made him ****ing ******ed. Oh, but we're supposed to believe he's, by far, the most popular politician in America's history, shattering Obama's vote records in the most fair and secure election ever, despite not campaigning and no one showing up to support him anywhere, ever.
5:29a, 3/30/23
In reply to jt2hunt
jt2hunt said:

600 jobs per state!
Each county of Texas has a few new job's WTG !

Maybe joe should take some balance of nature!

What a moron…

Checks notes... 50 states... that would be 240 , oh well close enough
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
7:08a, 3/30/23
In reply to The D
The D said:

Joe bidenopolous

Imagine him if we could get him talking about Robert Byrd back when Joey was a 29 year old senator and all the times they use to run around in their sheets burnin' crosses and stuff. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not kidding, Jack.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
7:13a, 3/30/23
In reply to The D
Seriously, Joe biden is the most multi cultural president we've ever had. He was raised in seemingly every culture with sprinkles of every tradition. He was both catholic, yet, also grew up in a black Baptist church.

He's held many jobs that happen to coincide with very traditional blue collar work.

He's a man of the people for sure!
7:36a, 3/30/23
In reply to Agthatbuilds
The only thing he can't do is send a mean tweet or clean his own britches.
8:38a, 3/30/23
In reply to Agthatbuilds
Agthatbuilds said:

Seriously, Joe biden is the most multi cultural president we've ever had. He was raised in seemingly every culture with sprinkles of every tradition. He was both catholic, yet, also grew up in a black Baptist church.

He's held many jobs that happen to coincide with very traditional blue collar work.

He's a man of the people for sure!

The whole Biden family is amazing. Who even knows how many different ways Beau died fighting for what was right? Unless maybe Hunter because he's the smartest man president bidensnuffleupagus knows.
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3:08p, 3/31/23
3:23p, 3/31/23
So glad this buffoon flies into a disaster site to offer aid & comfort. I know that if my life had been changed forever I would appreciate the president not being able to name my city without some aid screaming it into his earpiece.

What an embarrassment (episode #754479)
No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See full Medical Disclaimer.
7:07p, 3/31/23
In reply to RAB91
If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
7:09p, 3/31/23
Sorry - it is indeed a fake.

Clearly not Morgan Freeman this is a celebrity impersonator aided with face filtering deep fake technology.

Shared by this user
If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
Credible Source
7:20p, 3/31/23
In reply to justcallmeharry
The D
7:22p, 3/31/23
In reply to justcallmeharry
justcallmeharry said:

He's right, you know.

He's right, you know.

That looks really fake
7:24p, 3/31/23
Biden: "I got my mind going."

Um no. Don't think you do.
7:24p, 3/31/23
In reply to The D
I don't know if it's real or fake, but something seems off about it.
Sea Speed
7:34p, 3/31/23
In reply to Rockdoc
Rockdoc said:

I don't know if it's real or fake, but something seems off about it.

You don't know if that is real or fake? Seriously?
Sea Speed
7:37p, 3/31/23
You should have immediately recognized it was fake simply visually by how terrible it is, then doubly known when he started talking. but 3 seconds in when his hand was white it should have been the final straw if you for some odd reason were still undecided as to whether it was authentic or not.
8:06p, 3/31/23
Sorry it is a fake...

Clearly not Morgan Freeman this is a celebrity impersonator aided with face filtering deep fake technology.

Shared by this user
If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
oh no
3:34p, 4/3/23

He's going full ******
9:48a, 4/8/23
Will FJB have to be whisked away by the Easter Bunny after wandering around getting lost/off script this year, again?

10:21a, 4/8/23
In reply to justcallmeharry
justcallmeharry said:

Sorry - it is indeed a fake.

Clearly not Morgan Freeman this is a celebrity impersonator aided with face filtering deep fake technology.

Shared by this user
Still more credible than…Joe Biden.
oh no
2:12p, 4/8/23
A thread

9:08a, 4/10/23
In reply to oh no

Leader of the free world, ladies and gents. At least his fake doctor wife was dressed appropriately yesterday.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
1:21p, 4/10/23
In reply to nortex97
nortex97 said:

Leader of the free world, ladies and gents. At least his fake doctor wife was dressed appropriately yesterday.
So black reporter asks Corn Pop to "help a brother out". That's Scranton Joey, man of all peoples consisting of black, puerto rican, greek, polish, name it, Joey's it.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
1:24p, 4/10/23
In reply to nortex97
nortex97 said:

Leader of the free world, ladies and gents. At least his fake doctor wife was dressed appropriately yesterday.

"I plan on getting us into a two-theater land war in Asia, Al, but I just haven't announced it yet."
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
10:24a, 4/12/23
Three and a half minutes of story time. Gather around kiddos of the world, PeePaw is spinning yarns about being both English and French now.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
3:24p, 4/12/23
With credit to Aggie93 who put this on a separate thread today:

oh no
3:54p, 4/12/23
3:57p, 4/12/23
In reply to oh no
People of color just bring racial jungles to the neighborhood.
4:01p, 4/12/23
In reply to nortex97
Geez... when you are so demented you have to have hunter freakin biden's help to answer a question.

We're screwed in 81 million different ways
No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See full Medical Disclaimer.
4:09a, 4/13/23
In reply to agent-maroon
And, inexorably he kept making it worse because he is a full blown dementia patient nowadays, there is not much 'getting worse' at this point;

7:29a, 4/13/23
7:47a, 4/13/23
It's an utter embarrassment that this man is currently occupying the highest office in our land.

It's reprehensible that our elected officials and media aren't even so much as asking questions. We are lost.
oh no
9:16a, 4/13/23
In reply to 1872walker
1872walker said:

It's an utter embarrassment that this man is currently occupying the highest office in our land.

It's reprehensible that our elected officials and media aren't even so much as asking questions. We are lost.
elected officials, unelected permanent government bureaucrats, mainstream media, and tech platform monopolies, are heroes for colluding together to make sure there was no more mean tweets. This is so much better. Orange man bad might have started WW3!!!

I can't believe none of them are like… oh ****… what have we done?
Emotional Support Cobra
9:47a, 4/13/23
I saw 1 minute of Fox news last night and it was a clip of Biden conflating the Black and Tans instead of All Blacks when trying to talk rugby.
1:39p, 4/13/23
If you think I am a liberal, you are incorrect. Assume sarcasm on my part. Sorry if something I post has already been posted.
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