General EPL Discussion/Housery Thread
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3:17a, 10/30/22
In reply to CrockerAg98
January is tough and the WC will definitely change the dynamic but European based first team players are still going to be hard for any club to get. If there are some breakout stars in Qatar that are currently playing outside of Europe, they could be candidates for a January transfer.

But I do agree that this summer will likely be Newcastle's official arrival into transfer dominance. Especially if they get top 4 but even if they don't, I top 5 or 6 finish will still likely see them become much more attractive to talented players given the wages they could offer.
10:19a, 10/30/22
Partey should be in jail the way he hit that 4th goal today
10:39a, 10/30/22
NF is just plain bad. How Liverpool managed to lose to them is one of life's great mysteries.
10:42a, 10/30/22
In reply to Mathguy64
It is and yet it also isn't.
9:52a, 11/4/22
I've posted on this a few times over the past couple years. A decision has finally been reached on what has to go down as one of the worst loan-to-buy deals ever. It's one thing to tie a mandatory fee to appearances or goals or something… it's so stupid to tie it to team goals like gaining promotion.

Edit: I suppose such a deal is basically saying "we'd like to buy him now but can't afford him, but we can afford him if we're promoted." But still. Such a bad deal. And really shady to try and use the Covid season to wriggle out of it.

10:41a, 11/5/22
What a stupid foul by Cancelo. Just let him shoot.

My kids were wondering what Pep was saying to his assistant about the foul right afterwards. I am guessing they were words not taught in Spanish class.
The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln.
11:44a, 11/5/22
Jesse Marsch went from has a job to no job back to has a job again. All in 90 minutes.
Forum Troll
11:46a, 11/5/22
Wild match between Leeds and Bournemouth.
11:53a, 11/5/22
Man City being gifted 3 points late on a dive by kdb. Weak call
12:19p, 11/5/22
In reply to Thunder18
Thunder18 said:

Man City being gifted 3 points late on a dive by kdb. Weak call

Lots of folks on man city payroll...lots of them.
12:30p, 11/5/22
1:48p, 11/5/22
In reply to Thunder18
When Arsenal does it - carded for simulation, when Spuds or City do it - penalty

Officials need to get their **** together.
Forum Troll
1:55p, 11/5/22

Didn't see it live. Terrible call.
1:58p, 11/5/22
In reply to Forum Troll
Come on the dude teed off on KDB's ankle
3:18p, 11/5/22
In reply to Texaggie7nine
Teed off? He caught him a tiny bit, but it didn't cause him to go down. There's contact, he steps, then goes down because he realizes he should.
3:20p, 11/5/22
3:43p, 11/5/22
Not an equal number of games played but still pretty remarkable that right now only 6 points separate 9th from 20th.
Out in Left Field
3:55p, 11/5/22
In reply to fig96
Is that really the call? The rich get richer
4:18p, 11/5/22
In reply to Out in Left Field
Out in Left Field said:

Is that really the call? The rich get richer
Yup, that was a pen (in stoppage).
4:26p, 11/5/22
He screamed, so it must have hurt really bad. I hope he doesn't miss the world cup now.
4:29p, 11/5/22
I nearly posted this on the CL thread but decided against it… but now it seems appropriate:

I really really hope City and PSG draw each other. Don't care which one goes down - I'll just be happy knowing one of them will.
4:58p, 11/5/22
In reply to fig96
What is the point of VAR if you're not going to use it?
6:02p, 11/5/22
In reply to Texaggie7nine
Texaggie7nine said:

Come on the dude teed off on KDB's ankle

8:40p, 11/5/22
9:52p, 11/5/22
In reply to jeffk
jeffk said:

Texaggie7nine said:

Come on the dude teed off on KDB's ankle


Yea, really teed off...
9:58p, 11/5/22
That my friends is 100% simulation.
1:25a, 11/6/22
Theres probably thousands of American Leeds United fans being created this season.
1:26a, 11/6/22
In reply to Mathguy64
Mathguy64 said:

That my friends is 100% simulation.

Var won't reverse it because there was contact. So dumb.
9:18a, 11/6/22
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
4:08p, 11/6/22
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
4:13p, 11/6/22
In reply to Ghost of Andrew Eaton
That defensive wall was placed 13-14 yards from the kicker. That's the reason the goal was scored. Taylor walked it off wrong.
4:22p, 11/6/22
Oh god, I love when manu supporters complain about refereeing. It's just….*chef's kiss*
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10:37p, 11/6/22
In reply to agdoc2001
agdoc2001 said:

Oh god, I love when manu supporters complain about refereeing. It's just….*chef's kiss*

But it doesn't make the comment any less wrong. That wall was way too far back.
2:52a, 11/7/22
In reply to agdoc2001
agdoc2001 said:

Oh god, I love when manu supporters complain about refereeing. It's just….*chef's kiss*

And I love other supporters complaining that United get all the beneficial calls from referees as if it's some giant conspiracy. It's just...*chef's kiss*
Ag Since 83
6:51a, 11/7/22
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